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This is the Patron idea post. Been a little while since we've done one of these. Leave your HP oneshot ideas in the comments, I'll pick my top 5, and then the community votes for a winner. I take that idea and turn it into a story! It's as simple as that. And, for the first time ever, I'll be considering crossover ideas. Just keep in mind I'm not too familiar with a lot of anime. Basically, all I know is Dragon Ball. Video game characters I'm a bit hit and miss with. Good luck, have fun, and I'll see you soon!



Harry/Ginny Harry has gotten very good at Notice-Me-Not Charms due to his work as an Auror. Ginny takes notice and wants to try using that talent for a little extra fun. A handjob at a Quidditch game. A blowjob at a muggle department store changing room with the door open just enough people could look in. Sex in Hyde Park against a tree. During all this Ginny wonders how far they can take it.


Harry/Slytherin Girls and Their Mothers (Long Oneshot) - Could possibly be a story. A Harry Potter from a slightly different world where he still defeats Voldemort but with allies in Slytherin and a secret ally in Voldemort's army, travels back in time and takes over the life of younger Harry before he goes to the Department of Mystery's in fifth year. Before he goes to the Department of Mystery's he "kidnaps" the girls from Slytherin, who had in his previous life been his allies, and brings them to a mansion he acquired where he tells them what their future will be like and what will happen to them and their families. They decide to stay hidden away from their families until it is safe for them to go back. On the night of Harry's journey to the Department of Mystery's, he saves Sirius's life by "kidnapping" Bellatrix and brings her to the mansion, along with Narcissa and the Slytherin girls mother's. He had only thought to bring everyone to the house to keep them safe so he can destroy Voldemort and the rest of the Death Eaters, but with this version of Bellatrix in the mansion, he knows he has to do something to calm her down. One of the benefits of knowing his own Bellatrix is that he knows exactly how to calm her down (wink wink.) Thus starts a very enjoyable night of passion and s*xual exploration.


Harry/Pansy Pansy Parkinson has been a thorn in Harry's side since first year. Always making snide comments, always mocking him and his friends. And the worst part is that she goes out of her way to make him miserable. So when the subject of the bitchy Slytherin comes up in Harry and Sirius' conversation, the dogfather understood what was going on. Sirius doesn't remember the technical name for it but he calls it Brat Syndrome. Witches tend to aggravate powerful wizards until they are "put back in their place." Bellatrix had the same infliction; major reason why she joined the Dark Lord. And if Pansy is left unchecked, she could be the same way. After that conversation (and hours of embarrassing and arousing studying), Harry is ready to confront Pansy and tame the brat