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In Secrets of Tixal the Saurians and the Duchies of Vinci collide in an all-new narrative campaign for Age of Fantasy. Now we introduce Teqi and Ignatio, two of the key characters in the campaign, and give you a first look at their upcoming minis.

Click Here to Read More on Our Website 

In December, the Vampiric Undead sends the Ghoul hordes and the Dwarf Guilds bring out their heavy equipment. You can see all our models in our January Release Overview. For only $10, Tier 2 Patrons will get:

  • 1+3x Legendary Jackals Ship Investigation
  • 14x Vampiric Undead
  • 27x Dwarf Guilds Models
  • 11x Forest Small Terrain
  • 4x Xenos Fleet Models
  • 88x Themed Bases
  • 18x Themed Game Aids
  • Our Welcome Pack with 28x Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models
  • And more!

Click Here to Become a Tier 2 Patron Today!

The latest missions have been released on Patreon, with a total of 8 missions for you:

  • Grimdark Future – Priceless Eden + Singularity
  • GF: Firefight – Feeding the Maw + Salvage Clash
  • Age of Fantasy – Wargames + Flanking Charge
  • AoF: Skirmish – The Warden + Ziggurat

These missions are focused on fun new ways to play, with interesting objectives and special rules to spice things up. We release new missions every month, so make sure to stick around so that you don’t miss any.

Note that whilst the missions are designed for each specific game, you can totally play them with the rules for any other game (with slight adjustments). This means that you have even more missions to play each month!

The new Ratmen and Blessed Sisters sets are available on Patreon.

These sets feature a ton of minis with front and back views in two different color schemes, as well as black & white. They also include black border versions of the minis, plus VTT tokens to play online.

At the top of post, you'll see some early previews of the what we are working on for February!

The Vampiric Undead Corpse Master is a spellcaster who can also summon a unit of Stitched Zombies when and where they're needed most, while the Night Bringer represents the most elite of the skeleton forces, able to use Frightful Gaze to terrify enemy units. For the Dwarf Guilds, the Sniper Team is able to pick off key targets and choose special ammo to be more effective against their targets.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models and not the final versions of the models.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team



Forrest Wentworth

Aside from the forehead horn, those snipers look amazing.

A Kilgannon

its a smaller release this month??

Tanner Christensen

Question on thr Frontiers campaign: will there be a tier with just the new models and the narrative campaign? I've been a patron since the Vinci days so I assume the army offerings will be redundant

Samantha Riley

I didn’t get any “1+3 Jackals Legendary ship. And I still have not got my December Loyalty rewards either. I did get a message from you 4-5 days ago saying you were sending them…. Nothing

Samantha Riley

Ah I see there’s a delay on some of Jans models. But can you please send me my Loyalty rewards as discussed in Patreon messages? I’ve been subscribed since September 23 so they were due end December/start Jan. I have #8 but not #9