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We are happy to announce that we've revisited many of our Beastmen models and updated them! When we originally created these models, we couldn't give them all the weapon options we would like, but now our team has gone back and added those missing options. The best part? This is a free update to everyone who already owns them on MyMiniFactory!

And that's not all. We're also releasing a brand new unit for the Beastmen, the Beastmen Army Standard. All of our December Tier 2 Patrons will get this model as part of their monthly rewards at no additional cost.

You can see pictures of all the updated models above. Here is what's new:

New Model

  • Beastmen Army Standard

Updated Models

  • Beastmen Beast Lord: Added Halberd, Dual Swords, Great Weapon, Spear
  • Beastmen Hunt Master: Added Hand Weapon, Spear, Great Weapon without Shield
  • Beastmen Brute Boss: Added Dual Axes, Great Axe
  • Beastmen Elites: Added Halberds

MyMiniFactory Winter Sale

If you want to buy these models, you can find them on our MyMiniFactory store! And remember, Tier 2 Patrons can get these models at 70% off during our Winter Sale using the special discount code available here.

Happy Wargaming!

- OPR Team



Samantha Riley

Q) - If I have models in Welcome packs, do these update along with the normal model? or only the original model and welcome packs do not get the updates? Would I have to download the entire Welcome pack each time to get an updated model? (For future refrence)

Scott Spalding

Is there anywhere to easily and effectively search what I have from OPR? For example, I'm trying to search for the Ratmen bases (which I think you released awhile ago, but maybe I'm misremembering). But searching on Patreon and on MMF doesn't turn up everything (on top of turning up a bunch of irrelevant results). Any suggestions?


This is awesome! Not to seem ungrateful, but hopefully at some point that means the Beastmen Warriors will get updated for the dual hand weapons that the Army-Builder allows...

Lord Hamster

Nice to see our (not so) little furry friends get a little QL update

War Mammoth

Legendary - Dwarf Guilds Combat Excavator is sweet! Thank you.

Brian Hemming

When does the winter sale end?


Nice, will the warrior models also get the dual wielding option in the future? that would be awesome.