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This month our friends at Ghamak, Archvillain Games and Arcane Minis were so kind to provide all of our Tier 2 patrons with the following gifts:

  • Ghamak - Undying Lord
  • Archvillain Games - Solstice Luminary
  • Arcane Minis - Dezigan

Here are some words from our partners!


"Ghamak aims to create breathtaking 3d printable miniatures compatible with the best tabletop games in the market.

All our miniatures come with manually crafted supports making them easy to print and easy to clean.

Our team led by Francesco Pizzo creates 80+ brand-new high-quality miniatures every month, often including large epic models and vehicles.

Join Ghamak's community on Patreon or Tribes!"

Make sure to check out these links:

November Sci-fi Release

And have a look at their full release!

Archvillain Games

"We are Archvillain Games and we create miniatures in 32mm scale.

In November we are releasing "Solstice - Brightsoul Order" for the fantasy release! "Hallowed Sisters - Absolution" for our SciFi release!"

Make sure to check out these links:

November Release: Solstice - Brightsoul Order

Arcane Minis

"Greetings, everyone!

We have just launched a brand-new project called Big Bad Evil Guy and are giving you a free Dezigan STL!

Every month on Patreon & Tribes, you can get yourself a brand-new Big Baddie with the following content all for only $5 all-in (early bird for this month!):

  • Big Bad Evil Guy STLs (2)
  • Minion STLs (4)
  • Specialized 5e encounter PDF (Designed for APL 3-20)
  • Art, Lore, Creature Statblocks
  • 5 New Magic Items
  • High-Res Battle Maps
  • Themed Soundtrack
  • VTT access to all the content

For their launch, you can get their Crystal Tier for 29% off – Only $5 for ALL the content."

Make sure to check out these links:

November’s Release – Bakrel, The Malicious

Check out their full collection!



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