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48 Hour MyMiniFactory Flash Sale - 70% Off for Tier 2 Patrons

There is still one more day on our MyMiniFactory Flash Sale on all of our digital models on MyMiniFactory! This is a grat chance to stock up on any OPR models you've missed or had your eye on!

Digital Models

Physical Models

Don't have a 3D Printer? You can get 10% off physical prints of our models from our Only-Games store!

For more information, see our post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/48-hour-flash-70-91221659

Join us for OPR Hangout #15 on October 26nd

On the last week of every month, we’re running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved. This relaxed stream gives you a behind-the-scenes look at our creation process while chatting a bit and having some fun.

The next stream will be on October 26nd at 20:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 12:00 PST.

Subscribe to get notified: https://www.youtube.com/@onepagerules

Send in your questions here: https://forms.gle/hPFqvkmUgcumJatB9

New Grimdark Future: Firefight Battle Report from Haunts' Wargaming!

Haunts' Wargaming pits the Saurian Starhost against the Alien Hives in his first Grimdark Future: Firefight 3rd Edition Battle Report! This video is a great way to see how our sci-fi skirmish game plays with the latest updates.

Check the video out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYvcWUNPScI

New Painting Video from Paintman Journeying

Paintman Journeying continues work on his Dwarf Guilds army in his newest video! Taking the starting paint job from his previous video, he takes the models he has already been playing with and adds more details to make them look even better.

Watch the video on his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeUpeulJGfY

3D Print - New Previews

At the top of the post, you'll see some early previews of the models we are working on for November!

The Vampiric Undead Vampire Lord and Vampire Lady lead their legions across the field of battle. These heroes are available with a wide selection of terrifying weaponry, and each has an optional companion. If these bloodsuckers aren't enough to instill terror in their foes, the huge Bat Beast certainly will with its powerful attacks able to fly over their opponent's front line and hit vulnerable targets where it counts.

For the Dwarf Guilds, the Hammer Elites march across the battle with heavy armor and powerful attacks, able to both hold their line and break through their opponent's line. Taking that strategy to the next level is the Dwarf Guild's Tank. This vehicle has a variety of weapons it can be built with to crack through various enemy defenses.

Finally, our Legendary Beastmen Shaman Titan is a terrifying force in any battle. Led by a powerful shaman, this towering magical titan will sweep through the enemy's lines.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models and not the final versions of the models.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team




Leaving a comment to agree with the others on the vampires, I feel like they should be more lanky/tall/slender. Their power fantasy comes from being royal stalkers of the night, fast and deadly, slim and elegant. In my head, vampires aren't hard to kill because they have heavy armor, they're hard to kill because they are fast and nimble.


Is that a sun in the head dresses? If its an eclipsed sun that will be difficult to make come across in paint. Why the Aztec sun god vampires? And yea same as everyone else the concept art was better, slender them up please, plus make it ravens or zombie dogs. Those are TOO lively for an undead army.


Agree w all the comments regarding the vampires. The proportions are way off and make them look terrible.


I dont think the vampires' designs are nearly as bad as people are making them out to be. They look really cool in their own right, and while they dont look as sickly and nosferatu-ey as the concept art, these proportions seem more printable and resillent as game pieces, and are a good fit with the rest of OPR's art style. I think people are also underestimating how much thinner and sickly you can make them when painting, if it were sculpted that way then it would look TOO exaggerated when its all painted up.


complete bunk, look at the Sisters proportions compared to these. these got cabbage patch kid proportions

Forrest Wentworth

I know a lot of folks are unhappy about the vampire proportions but I think they look good.


I do like the vampires, they look in líne with OPR minis, which I like.