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A New Direction for OPR Terrain

Thank you for all of the feedback about OPR Terrain you gave us in the last community survey and the terrain specific survey we ran in July. In response we are going to be changing how we make terrain going forward.

The most important change is that we want to make the terrain easier to print on resin 3D printers. In the survey, our users overwhelmingly prefer resin 3D printing to FDM printing, so making terrain that takes advantage of the printers you already have and are comfortable using is a must.

To do this we're going to be making smaller modular terrain pieces designed specifically for resin printing and moving away from larger static buildings that needed to be sliced into parts. We want the terrain we make to look the best it possibly can and for printing it to be a great experience.

With more organic edges and modular uses in mind, these terrain pieces can be used on their own, reconfigured as needed on a table, or used together with other parts to assemble larger terrain pieces with all the detail and quality possible with resin printing.

Each terrain set is also going to be much larger than our previous terrain sets. Above you can see a preview of the Small Forest Terrain set, and instead of our usual 4 pieces, it will now include 11. There will also be more terrain sets for each theme. 

You also asked for us to focus on more general terrain that can be used on a larger variety of tables, so we are going to pause production on faction specific terrain after the final release of the Blessed Sisters terrain sets. The first several terrain sets will be more broad themes, with the first theme being our forest terrain. We may return to doing faction specific terrain in the future once we've got a good variety of terrain released.

We're already incredibly excited to see the creative terrain builds you will make with these new building blocks.

September Painting Contest Voting is Now Open!

The submissions are in, and now it's time to vote for your favorites!

See all entries here:

Vote here: https://forms.gle/VyNKYY5twSd5DwT67 

Good luck to all participants, may the best ones win. :D

Join us for OPR Hangout #14 on October 2nd

On the last week of every month, we’re running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved. This is a relaxed stream, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our creation process whilst chatting a bit and having some fun.

The next stream is going to be on October 2nd at 20:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 12:00 PST.

Subscribe to get notified: https://www.youtube.com/@onepagerules

Send in your questions here: https://forms.gle/P8GSF7DNVBrYQPLw8

New Painting Video from Paintman Journeying

Also, this week Paintman Journeying paints one of the Human Empire mercenaries to be one of their characters in Age of Fantasy: Quest! If you want to try Quest, the beta is available to Tier 1 and above patrons here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60631647 

You can watch the video on his channel here: https://youtu.be/gEwQ0jX_EHU 

New Concept Art Preview

At the top of the post you'll find concept art previews of some of the models coming out in November, including the debut of the Vampiric Undead!

In November, the Vampiric Undead rise from their crypts. These accursed forces are lead into battle by Vampire Lords or Ladies. Their drained Soldiers flood the field while Bat Swarms and Bat Beasts soar into the enemy back lines.

The Dwarf Guilds will continue in November as well, with the Berserker Veteran and Berserkers rushing headlong into enemy fire supported by the Dwarf Guilds Elites. And if that wasn't enough to break through enemy ranks, the Dwarf Guilds Tank sure will.

And finally, the Beastmen return with this month's Legendary Model! The Shaman Titan is a massive burning effigy controlled by a Beastman Shaman, capable of bringing fiery destruction across the battlefield.

Our 3rd Edition Sale Ends September 30th!

There are only a few more days to take advantage of our 3rd Edition MyMiniFactory sale!

With the release of the 3rd edition of our games, this is the perfect opportunity to get started with a new army, the model you've always wanted, or complete your OPR collection! To celebrate, we're having a sale on all of our models on MyMiniFactory for the month of September:

You can read more about the sale here on Patreon.

September Models are Still Available

If you aren't already a Tier 2 subscriber, there is still time to join and get the first Dwarf Guilds release, our Human Empire release, and our Legendary Human Empire Chimeric Summoning model!

The Human Empire and the Dwarf Guilds storm onto the battlefield for our September release! You can see all our models in our September Release Overview here. For only $10 you'll get:

  • 1x Human Empire Legendary Model
  • 29x Human Empire Models
  • 57x Dwarf Guilds Models
  • 4x Empire Fleet Models
  • 10x Terrain Pieces
  • 88x Themed Bases
  • 18x Themed Game Aids
  • Our Welcome Pack with 22x Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models
  • And more!

Click Here to Become a Tier 2 Patron Today!

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team



Karsten Krahe

Wow! Lots of emotions coming from this post. The concept art for November looks freaking amazing, on all counts. November, December and January are going to be super happy months for me I think. That being said, I haven't liked a lot of what's been offered this year and the main reason I kept subscribed was Legendary models and the super awesome terrain. While the new terrain looks fantastic, I'm disapointed we are losing the fantastic large terrain. I really hope that occasionally you still offer something in that scale. I use only resin printers and have been printing the big, big terrain no problems. Either way looking forward to the next few months; Dwarf Guilds and Vampires are looking fantastic!

Artedil Nothlirien

There are great designs, but I'm disapointed with the vampire collar.


The vampires look amazing, cant wait for them to be realised


Tiny modular bits instead of proper decent sized fdm printable terrain? Meh.

Marco Cabral

I hope OPR will not abandon the idea of big terrain either. I am one of the folks that uses FDM for terrain because of cost of each piece, aslso for durability. I do print occasionally some smaller terrain in resin when it is proven too difficult to print in FDM. If possible I'd request larger terrain pieces also to be provided pre cut like it was in the case of Eternal Dynasty little buildings, provided that the models are made in one big piece before cutting for smaller prints I don't see much of an issue to provide the assembled models as an option for those that choose to use FDM printers for larger scale terrain.