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3rd Edition Patron Preview Now Available!

We are happy to announce that the 3rd Edition Preview is now available to all of our Tier 1 and 2 patrons. You can download it now at the bottom of the Tier 1 Rewards Post. Inside you'll find the Core rules and Advanced Rulebooks for our 5 mainline games, as well as a selection of Test Armies for each game to put the new rules in context.

The 3rd edition of our 5 mainline games (Grimdark Future, Firefight, Age of Fantasy, Skirmish, and Regiments) is the exciting next chapter in the future of OPR, bringing you a new and improved version of our games, clarifying many things, re-balancing others, and overall giving you a better version of our games.

This new edition isn't doing any radical changes to the games, everything you know and love is still there, things are still familiar, and in fact, to the untrained eye it may seem that not much is being changed. But the devil is in the details, and the combination of many tiny changes all across the board serve to provide you with the best version of our games we have ever made.

Important Note: This is an early preview of the game and armies. We are still working on the the updated rules and their supporting software: Army Forge. Because this is still in development, the preview army PDFs include some formatting errors, such as some units appearing off the side of the page, or incorrect printed version numbers. Everything in the preview is subject to change.

OPR Writing Jam #8

Just a reminder that this week we’ll be running our 8th writing jam, so don’t forget to sign up! We have also decided to reward the top three writers with two special Reward Minis.

The OPR Writing Jams are story writing marathons, where participants are asked to write a one-page story set in the OPR universe in 48hrs, following a common theme. Participation is completely free and at the end of the writing jam we will highlight your favorite stories on our website.

The writing jam is planned to run from August 11th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time, to August 13th, at 8PM UK time / 3PM ET time, with the theme being announced at the start of the jam.

Sign up now: https://itch.io/jam/oprwj8

Mission Packs - New Missions

Here's the 8 missions you're getting this month:

  • Grimdark Future – Tattered Legions + Unstable Core
  • GF: Firefight – Road War + Revenant Grounds
  • Age of Fantasy – The Cattle Rustlers + Gem Rush
  • AoF: Skirmish – Barge Battle+ Adrift

These missions are focused on fun new ways to play, with interesting objectives and special rules to spice things up. We release new missions every month, so make sure to stick around so that you don’t miss any.

Note that whilst the missions are designed for each specific game, you can totally play them with the rules for any other game (with slight adjustments). This means that you have even more missions to play each month!

Make sure to download the missions before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

2D Print - New Vinci + Plague Daemons Minis

The new Duchies of Vinci #3 and Plague Daemons #1 sets are available as well as the Plague Daemons Paper Terrain.

These sets feature a ton of minis with front and back views in two different color schemes, as well as black & white. They also include black border versions of the minis, plus VTT tokens to play online

3D Print - New Previews

At the top of post you'll see some early previews of the models we are working on for September! First off for the Human Empire we have the Captain on Pegasus. This hero can lead troops with a birds eye view and quickly respond to changes in the battlefield. The Mortar Team can also respond quickly, but with explosive force! For the sci-fi Dwarf Guilds, we're previewing a hero of their own: The Rune Master, this psychically enhanced hero can empower the Dwarf Guilds' soldiers on the front line, dealing impressive damage with their Shock Hammer.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team



Brendan M

Empire guys look fantastic but why so much octopus?


Not enough Octopus. We require more Octopus! Cthulhu Empire confirmed!


Small piece of feedback on 3.0: the Sniper rule also includes the Reliable rule. I think it would be cleaner if Sniper only included the bit about targeting a single model and left the 2+ to hit only on reliable. It would mean current sniper models would need to also have Reliable, but it would save a rule doing two different things. It would also allow for the possibility of less-accurate snipers (Orcs anyone?)


Please can we have more variety of faces? It seems the empire sculpts are made up of clones… 😕 great sculpts though, just more faces please!

Christopher Guzy

3.0 question: why are dynasty warrior getting a point increase? I assume it is because of fearless but they are not benefiting from it if they are already a quality of 3+.


how.. is that meaning they dont benefit? i think you may completely misunderstand thr ability? if they roll a 1-2 they have the chance for a 4+ roll..

Christopher Guzy

They all got a points increase. But some benefitted more than others. The points should reflect that.


I do have fond memories of the old Army Builder software from...a while back. :D


Wonder if I can get it to work...