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With both the Human Empire and the Alien Hives ramping up, we've got a lot to show. Here is what you can expect next month as well as a roadmap of the months to follow.

July New Releases

The Human Empire's July release showcases a lot of the faction's offensive might! Starting with the Elites, infantry wielding heavy weapons and the skill to use them to devastating effect. While the Elites move across the field, the cannon will be clearing a path, the water elemental themed artillery complete with crew and optional tentacled mascot. If martial or munition based destruction isn't enough, the Battle Mages are available, with options available to represent each of the elements of the Human Empire and the first of our magical wagons, the Altar Wagon, is the perfect compliment to an offensive charge, it's aura giving the units it supports an extra attack on the charge, not to mention it's own magical might. And finally the Captain on Griffon is one of the models we've been waiting to show, this large centerpiece model is sure to turn heads.

For the Alien Hives, July sees the release to many of their specialist units. The Winged Grunts are able to deploy from Ambush and fly to where they're needed most, while the Snatcher Lord, the Soul-Snatchers, Synapse Floaters, and the huge Psychorex control the battle with sharp claws and psychic might! The Flamer brings more tradition incendiary offense to your forces, while the Invasion Spores help bring more troops or heavy artillery where you need it most. Finally the Spawning Beast, an offensive powerhouse on it's own, can grow your forces by spawning more troops mid battle!

For next month's Legendary, the Mummified Undead Skeleton Titan bursts from the sands. This fear inspiring model combines magical mastery with it's titanic attacks.

We're also going to be releasing four different terrain sets in July, two for the Plague Daemons, as well as a set each for the Ratmen and the Jackals. For FTL, the Xenos Fleet will be released.

For our 2D offerings, the Duchies of Vinci and the Lust Daemons expand their troops this month, and you'll also receive the 2D Xenos fleet as well as terrain sets for the two factions and our Space Terrain sets. The 2D models are a fast and affordable way to get some great looking armies ready for your games.

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 63 models + 17 terrain + 88 bases + 18 game aids):

  • Legendary - Mummified Undead Skeleton Titan x1
  • Human - Battle Mages x5
  • Human - Captain on Griffon x2
  • Human - Elites x13
  • Human - Altar Wagon x1
  • Human - Cannon x1+4
  • Human - Themed Bases x44
  • Human - Game Aids x9
  • Alien Hives - Snatcher Lord x1
  • Alien Hives - Hunter x8
  • Alien Hives - Snatchers x5
  • Alien Hives - Winged Grunts x5
  • Alien Hives - Synapse x3
  • Alien Hives - Venom x3
  • Alien Hives - Flamer x1
  • Alien Hives - Psychorex x1
  • Alien Hives - Spawning x3
  • Alien Hives - Invasion x3
  • Alien Hives - Themed Bases x44
  • Alien Hives - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Xenos Fleet x4
  • Plague Daemons - Area Terrain x3
  • Plague Daemons - Scatter Terrain x14
  • Ratmen - Medium Terrain x3
  • Jackals - Large Terrain x1

2D Print Rewards:

  • Duchies of Vinci- Set #2
  • Lust Daemons - Set #2
  • Duchies of Vinci Terrain
  • Lust Daemons Terrain
  • FTL Xenos Fleet
  • FTL Space Terrain

Games Rewards:

  • 8 Game Missions
  • GF: FTL (beta)
  • AoF: Quest (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 50% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

Looking past July and into August, the Human Empire will be showcasing their engineering genius. The Horse Marksmen, Engineers, Volley Gun and dreaded Steam Tank showing how machines, steam, and intelligence can bolster an army.

The Alien Hives will recieve their final month of the re-work in August as well, featuring some of their largest and most fearsome beasts, including the Hive Lord, The Toxicorex, the Devourer as well as another Legendary Alien Hives Titan.

But that isn't the only Legendary we will be releasing in August! No we're going to release TWO Legendary Titans. The remodeled Alien Hives Titan, and the Duchies of Venci Bear Titan!

About the Alien Hives Re-Work!

Now those of you that have been around for a while know that we originally released the Alien Hives back in September 2020, so you might be wondering what the Alien Hives re-work is.

The short story is that over the last 3 years, OPR has improved the quality of sculpting and completeness of unit releases to the point that the Alien Hives don't feel up to snuff anymore. Whilst we love the range as a whole, there are many units that are missing weapon options, and there are key models that we don't think look neither good, nor consistent with the rest of the army.

Over the last few months, we have been working on a re-fresh of the units, updating 99% of them either with some new weapons, improved texturing, or by making completely new takes of existing models. We're also going to be updating a few models with adjusted poses, so that they fit on their intended base sizes better.

Here's a WIP example of our new take on the Flamer Beast:

We know that a lot of you have either purchased the Alien Hives models recently, or were originally supporting back in 2020, so we wanted to clarify what will happen with the models, and how they will be released.

Since this is the re-release of an existing army, we will be doing a shorter 3-month cycle for them, instead of the usual 6 months it would take to release such a big army. That means that you'll be getting double the amount of sci-fi models you usually get each month!

As part of this cycle, each month you will get 3 brand new takes on existing units, as well as an additional 7 re-worked units with either new weapons, improved texturing, or adjusted poses. This way if you already bough the models, you're still getting something new each month, on top of all the improvements to things you already had.

Here's a WIP example of some new weapon options for the Hive Warriors:

"What happens to the models I already bought?" - you may rightfully ask:

  • Models that are only getting new weapons, improved texturing, or adjusted poses will be automatically updated in your MMF library. This means that even if you decide to stop supporting over those 3 months, you will still be getting those updates.
  • Models that are getting completely new takes will be archived on MMF, meaning that you will still be able to print them as they were, but they won't be available for purchase anymore. This means that you don't have to worry about losing access to the original look of those models you paid for.
  • The only exception is the Hive Titan, which is getting a hybrid of improved texturing and a new take, so it will be archived on MMF as well. This means that the new Hive Titan will not be updated in your library, so that you get to keep the original look of it.

Here is a comprehensive list of all the models you will be getting, and how they are being re-worked. Note that only the Swarms and Spores are staying the same, and so they are not being listed here. (But they will still included with the release of the other models.)

Models that are being re-posed:

  • Assault Grunts
  • Shooter Grunts
  • Winged Grunts
  • Soul-Snatchers
  • Snatcher Lord

Models that are being re-textured:

  • Synapse Floaters
  • Venom Floaters
  • Toxico-Rex
  • Psycho-Rex
  • Hive Titan

Models that are getting new weapons:

  • Hive Lord
  • Prime Gunner
  • Assault Prime
  • Winged Prime
  • Hive Warriors
  • Hive Guard
  • Ravenous Beasts
  • Shadow Hunter

Models that are getting re-made:

  • Carnivo-Rex
  • Burrower
  • Artillery Beast
  • Spawning Beast
  • Devourer Beast
  • Tyrant Beast
  • Flamer Beast
  • Mortar Beast
  • Invasion Spore

Here's a WIP example of our new take on the Burrower:

We hope that this explanation has been clear, and we are very excited to get these awesome models into the hands of more people. If there are any doubts, please let us know in the comments, and we will clarify. :)

We're also excited to preview some of the concept art for the upcoming Dwarf Guilds. The Guilds learned to make the most of their barren world, forging underground cities and delving ever deeper. They mined their planet until its destruction, processing the last minerals left behind in the asteroids. Now, they continue their expansion, tearing up worlds and leaving only husks behind. They are always looking towards new frontiers, leaving only desolation behind.

Here's a roadmap for the next few months:

  • August - Human Empire & Alien Hives + New Loyalty Rewards
  • September - Human Empire & Dwarf Guilds
  • October - Human Empire & Dwarf Guilds + New Welcome Pack

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team




It all looks awesome! OPR is really stepping up lately!


Blown away by the productivity! Thanks yall!


I was let down by previous month alien hive (my son want's to collect them). They looked too... human. But this batch looks very nice. And mumified undead looks superb. The medival line as usual very nice.

Nathan Gerardy

Need...bigger...image of Dwarves. T_T

Matthew Riley

Ooh, all my favorite Alien Hive models redone in one month? You spoil me. Great work!

Steve Hurley

I like your aliens better than said giant companies aliens :)


I've been printing some 2D armies for skirmish games to get friends interested. A suggestion: instead of making rectangular bases that aren't consistent, make round or square baes that match the size of the 3d printed minis. It's very confusing for new players to have two models of the same unit with different base sizes. Makes measuring from the nearest base edge weird.


Looking forward to July, some great stuff coming. Just wish the faces would vary, pretty much 2 faces for all the empire stuff. Just makes every one look like clones. Does every guy have to have a beard and mustouche? Does every lady have to look identical?


Will the griffin be available with the rider separately? Would help for sun assembly painting thanks.


I will definitely be printing and painting that Mummified Titan. What a cool model.


What are we looking at for size of the dwarves? Personally I find the votann too big, where as the old world dwarves were an appropriate size (i.e. smaller than a human or elf).

Captain Karnage

are we ever going to get new factions in FTL, I like the game and I'd like to see more or new ships

Nathan Gerardy

Really hoping the Dwarves don't have tennis shoes on like LOV Dwarves. Needs some proper boots! Their enemies charge into melee and swing for the ankles.

Luke Grimish

Hey! Why does it say Elite x8 but there seems to 13 in the picture?


Is the concept art of the Dwarf Guilds supposed to be low res? I've love to look more into the details if not.

Luke Grimish

Will there be a general on griffin option? Really love the more elaborate general’s armor


Question about the Empire Wizards. Will there be heads available without hats? I like them a lot, but could not possibly like the hats any less than I do.

Julian Josefus

will there be a GF variant of AoF:Quest?


All of the models have the hats they are shown with. But there are male and female variants of each pose.

Chris Bryant

Have all the models for this been released? I think we are still missing the AH?