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  • Grimdark Future Lore Focus #5
  • Video Content - New Battle Report
  • 3D Print - New Previews, New Videos

Grimdark Future Lore Focus #5

Every week we're highlighting the lore of a few factions for each of our games, and this week we're focusing on the Wormhole Daemons, Eternal Dynasty, Jackals, and Rebel Guerrillas factions!

You can read all about it here on our website.

Video Content - New Battle Report

OPR has partnered up with Haunts' Wargaming to bring you sponsored battle reports featuring all of our minis, rules, missions, and more!

These batreps serve as a great entry point for those that are learning to play the games, as well as fun battles for those that have been with us for a while. :)

This time the the Saurians clash against the Mummified Undead in a 1000pts game of Age of Fantasy.

Watch it on Haunts' Wargaming's YouTube channel.

3D Print - New Previews, New Videos

At the top of the post you'll see some early previews of some July models. The Human Empire Captain on Griffin is sure to be a centerpiece for many armies and the Alien Hives Spawning Beast is showing off a completely new sculpt. Finally we have the Legendary Mundified Undead Skeleton Titan bursting from the sands!

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Next up, Paintman Journeying has a painting tutorial on how to paint our new Human Empire Gryph Riders in a color scheme inspired by Zelda!

You can watch it on his YouTube channel.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team




Loving it, thanks for all the consistently awesome sculpts and models!


Dang man, I have been a Patreon for I don't know how long now, and it's amazing that every month you some how surprise me with models. I so can't wait for the future of GrimDark models and maybe a rerelease of the Dwarves.


I had no idea how much I wanted an Egyptian Gashadokuro, and now here we are.


Nice sculpts! Would be cool to see an alternate pair of the griffin wings that are folded instead of open.

Nathan Gerardy

I joined after the main army was complete. Very trixy...I now have two large Mummified Undead and no army to surround them. Your evil plot may just work.

Drew Houser

Watched the battle report… Frog Mage is devastating!


Haunt's Wargaming did awesome with the battle report. I'm having too much fun as it is with printing each of my neices and nephews a 350 point team for GFF. I'm really curious how you might eventually support a typical local game store. (We have an awesome local one but all the tabletop games basically died out there.) I'm just going for creating interest wherever I can.

Robert Bomer

Wormhole daemon lore is great love the idea of daemons out just doing there own thing in defiance of their god after they realize they were only created to be destroyed.


It was a very fun batrep! Glad to see you all getting into things. As for local stores: we are working on an organized event program right now, and exploring options.


I love the twist they give to every faction compared to their familiar counterparts.