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  • Age of Fantasy Lore Focus #4
  • Community Books in Army Forge Now!
  • Video Content - New Battle Report
  • 3D Print - New Previews

Age of Fantasy Lore Focus #4

Every week we're highlighting the lore of a few factions for each of our games, and this week we're focusing on the Age of Fantasy Dwarf factions! Whether defending their homeland, taking to the skies, seeking vengeance, or reaching for the Havoc powers, the dwarves are fearsome foes on the battlefields.

Read about them on the OPR Website.

Community Books in Army Forge Now!

Today we're very excited to announce the beginning of a new era for OPR, and even for wargaming as a whole!

Army Forge has now been updated with a new section with Community Books for all games. In this section you will find hundreds of new army books which you can use to play with our games, covering all sorts of genres and miniature lines, from steampunk to historicals. Never before in the history of wargaming has there been a single gaming system that easily gives you the ability to play with any and all miniatures together in a balanced way, at this scale.

This is an incredibly exciting new opportunity for all wargamers, because it means that you can now play with any and all miniatures ever made together, using a consistent set of rules. Any miniature in your collection, any old model stored in a basement, any box you see on a store shelf, are now all compatible with each other through our games. We are bringing gamers together in a never before seen way.

Read more about Army Forge Studio on the OPR Website.

Video Content - New Battle Report

OPR has partnered up with Haunts' Wargaming to bring you sponsored battle reports featuring all of our minis, rules, missions, and more!

These batreps serve as a great entry point for those that are learning to play the games, as well as fun battles for those that have been with us for a while. :)

This time the the Saurian Starhost clashes against the Alien hives in a 1000pts game of Grimdark Future.

Watch it on Haunts' Wargaming's YouTube channel.

3D Print - New Previews

At the top of the post you'll see previews of some models that will be released in July. The Human Empire models are some heavy equipment with the Altar Wagon and the Canon. Next you'll see the Alien Hives re-worked Invasion Spore with a completely new model.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team



Eric Steele

Is that a coconut spider crab, starting page 7 of the pics ? lol


Damn these new human empire look incredible! The squid canon and the magic bus! And an alien nightmare egg for good mesure too!


@OPR Team, you are simply the best! Thank you so much for your incredible Work and for connecting all the Tabletop people/Players! This ist huge and really cool and highly appreciated imho! 🤩


Are the squid bits on the cannon optional?


are those creatures supposed to be the sporocyst proxies!? they look pretty cool


Squidcannon !!!! (my new favourite word)


Gal with the cannonballs is a true beast - that's about 160 pounds she's cradling like a baby. 😂

agarrid0821 ///

Keep up the good work, this is awesome!


I thought alien hives looked more reptilian than squid?


Can't wait for the new releases!!

Garth Bayley

This is awesome content, a while back someone said they are not interested in carrying on with their subs for a couple of months during the current campaign of the Human or the Alien sculpts, shame man! They have no idea what they are missing LOL


That canon! <3


That Octopus Cannon...

Garth Bayley

Went through some of the community content, dude there is insane potential right there brilliant concept well done!


Could we have some humans pushing the wheels, could be one sculpt which we can mirror. I don't think anyone else has this option either in stl or plastic/resin.

Temo deGaunza

A lot of stocky looking humans about. And the Prince Adam of Eternia haircut strikes again.


The Canon is for the Human Empire range, but we don't want to hamper your creativity! If you want to use it in some way for your Alien Hives models, we look forward to seeing it!


Makes sense he can casually carry 5 cannonballs. He-Man disguising himself as a Cannon Crewman :P