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  • Grimdark Future Lore Focus #3
  • 3D Print - Double Legendary Models in August, New Previews, and New Video

Grimdark Future Lore Focus #3

Every week we're highlighting the lore of a few factions for each of our games, and this week we're focusing on the tragic relationship between the DAO Union and the Orc Marauders, the ambition of the Dwarf Guilds, and the ancient origins of the Saurian Starhost.

Read about it here on our website.

3D Print - Double Legendary Models in August, New Previews, and New Video

To start off our previews, we are thrilled to announce that in August, the last month of the Alien Hives re-release, we are going to be bringing you two Legendary models instead of one! In addition to the yet to be announced Fantasy Legendary, we're going to be releasing the updated and improved Alien Hives Titan. This massive beast will loom over the battlefield. We also have a side-by-side comparison to the original release (left) and the new updated model (right) below! With two massive miniatures, August is going to be one of our largest release months ever.

In addition, we also have some previews of models for next month! First off are the Human Empire Gryph Riders! These heavy cavalry hit hard as they rush across the battlefield, and are available with lances, halberds, and a full command group.

For the Alien Hives the Winged Prime Warrior has a bird's-eye view as they lead their troops, and the massive Tyrant can lay down long ranged destruction with it's choice of heavy back mounted weapons. 

Finally our Legendary Robot Legions Great Seer towers over the battlefield with its mastery of Psychic power and technological destruction. This centerpiece model is sure to turn heads.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Finally, Paintman Journeying's new video teaches the difference between pure pigment paints and blends and why you would want to use one over the other.

Check out the video on his YouTube channel. 

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- OPR Team





Matthew Riley

Ooh the gryfs look good - nice work!

Aaron Griffin

The poses on the gryfs are amazing!


What is a Great Seer? Is it related to the Great Wraith upgrade for the Wraith-Shard?


Maybe some gryphs with open beaks?

Juan Carpintero

I am regretting not bringing a printer with me this assignment. The updated Alien Hives look great with the changes in sculpting and the Great Seer is just ridiculous.


I love this update the models look great, only thing is.. How is that musician blowing the horn through his helmet

Garth Bayley

just AWESOME all round except the horn blower helmet not being up


To make sure I'm not mistaking, does every tier 2 will get access to the new AH models?


Those Gryphs look awesome, and kind of adorable. I can't wait to print them!


Just saw the info in the last update :D Thx for the reply ;)


No worries, this was just an early WIP shot before the real head was added. If you look at the preview post put up yesterday afternoon, you can see that the helm is open for the musician.


No worries, this was just an early WIP shot before the real head was added. If you look at the preview post put up yesterday afternoon, you can see that the helm is open for the musician.


No worries! These pics were early WIP pictures, the final versions have some with open beaks.