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  • GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available
  • Mission Packs - New Missions
  • Only-Games - New Models Available
  • 2D Print - New Saurians Minis + New Jackals Minis
  • 3D Print - Print Survey, New Previews, Delay Updates, Fixed Minis
  • OPR News - New Release + New Video Content

GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available

The new GF: FTL beta is currently available on Patreon, and this month the Machine Cult and Rebel Guerrillas have joined the battle, bringing us up to a total of 16 out of 16 fleets available to play.

With this, all of the originally planned fleets have been released, however things don't end here. By popular request, we'll be adding a fleet for the Saurian Starhost next month as well, so keep an eye out for them.

Check them out here and make sure to leave us your feedback!

Mission Packs - New Missions

Here's the 8 missions you're getting this month:

  • Grimdark Future – Spiraling Escalation + Secure the Drops
  • GF: Firefight – Skyscraper Scrap + Hit & Run
  • Age of Fantasy – Haunted Realms + Opening Duel
  • AoF: Skirmish – Phoenix Migration + Grand Tournament

Make sure to download the missions before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

Only-Games - New Models Available

We've just uploaded the Ratmen and Blessed Sisters models from last month's release on our Only-Games store, so if you don't have a 3D printer you can get them too. :)

Grab the models here: https://only-games.co/collections/onepagerules

2D Print - New Saurians Minis + New Jackals Minis

This month we've released some new paper miniature packs for you to enjoy, with the Jackals Set #3 and the Saurians Set #2.

These sets feature a ton of minis with front and back views in two different color schemes, as well as black & white. They also include black border versions of the minis, plus VTT tokens to play online.

Make sure to download the PSDs before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

3D Print - Print Survey, New Previews, Delay Updates, Fixed Minis

It's been a while since we've run a general 3D print survey on our Patreon, and some recent conversations with our fans and our team have inspired us to run a new one.

Over the last few months there have been many people commenting on the large download sizes of our models, and whether or not there really is a need for us to provide so many different options (combined, parts, supported, unsupported).

Whilst we are sure that there are some people that appreciate all of these options, providing them carries a significant cost in terms of time, money, space, uploads, etc. which could be better spent focusing on the things that the majority of people actually use.

We want to further assess what people are actually using, and compare it with the results from our last survey, to get a better picture of the situation. This only affects the Infantry models, and not the large monsters and legendaries (since they're so large that we don't provide combined versions for them).

Help us out and take the survey here: https://forms.gle/XE3RqHttcBUPDrxc9

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in March, with the Ratmen Rat Ogres and Giant Beast, as well as the Plague Medium Terrain. Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Just a quick update on the February delays, this week we've uploaded the Sisters APC and Infernal APC on MMF, so you can grab them now. The remaining delayed models are the Sisters Novice Leader, Lust Area Terrain, and Lust Scatter Terrain. Apologies for the delays!

Last month some people pointed out that our Vanguard Sniper poses were using the incorrect kneeling leg, so we've gone ahead and fixed those for you. They've been already updated in your MMF library, so you can grab them now!

OPR News - New Release + New Video Content

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2023/02/03/weekly-news-new-release-new-video-content/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Andy Knight

I love the convenience of the combined models and if they work for what I want (often they do) I'm very likely to print them instead of the separated models. That said I really want to emphasize I would never want to see a retreat from separated models. They provide a level of opportunity for kitbashing and flexibility that only providing combined models makes exceptionally harder. There are many patreons I'm subscribed to that I truly wish would provide separated models because it would be much easier to kitbash and make the exact model I want to make. It also provides more value and variety since you can assemble squads in different positions and equipment which allows a squad to have a reasonably unique model even in a big squad. Unsupported models are take them or leave thing since it's super simple to remove supports in lychee if you really need the unsupported model for some digital kitbashing or something.

Kevin Derrington

I'm loving the rats. Is there any chance that we are going to see cavalry as an option for them?

Andrew Boggs

Hard agree to liking the convenience of combined models while having the option of swapping pieces. But maybe it could be more like how Cast n Play or Artisan Guild does it, where poses are pretty rigid and non-modular, but with swappable hands, weapons, or other components in a single folder instead of being duplicated a bunch. I think each model having 2-4 separate arm options is quite a lot and probably under-utilized by people printing these models. If we're looking at the Ratmen Warriors, for example, you'd still have warriors 1-8 but instead of warrior 2 having two separate shield options specifically for him, you'd have a subfolder called "Modular Hands" or "Weapons" that could be used for any of the warrior models. I think this would be the easiest way to reduce download sizes. I would say supported STLs are my least-used, but that's because I'm able to export out of both Chitubox and Lychee and am comfortable using either. Someone who has utilities in one that can't be replicated in the other would certainly appreciate having the pre-supported STLs as a starting point.

Mark Shuman

I too enjoy the seperated models. I really like the option of which head I use. Especially the Sisters line. I prefer to use options with bare heads with long hair. I also like the option to change weapons. So I want the option to choose these options if possible, especialy the heads. I agree totally with Andy Knight as well.

Uriah Ronin

Will a non-saddled version of the fox be available as well?

Cait Sidhe

I don't know if it's overly onerous on the uploader's side but MMF definitely has the functionality to allow multiple downloads per item. So like other tribes/patreons will just have a single item for their monthly release and when you click download you get a list of the model types with supported and unsupported split as well. It would certainly bring the download sizes down if folks could download only the variants they wanted.

Sigurdur Jonsson

Will we start seeing miniatures for the FTL factions?

Aaron Hall

I feel the same way. I don't use supported STL's because I run everything in Lychee now and could just export the STL from the lys file. Personally, I delete those after I download it but it is nice to know I could grab them off MMF if I needed it for some reason.


For the final question in the survey, you are missing the "I don't care about platform enough to switch" option. If it makes more sense to you to provide that service (and it probably does), I won't care which platform gets my money, unless you express that one would be preferred due to the revenue split. You're already providing your catalogue on MMF, so it's not really important to me in the slightest, provided the posts are the same on either.

Nathan Gerardy

I believe Gaetano said negative to that on the latest stream video. please correct if I am wrong.

Nathan Gerardy

That Fox rider...wow. Well done.

Zachary Petriw

One comment I'd add - I don't print the unsupported combined models but I do use them to judge how big a model is when picking bases. I'll spin it around in the editor, find a good base size/type for it, then print the supported one. So it is useful - I just don't print it.


definitely agree with this - it would be cool to see "temple-like" BB ships and bio-hive ships, futuristic TAO coalition ships, ramshackle Orc Marauder ships, etc

Eric Steele

The only problem I found with some of the models is the scaling compared to 40k. Other than that I usually print the combined if it's the weapons I am looking to use. I do like having the choice to print separate pieces tho.

D Stephen McIntyre

I love the look of the Ratmen, it looks like you took them right out of Redwall.

Rusty Shackleford (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-28 13:11:34 Thank you so much for the kneeling fix, I am very impressed OPR is Ace <3
2023-02-08 19:46:03 Thank you so much for the kneeling fix, I am very impressed OPR is Ace <3

Thank you so much for the kneeling fix, I am very impressed OPR is Ace <3

Rusty Shackleford

I 100% agree, one of my favourite things about this hobby is the ability to kitbash and make custom troops that are completely unique. Mono posed sculpts are clean and convenient which is super nice for print and play but for me making my own captains or squad leaders has always been my favourite part. It would be fun to have a separated model in each mono posed unit for this purpose.


Love the Ratmen so far, can't wait to see your designs for Battle Sisters war-suits!


Excited for Ratman beefy boyz next month!

Allan Rodda

Honestly, the variety of options in the downloads is one of the best parts of this patreon. The unsupported parts are useful for kitbashing, the supported assembled parts are great for a quick test print, and the parts are awesome for customisable miniatures. I really hope you dont jettison all these options because the echo chamber on discord complained about file size. I understand that the file sizes may not be convenient, but to be perfectly honest 2gb is a five minute download these days, and if I wanted convenience I would never have gotten in to 3D printing. A compromise might be to split the downloads into supported and unsupported groups

Nik Fortuin

I would like to add that infantry that carries their gun across their chest is better to be printed in pieces, and that headless models are always preferred


File size is not a concern for me but I’ll say a big reason I pick combined over separate pieces is for weapon options, if the option I want isn’t in the combined model that’s when I do seperate pieces, I know it’s a model agnostics game so wysiwyg isn’t required but I like getting to pick what my army looks like so I’d rather not have less options


One of the best things about OPR is the sheer amount of options available. External memory is the answer for storage. Keeping files zipped and/or keeping things in the MMF library until needed mitigates needing a lot of memory space too. Re-zipping files after printing is another big help. I'm surprised by how many of my 3D printing friends don't do that.


If you're fixing poses based on how real world combatants handle their weapons, do an image search for holding halberds or fighting with halberds and fix the rat veterans who are all holding them wrong like they're two handed swords. Halberds are held two handed in a similar way to a spear, not a sword.

Patrick Eisel

If someone wants to know the Dread Scorcher needs around 1.225g Resin incl. Supports. Without Support 690g Dread and 400g Pyramid ... yes it is a Beast

Drew Houser

Exactly what I do. I download what project I’m working on next, unzip while in use, then the zipped file goes into external hdd and the rest gets deleted when I’m done with the project. I still have it if I want to go back, but I can still grab whatever I want/need even I want/need it. I love the way OPR is doing it, I hope it continues!!!

Alchemist Models

Absolutely love the Sister's Tanks but is there any possibility of getting the hull split down further? Trying to hollow them out is proving difficult with so many hidden spaces around the tracks, I'm worried I won't be able to cure some parts.


We'll be making models for the units in the army list here: https://webapp.onepagerules.com/army-books/view/tOWt5fgqK2nfpoBN~4/preview So, you're seeing the fox mount, and also expect other hero mounts (Like the Rat Ogre Mount)


We plan to have the models available in some way in the future, but have nothing to announce at this time.


Hello, for any 3D printing related questions or issues, please contact our 3D Support team to get live support and solutions: discord.gg/djBydgk

Benjamin Schürmann

Please do not limit the range of possibilities you currently offer with the single parts and combined versions. As well as the subject of lys and stl files. This is what makes you special and sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. often you print certain minis combined, sometimes you only need one part or want to assemble a mini in a custom pose. sometimes you need to add a support yourself and do it in lys or customize the hollowing yourself. change the raft or do your own supported version from an unsupported stl file do not take away the possibilities that you have "always" offered just because there are people with slow internet or limited space. then rather bring out the minis in different packages instead of one giant bundle. but do not take away the special yourself

Nathaniel Sisson

Personally I think that offering the different options is a strong point. If people are having issues I would recommend breaking the download into parts so that those who are lacking in speed or hard drive space need only download what they need.

Ben Gash

I like the convenience of the combined models if I'm making smaller units or a team for GFF or AoFS, but I like the flexibility and variety that the parts allow for bigger forces.

Allan Rodda

Exactly this. If I'm printing five models, having a batch of ten pre-combined figures is great as I can quickly get those five troops on the table without feeling like I have an over-abundance of repetition. If I'm doing a couple of units I like the option to change them up so they don't all look like clones of eachother. That said, if one had to go I'd rather keep the parts. Having variety on the table is more important to me than being able to mindlessly plonk down STL files.

Kevin Derrington

Thank you for the reply. I'll have to have a play around with the parts and see if I can come up with a mounted regiment then.

Jeremy Bernhardt

A few of the other Patreons that I support do this on MMF. Download the zipped folder(s) you want/need, and leave the others on the server. It works well.

Umbra Inu

Personally I really appreciate the variations included in your monthly releases. I usually print a small batch of combined models to get a feel for the units and then print a ton using the parts to create more of a custom look to each character, even if the variations are slight, when the entire army is out together those little details give the individual groups of units more character and story. I do understand that it must be more labor/time intensive though. Maybe a middle ground where legs-bodies-arms is one part, weapons and heads could be swapped out? Either way, love your releases, always outstanding quality.

Abby Pitout

I'm not seeing the Feb Battle Sisters on only games?


only-games and public MMF release are delayed by one month always

Nick Holt

I'd agree that the variety of options is a big attraction, and I do use them to create a personalised look in my armies. Please don't cut down the choice.


Any chance we'll get a Ratmen tank?!


Depends on your definition of tank? We still haven't previewed the model we're going to have for the Great Death Roller.