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  • OPR Hangout Stream - Recording Available
  • 3D Print - Delay Updates, Terrain Delays, New Previews, New Video
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  • OPR News - Stream Upload + New Videos

OPR Hangout Stream - Recording Available

On the last week of every month, we're running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved.

If you missed out, you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1cgSrHSB-A

3D Print - Delay Updates, Terrain Delays, New Previews, New Video

We'd like to remind everyone that the release starts on the 4th of February, and you can check out the preview here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/77645657

Unfortunately we're slightly behind with our production for February, so the release of some of this month's models will be delayed, sorry for this. We'll keep you informed via our weekly posts, and will update this post as the models are released. The delayed models are: Sisters Novice Leader, Sisters APC, Sisters Infernal APC, Lust Area Terrain, Lust Scatter Terrain

As many of you have noticed, we have been struggling to keep up with the terrain releases over the last few months, so I wanted to give you an update on this. Terrain production is currently not handled in-house, but we are working with an outsourcing studio to create it, which has led to mixed results.

Whilst the studio has been making beautiful terrain at a quick pace, they have been struggling with making sure that the terrain is properly adapted for 3D printing. Right now, we have 3 full terrain sets essentially completed, but they're all not fit for 3D printing, and so their release is delayed in order to make sure they print well.

We're currently looking into alternative solutions in order to get things back up to speed, and will inform you as soon as we know more. Apologies for this!

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in March, with the Ratmen Rangers and Catapult, plus some new Lust Daemons terrain. Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Also, we've got a new video for you: https://youtu.be/oCHqEueICzM

OPR Instagram - Follow Us

Make sure to follow OPR on Instagram to see tons of pictures and videos of our painted miniatures: https://www.instagram.com/onepagerules/

OPR News - Stream Upload + New Videos

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2023/01/27/weekly-news-stream-upload-new-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Temo deGaunza

With Battle Sisters this good, it'll be interesting to see how Battle Brothers will look when they eventually get their own new models. Hoping for a stark contrast between the two, like maybe (a bit?) more sci fi than devotion for the BBs.

Alex Adams

If the Terrain STLs are under review again. I would love to see the terrain more explicitly designed for FDM printers and print in place style STL’s. Though I admit I could be in the minority.


Resin figures, filament terrain. This is the way :)


Agreed! The price of resin imo makes terrain printing far too expensive

Ralph Hummel

Yes, that's how I feel too. Or a combination with main structures in filament, details in resin. That requires two printers, but it is well worth it, provided that the terrain has been designed with this premise in mind.

Ralph Hummel

Yes, terrain designed for FDM is préferable imho, as not everybody has the ressources to buy big printers that can print terrain pieces to avoid assembly of warped resin. And then there is the cost factor of course. Resin printed terrain is 4-8 times more expensive than FDM printed terrain.


This is also a great idea, Little greebles cost next to nothing in Resin and the details would look nice.

Ewan Wilson

Loving the ratmen so far. Their aesthetic is really cool, and the rangers with the bows have a real Redwall feel to them

Rafael González Lucero

Are there going to be any units with slingshots? It would be great, even as a secondary option!

Emma Marx

I have a large format resin printer but I still prefer printing terrain on my old fdm. Saves so much money and it’s so much sturdier.

Emma Marx

Are they even gonna do BB’s? They said they weren’t doing sci-fi rats because there’s too many other places doing them so I assume BBs would be the same?

Temo deGaunza

With Battle Sisters this good, it'll be interesting to see how Battle Brothers will look when they eventually get their own new models. Hoping for a stark contrast between the two, like maybe (a bit?) more sci fi than devotion for the BBs.


they didn't say that about scifi rats or BBs

Kevin E Henry

So this is probably a stupid question but I don't know. I haven't owned an FDM printer but really thinking about getting one. I only have a rudimentary concept of them. Can't you just take the unsupported file and slice it to print on FDM printers? What knowledge am I missing here? I thought it was a simple process but seeing people asking for specific files makes me wonder what I am not understanding.

Alex Adams

FDM printer supports can be finicky at best and don’t aren’t great at detail for small objects. A lot of the stuff I have printed (Alien Hives and Saurian Area terrain) has like intricate little flowers and plants, or like vines and logs. On an optimized for FDM file those would be oriented in a way that printer didn’t require any supports which would overall make the file print with more detail.

Alex Adams

Yeah plus the little greebles are the parts of the existing terrain that are making FDM printing difficult.