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At the beginning of each year, we like to make an internal roadmap of the next couple of projects that we're interested in working on, coming up with concepts for new armies, and taking a look at older concepts to see what excites us.

As part of this process, we like to make polls to gather community feedback on the armies that we're thinking about tackling next, to get a sense of how the fans feel about them, and also to get you as excited about them as we are.

Below you can see some of the armies that we're currently thinking about working on in the future, with some new concepts as well as some old concepts that we've already shown off before, and we'd like to get your feedback on them.

Since we've had some unpleasant experiences with communication around these sort of polls in the past, here are some important notes:

This poll serves only as a way for us to get your feedback on these armies, and we won't be showing off the results at the end. Just because we're showing off these armies now doesn't mean that we're promising to work on them any time soon, and we reserve the right to decide what we want to work on next. At the end of the day, supporting OPR means getting on board with our vision for our games, and we hope that the worlds we create can bring you as much joy as they bring us! :)


Human Empire

The fallen Human Empire is one of the key factions of the world of Tyria, and we wanted to find a way to make a "regular" human faction that still feels original. In the lore, wizards are a core part of the faction, which act like elementalists, so the style of the army is based on the 5 elements (earth, water, air, fire, and aether). Each element has specific shapes, animals and military motifs attached to them, making even the most basic troops feel unique to OPR.

Havoc Warriors

The Havoc Warriors are northern folk that were abandoned by the empire, and that decided to ally with havoc when the gods arrived to Tyria. We really wanted to reflect a more northern vibe in their style, whilst also being recognizably havoc, with heavy and imposing warriors at the core of the faction. Their armor, helmets and weapons are also being designed with the idea in mind that they could eventually be modified to feature the symbols of specific havoc gods.

Vampiric Undead

For the Vampiric Undead, we wanted to stick with a slightly more classic look, but really lean into a noble slavic/magyar aesthetic. Their armor and shields are adorned with ancient scripts, and they are accompanied by hunting wolf-dogs. Their creature aesthetic is informed by bat designs, with fashionable falcon hoods. Something we wanted to try for their zombies is to go for a blood-drained villager look, rather than the more classic style.

Kingdom of Angels

Finally we've got the Kingdom of Angels, which is a unique faction to OPR. When the rift opened, the people of this kingdom were spared from the destruction by the coming of the angels, which brought them to their plane in exchange for their eternal worship. This faction is going for a slightly more historical style, but with lots of twisted and angelic undertones, making them a very unique army.



The poll will be open until the 5th of February, after which we will close it to review all of the feedback. Please note that we're really excited about all of these concepts, and they will all be brought to life in the long run.

Take the poll here: https://forms.gle/arZsL5UYHRyBhWKX6

In the coming months we'll have a poll for some new Sci-Fi armies as well, so you can look forward to more amazing concept art from us soon.

Happy Wargaming!

- Gaetano




I'm kinda excited to see what ideas they have for future sci Fi releases after battle sisters
