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Hi everyone,

The project keeps growing, and we're now inching ever closer to the fabled 12k mark, and entering the Patreon Top 50. This is amazing, thank you!

By reaching 11.500 patrons, we've unlocked new discounts for February 2023:

Our next stretch goal and special discount codes will be provided once we hit 12.000 patrons, and we're looking forward to that day. :)

Happy wargaming!

- Gaetano

Note: It's normal that patron numbers fluctuate up and down, but don't worry, even if we dip below 11.500 patrons at some point, the discount codes will stay during the unlocked month!



Stefan Vella

How come you ain't already in top 50? Love this channel!

Drew Houser

Jackals: The Beginning - coming this February to a tabletop near you!


Jackals! And Alien Hives... and Lizardmen... and more Rats!

Drew Houser

Space Lizards! But thanks to the membership I already had those… I missed the Jackals sets though, but with a 70% off code there’s no reason I shouldn’t have them!😎 …Now just waiting for Space Rats…