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  • OPR Hangout Stream - Recording Available
  • 2D Print - New Previews
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates, Bonus Minis
  • OPR News - Stream Recording + New Release

OPR Hangout Stream - Recording Available

On the last week of every month, we're running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved.

If you missed out, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/3q5X_5zAjaw

2D Print - New Previews

Below you can see previews of some of the paper minis that will be released in February, with the Saurians Set #2 and the new Jackals Set #3.

3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates, Bonus Minis

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in February, with the Ratmen Snipers and Sniper Engineer, as well as the Blessed Sisters models that will still be released in January, with the Vanguards Superior. Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Just a quick update on the January delays, this week we've uploaded the Ratmen Rat Masters and Sisters Vanguards on MMF, so you can grab them now. The remaining delayed models are the Lust Epic Avatar, Sisters Vanguard Superior, and Lust Medium Terrain. Apologies for the delays!

Due to popular demand, this week we have updated the Change Horrors files on MMF, adding command group models as a new option, for those that already own them. The sergeant and the banner even come with different configurations, so you're getting 5 new models for free. We hope you enjoy this free addition!

OPR News - Stream Recording + New Release

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2023/01/06/weekly-news-stream-recording-new-release/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Nathan Gerardy

I was only looking at the 7 scroll over images. I found the image you are referring to while kneeling, and I agree with you completely. My mistake.


Start with one of the skirmish games at maybe 150-250 points. Do the basic mission - but with maybe 2 objectives. The rules are pretty basic to start so i don't know what you can strip, but cut out magic/psyker units and special upgrades like leader abilities (the low point limit generally cuts these anyways). This leaves you with move/shoot and move/melee. You maybe do a narrative and unbalance it in their favor - maybe take 50% points or something. So basically kill the defenders and cap the objectives

Schuylar Davis

Loving all of the Ratmen models, but the Sniper with a rat on their shoulder really blows the rest out of the park

Tim Beck

Gahhhhh, I love ALL of this! Now, to get my printer fixed... lol


Awesome models, again! Now I just need to find a nice colour scheme for my Battle sisters ;)


These are probably my favourite ratmen ever made.


A pleasant surprise to see additional change horrors

Erica Marling

These models are incredible! But does anyone know what the sniper hero model represents from the ratmen list? I can't find anything in their v2.50 list.


These rats are just A+++.

Erica Marling

Ok am I crazy or did the sniper rifle literally just get added to Ratmen upgrade list B?


Love the Sisters! By chance will there be vehicles or a "Saint" style model. Love the style and would love a larger celestial saint style model.


I was a little on the fence about the rats but those snipers put me over the edge. Huge W on those.

Rusty Shackleford

Only thing I could say is that IMO the sister with the flame sniper rifle has the wrong leg forward for aiming a rifle and it kind of bothers me… I mean try and aim a gun with your wrong foot forward it’s awkward as heck. great sculpt though

Jesús Castilla

I was a bit skeptical about the rats, but they have ended up being some of my favourite models, noice job

Skylar Ziegler

When are we going to see the rat ogres.


Loving the sister's gas mask

Captain Karnage

I'm saying this sincerely, and I don't want you all to crunch,, but why don't you split the releases in 2 batches a month (can't do paragraphs on mobile) I've never worked in anything like you guys do, so I don't know what all goes into the process. I think it'd might lessen the stress and rush of the developers.


I'm with Rusty up there... that Sister Sniper really needs her legs reversed so she can aim right - that's a posture that anyone with any real shooting experience and a hint of choice in the matter would avoid. The model is beautiful, but the pose is troubling.

Stephan Schany

They probably have two different teams on the releases (plus an extra sculptor or two for terrain) - and switching to batches would massively increase the crunch in the first month - plus the patrons who have to wait two weeks longer for their army would complain

Corentin de Radiguès

hi just curious if any of you lovely people could help me out. I'm going to try introducing my better half to wargaming. She has proven very interested, i'd rather not overwhelm her with massive games etc. Is there a missionpack or set that i can buy from one page rules with slow buildup of rules/mechanics? They who shant be named actually do it well in their Recruit edition with the first mission being mainly movement then every following scenario adding on till the final mission with all the mechanics. Thanks in advance!

Nathan Gerardy

I looked at the pose a bit and honestly it doesn't look like she's in a preparing to fire pose. It looks more like she is surveying the field. If she was fully aiming I could see your point, but she has the gun low and relaxed. She's really just standing there. UPDATE: (Found the image you are referring to where she is kneeling, and I agree.)

Nathan Gerardy

We will impatiently wait for that time... Can't blame us as the whole line so far has been truly awesome. :D

Nathan Gerardy

(Commented on Rusty's post also.) I'd argue that she isn't aiming. Just standing with one foot on the tactical rock with the gun in a relaxed held position. If she was aiming I'd agree.

Nathan Gerardy

You should join the discord and ask your question there. I think you would have a better response vs those who might see it here.

Rusty Shackleford

I get it but still even so just try and hold a rifle like that comfortably regardless of surveying or not the strain on your waist would be uncomfortable and harder to get into a firing position if needed. Not saying it’s a bad sculpt I love the design just a poor choice for a pose IMO. Love OPR just not super jazzed about the pose of this model from a practical standpoint.

Rusty Shackleford

I think you and I may be talking about different models, indeed there is a pose that is relaxed standing on a rock that has the scanner but there is a solo model taking aim with a scope that definitely has the wrong leg forward for any conventional shooting practices and body mechanics. Just go ahead and try taking that pose yourself see how comfortable it feels