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  • OPR Hangout Stream - December 30th
  • OPR Comaptibility - New Collaborations
  • AoF: Quest - Ratmen Compendium Entry Delayed
  • 3D Print - New Concept Art, Delay Updates
  • OPR News - Writing Jam Results, Best Gaming Video, Stream Coming, and more!

OPR Hangout Stream - December 30th

On the last week of every month, we're running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved.

This is a relaxed stream, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our creation process whilst chatting a bit and having some fun. The next stream is going to be on December 30th at 20:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 12:00 PST.

Subscribed to get notified: https://www.youtube.com/@onepagerules

Submit your Q&A questions here: https://forms.gle/nP1u6wutaE8yXfBw8

OPR Compatibility - New Collaborations

This month we're introducing the new "Compatible with OPR" program, which helps you find more creators that make awesome miniatures for you to play OPR games with.

Whenever you see a creator using the "Compatible with OPR" banner, it means that they have OPR army lists that fit their models, or that they make models that fit with existing OPR lists. Either way, it means that you can easily use their minis to play OPR games with! :D

This month's new creators are:

Look out for the "Compatible with OPR" banner to know which creators to support!

AoF: Quest - Ratmen Compendium Entry Delayed

This month we already shared the Core Rules, Hero Creation Rules and the Campaign Generator. Unfortunately, due to the holiday period, travel, and other personal reasons, I have been unable to complete the Ratmen Compendium yet.

Over the last week I've also been re-working some parts of the game that require an overhaul that's significant enough that I've basically had to scrap the Ratmen Compendium multiple times, so it could still be a few weeks before it's ready.

For now, you can play the game using the early access rules here!

3D Print - New Concept Art, Delay Updates

At the top of this post you can see concept art for some of the models that will be released in January for the Blessed Sisters, as well as February for the Ratmen and the Blessed Sisters, plus the legendary Starhost Scorcher, and some new daemons terrain.

Just a quick update on the December delays, this week we've uploaded the Sisters Bases + Game Aids on MMF, so you can grab them now. The remaining delayed models are the Flagellants, which have been completed but are currently being supported. Our latest estimate is that we should have the Flagellants ready by the weekend. Apologies for the delays!

OPR News - Writing Jam Results, Best Gaming Video, Stream Coming, and more!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/12/23/weekly-news-writing-jam-results-best-gaming-video-stream-coming-and-more/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Kevin E Henry

Is there a way to suggest a creator for compatibility? or should i suggest to them to contact OPR? Didnt know if community input is wanted for this


Creators interested in participating in the Compatibility Program should contact us at info@onepagerules.com

Erica Marling

Anyone else confused what the Ratmen assassin with a sniper rifle model represents? The YouTube stream made it sound like he can join Night Scouts but there is no hero that can join Night Scouts without nullifying all the scouts abilities...