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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

January New Releases

Next month we're finally back to the regular 2 army schedule, continuing with the release of the Ratmen and Blessed Sisters, plus the Epic Avatar of Lust. Then we've also got the new Lust Daemons terrain coming, some more Change Daemons terrain, as well as re-releasing the FTL Xenos fleet.

For 2D print we'll have a new army for you with the Saurians Set #1, as well as the Jackals Set #2, plus the re-released FTL Xenos Fleet. On the gaming side we're going to be releasing 8 missions for all games, as well as 2 new factions for Grimdark Future: FTL, and we'll keep working on our skirmish adventure game AoF: Quest.

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 60 models + 4 terrain + 88 bases + 18 game aids):

  • Legendary - Lust Epic Avatar x1
  • Ratmen - Warlock x1
  • Ratmen - Veterans x13
  • Ratmen - Rat Master x2
  • Ratmen - Rat Swarms x3
  • Ratmen - Cannon x4
  • Ratmen - Themed Bases x44
  • Ratmen - Game Aids x9
  • Sisters - Biker Superior x3
  • Sisters - Biker Warriors x9
  • Sisters - Biker Fanatics x6
  • Sisters - Vanguard Superior x3
  • Sisters - Vanguards x16
  • Sisters - Themed Bases x44
  • Sisters - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Xenos Fleet x4
  • Change Daemons - Large Terrain x1
  • Lust Daemons - Medium Terrain x3

2D Print Rewards:

  • Saurians - Set #1
  • Jackals - Set #2
  • Saurians Terrain
  • Jackals Terrain
  • FTL Xenos Fleet
  • FTL Space Terrain

Games Rewards:

  • 8 Game Missions
  • GF: FTL (beta)
  • AoF: Quest (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 50% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

December was the last month where we're releasing 3 armies, and starting in January we're finally going back to 2 armies per month. We are happy to go back to our regular releases in 2023, so that we can work at a more realistic pace. :)

To give you a better idea of why we're doing this for those that are new, you need to understand that for the past 2 years we used to release ~8 units per month. During the last 6 months however, we've doubled that number to ~16 units per month, which has been extremely taxing for the team, and we can't keep doing that without completely burning out.

That being said, whilst we are going back down to 2 armies per month starting in January, we're still going to increase our output by 25%, releasing ~10 units per month, which is much more realistic for us to do, and it's still a ton of content for just $10, especially with all the other stuff you get (legendary units, terrain, bases, game aids, welcome packs, loyalty rewards, etc.).

Running a Patreon with monthly release deadlines is not easy, and we don't want to make the mistake of overcommitting to how much stuff we release anymore. So in the future, instead of going crazy trying to deliver 3 armies per month, if we have the capacity to produce more than the 2 monthly armies, we will release them via alternative means such as crowdfunding.

Apart from that, with the new year, we've got a lot of cool stuff coming!

First off, we're planning on running a small survey sometime in January, to get feedback on some new concepts we've been working on. This survey will help us get a sense of what the community thinks, and what we could focus on next.

Then in February we're going to be releasing a new Welcome Pack, this time featuring the Saurians and the Jackals. We're also looking into making some 3D and 2D print starter sets, which will be available for free, and should serve as the perfect intro for you to get into the games. :)

For the next few months we'll then be continuing with the Ratmen and Blessed Sisters releases, bookended by some new Loyalty Rewards at the end of April. But then in May, a new fantasy army is coming... more info soon...

Here's a roadmap for the next few months:

  • February - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters, New Welcome Pack
  • March - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters
  • April - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters, New Loyalty Rewards

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Shane Smith

Keep these rats coming! I love them!!

Shane Smith

Oh, also happy holidays! Thanks for an amazing 2022!

Rhys Bennett

Would love to see your take on ogres!

Jordan Hampton

All the sculpts look amazing! Go at whatever pace makes you guys happy.

A Kilgannon

Such awesome work.... Love it

Gonzalo Zesati

Happy Holidays, thank you for your hard work!


Can’t wait to print the final avatar!

Chad Unruh

Going to a sustainable pace is a good plan. Sure, it's fewer models but it's worth it to stay healthy mentally. There's still no better value for STLs out there.

Robert Powers

Orcs orcs orcs 🤞🤞🤞🤞

Mindy Franke

Great minis, great patreon. Thanks for all you do for the hobby and have a wonderful holidays!


Putting less strain on yourself is 110% the right call. Your output rate is already much higher than I (and most people, I imagine) can keep up with on the printing/painting side so it's not like we're losing anything. Looking forward to the rest of the ratmen!


It's hard to say from just the silhouettes, but the silhouettes for the Vanguard Sisters look really dynamic and like they'll be a blast to paint. Definitely looking forward to getting them to the printer then the paint table, and seeing what comes after these are done!

Toby kidd

Dwarves! 🤞


nah theres a plethora of options for scifi and fantasy dwarves already (opr literaly JUST promoted one), other armies should get attention fsr before that


I appreciate the honesty and trying to be realistic about the workload. I dont want to support crunch.

Nik Fortuin

On the one hand, YES. On the other hand, we'll be coming off half a year of Ratmen, maybe don't start another 6+ month army right away.

Alastair Smith

Looking forward to painting these :)


Those Biker sisters .. ohhhh helllll yeah!

Jarra Joseph-McGrath



any chance for a Rattle Sisters cross over.. forbidden rat love that just cant be denied.. Ratmen need bikes too :)

Quinton R.

happy christmas

Nik Fortuin

I've been jonesing for spikey men in spikey armour on large angry Horses. Havoc Bros please.


Something along the lines of the Elves/Humans/Dwarves/Halflings would be fun. Jackals/Saurians/ALL DEMONS/Rats cover the "Baddies" for now I assume? Either way, I can't wait to see whats coming up! Keep up the great work!


wtf makes you think jackals, saurians, and rats are baddies?


Baddies might be the wrong word.. I was more trying to point out that for the fantasy part it would be nice to see something of the more human-like armies getting some love, since the duchies were the last ones. (realized too late jackals are not fantasy though)

Mallaury Ferneschola

To make up for the diminished value, could you mayhaps offer some throwback miniatures for those who might have missed some? it can just be one unit that is part of a release instead of a whole one, that way there is still a reason to buy the rest of it! Subscriptions are already something that needs to be made a budget of, its hard to buy things even with a discount when you already have to pay the sub for multiple creators! That way, you do not even have to necessarily still have an above than average output! It also does not need to have 5 months (6 for rats), nearly HALF A YEAR of the same armies in a row, I know that I am not the only one who likes to collect a bit of everything. If I did not really love the whole project, I would clearly prefer to leave my sub once I get a few units of one army for more value, conversions still go a loooong way! Battle Sisters are also something people love to make, so between spending 60 euros for one artstyle instead of 60 for like, 3-5 different styles, for the sake of variety and value, yeah that too has to be counted in x_X


There is no diminished value. 3 armies was always temporary. This is normal value, and still a great deal for a tenner as it was in the before times.

Mallaury Ferneschola

And I joined during said year like many. So for a lot of us, the lack of value is present and factual and we did not read that it was. And as I said, many creators do offer throwback and actually rotate their content a lot more. Are you fine with paying 60 bucks and waiting 6 months for totally new models to come? I am being realistic.


We're not looking to offer throwback content, besides what we already do with the Welcome Packs (which are renewed every 4 months). As already stated in the post, we're actually increasing the value by 25% over our regularly scheduled releases. We do the best that we can to provide high quality content on a monthly basis, but if the amount of content we provide for $10 lacks value for you, then maybe we're not the right subscription for you, sorry. :( P.S.: We have clearly stated that the 3 armies per month was an exception in patreon posts every single month for the past 6 months, as well as in the previews/roadmaps for the past few months. If some people didn't read that and are surprised by this change we're sorry about that, but we there isn't much more that we can do to inform people.

Mallaury Ferneschola

And how can you explain that we are getting the same 2 armies for 6 months? especially knowing how many of the community are hating these sisters already? And it is not about the amount of content according to me, but also due to the fact a lot of creators came up and rose. You are sticking us with the same sister and rat army for 6 months. In the 6 months I subbed, I got jackals, all 4 chaos gods, t'au proxies, necrons proxies, the saurians... and you are telling all of us that for 6 months we will get stuck with 2 armies? where is the variety in that? I also saw how people laughed at you for not making heads separate for sisters... and how you cannot even make weapons sets unsupported for the few people loving the weapons... On top of it, you tell us that we will have to pay for crowdfunding too on top of it. In that release alone we can easily make half the options for a sister army involving all their different units. How can you expect people not to get bored the 4-5-6th month of them? Step up your game, because it is sad to see the greed in your eyes and the laziness when it comes to make bits separate. I spent the past 3-4 hours looking at the variety in my files and I am buffled, honestly, because I had a great esteem of you. I find the changes odd, I read the comments, you turn down every suggestion people make. Every. The only changes you apparently made were to dents to chainswords because they were uneven for some weird reason, and some small hood changes. If people say they can make the heads separate easily, I believe them. And I am sure you can make weapons separate too. I am voicing concerns that I saw again and again in the comments, at least answer them even if you intend not to rectify them. But yeah, if you become just as fomo and scummy as GW, It is time to wake up and not ignore our concerns and complaints. To be real, the only thing I am heavily interested in is the coop skirmish game, since I partly gave the idea multiple times on discord since I intended to make a game system of the same kind.


We are sorry that the release of 3 armies per month and the hurried release of the daemons mislead you to believe that this is how we usually release content, but that's not how we usually operate. If you take a look at our previous armies, Alien Hives was an 8-months release, Mummies 8-months, Robots 7-months, Saurians 6-months, Vinci 7-months and Starhost 6-months. The Beastmen, Dynasty, Jackals and Daemons were all smaller armies, which had according smaller releases. If you don't think that the amount of content we provide is worth $10 for you, or you don't like the content that we are currently offering, then you don't need to stay subscribed. About your other points, just because there is a vocal minority that complains here, doesn't mean that we have to listen to them. We only make changes to our content if they are in line with what we believe is best for our vision. Also, you can't only look at the people that complain about our models, and ignore all the other people that praise them instead, or you will have a very skewed perception of how people feel about them. In the end, with the amount of people that follow us, we won't ever be able to please everyone, and that's it. :)


You are taking an extreme reaction to relatively minor drawbacks. I understand your concerns and even agree with some of them but your tone is unecessarily hostile and down-putting. Even with a return to 2 army releases, OPR is by FAR one of the best Patreons to support in terms of what is provided. In your response you seem to forget that. OPR is not even close to being GW, not by a long shot. If they were greedy, they would charge you for the army books and core rules. But they don't work like that. Be appreciative of what they do even if it's not always to your taste. Because it's not just for your entitled ass.


now THIS is entitlement. unsub is always an option

Mallaury Ferneschola

One of the best? most popular yes, best, that would have been months ago. As for vocal minority? I think I saw way more people disagreeing on the sisters than the opposite. But yeah, a patreon that literally NEVER listens to people making them live, is the best one. Again, I spent hours watching comments after having my worries, and my doubts are confirmed. It is not just about my so called entitled ass, but the image of the brand, and the satisfaction of the customers. Like people even pointed, it is totally legal to distribute your models, remix them, and resell or give the files by the first sale doctrine law. So maybe it is time to finally listen to the voices of the community. And my tone was definitely not hostile, I used 0 insult, and voiced how admirative of them I was multiple times. I see the community growling and being dissatisfied, and being told sorry but no change, I see them saying they cannot make heads separate and weapons too, yet somehow, every worse creator manages too. One Page Rules was the first major 3d creator, so of course that everyone who rose after go unnoticed for now, but if that patreon fails to renovate itself as I kindly pointed out, it will start to falter. It is also for the interest of you guys that love that patreon that I say this. No one wants the project to get less support. I swear to god, I promised I would get into modelling, the first thing I will do when remixing is to make these heads separate and same for the hands, then you will see what is the difference between not caring about your customers and actually spending one hour to fix a major issue with a kit. And if I have to count and screenshot every people who praised vs those who did not to shut all of your mouths, I will be more than happy to. And again, ok, lets pretend sisters need 6 months, why cant you delay them and put something else in between? when you were the first major patreon, making them in a row was fine, now its not. A single look at the sale page of winter in MMF and everyone can see original creators, making unique armies, or cool versions of some stuff. As an artist, I know how to broaden my horizon. What other creators do? -Throwbacks releases or units. -Ever growing non rotating welcome packs. -Listens to concerns and change stuff when the majority is not happy. Here, the shoulder parts being too ornate/large, no options to remove them or change them. I actually like them, but I think others will agree when I say that something too ornate would befit only important characters and not the basic trooper. Rats heads. While I fucking spent hours defending how good change demons looked, how horrors looked and all, rats heads, are just, the same. You will make 7 months of release for, someone kindly asked to have some helmeted option... You said no. Despite them looking like... KNIGHTS. I am sorry but if you plan to just change some details, give them bows, rifles, other weapons, and poof, new unit. No. Sorry but no, it is not how it works. Rats heads are cute, but they have 0, and I dare say 0, variety between them. -Adds stuff when people suggest them, I literally got someone to make half more models than they planned to once by proving them that the release lacked variety, on top of other things. -Bonus variants. -Loyalty Rewards that actually anyone can print, and that are unique models instead of bitz added to an existing unit. -Modular options. Something that OPR says is IMPOSSIBLE to do, again, the heads, weapons. Ever heard of balljoints? That is a thing now since months. And I am sorry but you are partly responsible for the fomo caused by every 3d creator after you. Telling people not to charge, but then the release is around 3-4x the original price even with the discount, that is even worse of a fomo than GW with their discounts. A daemon prince, without extra bits, is the SAME price as the older daemon prince kit. To my dear friend Sully: I saw your comments, always talking down to people who say they dislike something without being able to give reasonable arguments against them. Please, learn some criticism sense. To Aevox: Calling someone hostile for being concerned and caring for people who actually are the only ones responsible to keep this project alive, because yes, without OUR money they would be nothing while praising their content, saying that I think about my entitled ass for literally saying I do like what they complain about for the most part, is kind of the hostile thing here.


I'm really sorry, but I don't know what more to tell you here. Clearly we are paying attention to what the community says, because I am here reading all your comments and replying to them. We take all feedback into consideration, but the final decision on what to follow and what not to follow is ours, and those that are not satisfied with our decisions don't have to support us. There is plenty of feedback that we have followed over the years, on everything from the miniatures, to the content we provide, the games, the website, and more. We run community surveys every 6 months, we have open Q&As during monthly streams, and we talk to the community every day on discord, facebook, forums, twitter, reddit, e-mails, comment sections, and more. We even changed many things about the battle sisters, based on the community feedback (look at the first pics we posted vs the final design). I understand that it sucks for those that complain when their feedback isn't followed, but if it doesn't match with our vision for our products, then we don't have an obligations to do so. It's unfair to only point out the feedback that we didn't follow, and then act as if OPR doesn't ever listen to feedback. As our community keeps growing, the number of people that don't agree with our decisions will also keep growing, this is a simple consequence of having a large project. Genuinely I'm not sure what else I can tell you anymore, I'm sorry. At its core, my answer is this: we are going to keep taking our community feedback into consideration, but we can't make any promises that we'll follow all of it. I don't think there is more that I can say about it, and I can't continue being here replying with the same answer over and over again. I hope that you can put yourself in my shoes and understand my position, and that you can respect that the decisions we make won't always match your expectations. Thank you. :)

Raymond Slover

Yeah, I almost never print models in pieces unless I absolutely have to. if anything in the slicer, i mirror the model to give 2 versions of the same model. So to have one unit of 5 sisters contain 87 files because you give us 12 different heads and 24 different arm / weapon options to please the very vocal minority would be annoying.

Nathan Gerardy

Kudos to OPR for taking all this time and effort to respond here. Your first post was just fine. You went above and beyond with your well thought out and reasonable responses. I am very happy with how everything turned out. I "was" not a big fan of the weapons at first, but I am happy with them now. I am glad you kept with your vision. At the end of the day these are your Sisters models. There are plenty that are out there that are the common/copycat designs. The fact they are different is a big plus.

Ben Gash

Sully doesn't need learn "criticism sense", your outrage is illogical. OPR is not forcing you to subscribe to their Patreon, you have no contract with them and they have announced well in advance of the resub date what next month's release will consist of, so they're not trying to give you false expectations. If you don't feel that the value proposition meets your expectations or you don't like the models then you can just unsubscribe, there's no need for histrionics.


glad you read all that cause i sure wasnt

Tom De Roeck

Love the rats, health is more important, this is still one of the best ones out there. Please keep it up!

Brian Romine

I, for one, really *really* appreciate how you will develop full armies before moving on to another. I really have having 3/4 of an army available, but to be missing some critical units. I have been loving the OPR patreon for years, 3D printing got me through the pandemic, and OPR helped with that.

Patrik Olterman

I am really excited about AoF Quest, just one caveat I want to have a wizard in my party, the only way I see is to take a wizards staff and some wil skills to buff the team ... I would really love to see either some other weapons or skills that allow for more spell like abilities like fireball and ice storm .. with some nice conditions already available it would be nice with some more accomodation for a caster playstyle


not it in opr it aint. there isnt stats for it

Roger Burgess

Oodles of ratmen and battle sisters... be still my heart!

Jeremy Bernhardt

Gaetano, will we see sculpts for Battle Sisters Fanatics with Arc-Flails? We got the whips on the Superior, but flails are a unit-wide option, and using the same pose for everyone makes that units not look as fun as the others. ;-)


there are , but i cant find the renders now.. swear they were posted today somewhere

Mallaury Ferneschola

And really, I should be thankful for OPR to reply to me when they literally avoid everything other subject other than the feedback who has been ONLY ignored these past weeks? I gave a list of things that they dont that most people do, none of that got answered as to why they do not do it. Why does a lot of other popular creators provide separate bits but not you? You literally answered to it being IMPOSSIBLE to do.

Mallaury Ferneschola

Do you need that full army asap? as far as I know, you cannot play these models in any major tournament. And with said 3/4 available, I am suuuure you can convert the last models...

Brian Romine

So, I haven't played 40k since ~1996. I got back into sci fi games with GF, so I dgaf about "official" tournaments, major or whatever. I really like getting whole armies, and I like getting them not-piecemeal. So I really like how OPR develops full armies before moving on.

Tobias Nenseter

Very much agreeing to this! It is lame when you can only get basic units for all armies. Much cooler to get everything interesting and flavour full that comes from a facrion i one go.


I'm new to this, do existing patrons get the new welcome pack as well?


ye. its just part of the monthly release