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  • AoF: Quest - Campaign Generator
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates
  • OPR News - Writing Jam, Community Survey, New Release

AoF: Quest - Campaign Generator

Last week we shared the Core Rules and Hero Creation with you, and this week we're finally sharing the Campaign Generator as well. :)

The campaign generator can be used to either automatically generate your campaigns and quests for you, or as a set of tools that you can use to build your own campaign, by mixing and matching rules to your liking.

With this you have everything you need in order to start your first campaign, and we're going to be sharing the first compendium faction in the coming weeks..

Grab the early access preview here and get questing!

3D Print - Delay Updates, New Previews

Just a quick update on the December delays, this week we've uploaded the Sisters Warriors on MMF, so you can grab them now. The remaining delayed models are the Superior, Fanatics, Fanatics Superior and Flagellants. Our current estimate is that we should have the Superior, Fanatics and Fanatics Superior ready by the next update, and the Flagellants by the update after. Apologies for the delays!

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in January, with the Ratmen Rat Master and Rat Swarms, as well as the Blessed Sisters models that will be released in December, with the Superior, Fanatics and Fanatics Superior. Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

OPR News - Writing Jam, Community Survey, New Release

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/12/09/weekly-news-writing-jam-community-survey-new-release/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Mark Shuman

I guess I'll be the devil's advocate here. I am disappointed with the Sisters. I am currently printing my first army, Sisters of course. These new sculpts are just too ornate. I am not a fan of the taberds either. And unfortunatly the weapons seriously remind me of Doctor Seuss. I was hoping for a serious update of the old Sisters. I guess I'll print them and theme them as my own faction. I honestly wish they would release the old sculpts. I'd buy them in a heartbeat. I am glad for the effort though, shows a lot of effort went into these sculpts. I don't hate them I'm just a bit underwhelmed. Love every other line they've done and slowly aquiring them one at a time as I can afford them. I do wish OPR the best with these. I'll bet the big models will look great though. With this level of detail, I'll bet dreadnoughts and titans will look awsome. I can't wait to see them. Oh yea the Repentia models do look fantastic. Much better than the sculpts I have. So for this I will give cudo's for them. Can't wait to get my hands on them. To end I hope that they can post up individual parts like in other releases. Maybe they can add some simpler weapons that would fit with my current files. Just a suggestion. Good luck with this line.


shouldnt be disappointed, this is how we've known theyll look since january

Mark Shuman

Sully I have just recently seen how they look. I have given this a little more thought. If OPR will release them as parts so you can select what you want. A set of new arms with ancient weapons, swords, maces, axes and so on. They would be perfect for Age Of Fantasy. The sculpts would fit with no back packs perfectly in that setting. The style of the cloth and armour is great for medieval settings. So how about it Guys. You could kill 2 birds with 1 stone with minimal effort.