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  • Video Content - Jackals vs Aliens
  • Community Survey - Respond Now!
  • AoF: Quest - First Preview
  • GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available
  • Mission Packs - New Missions
  • Only-Games - New Models Available
  • 2D Print - New Mummies + Jackals Minis & Terrain
  • 3D Print - Delay Updates, New Previews, Expanded Release
  • OPR Instagram - Follow Us
  • OPR News - Community Survey, Comp Updates, Army Generator and More!

Video Content - Jackals vs Aliens

This week we've got a new sponsored GF: Firefight battle report for you, this time featuring 250pts of Jackals vs Aliens! :)

Check it out here: https://youtu.be/-rMr2JAZRro

Community Survey - Respond Now!

Every 6 months we run a community survey to get a general feel for what sort of players are currently interested in OPR, and to give everyone an opportunity to send in their feedback/suggestions anonymously.

This is a super quick survey that only takes a few minutes to fill in, and we’ll be keeping it open for a week, with the results being revealed to the public in next week’s post.

Take the survey here: https://forms.gle/1cu1ckt1fnw8uyNM7

AoF: Quest - First Preview

This month we're going to be finally sharing the latest progress we've got for our new game Age of Fantasy: Quest (re-named from Sellswords).

AoF: Quest is a solo/coop skirmish adventure game, where 4 heroes take on hordes of baddies, complete quest, grab loot, level up and go on epic adventures.

Today we're sharing the updated core rules for the game, as well as the hero creation rules, so that you can get familiar with how the game plays.

The plan is that week we'll be releasing the campaign generator, and the week after we'll be releasing the Ratmen compendium entry.

With that, you'll have all the basics that you need to start your first campaigns, and we'll be going through an extensive playtesting phase after to refine the game after.

Grab the early access preview here and build your first heroes!

GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available

The new GF: FTL beta is currently available on Patreon, and this month the Blessed Sisters and Infected Colonies have joined the battle, bringing us up to a total of 12 out of 16 fleets available to play.

Check them out here and make sure to leave us your feedback!

Mission Packs - New Missions

Here's the 8 missions you're getting this month:

  • Grimdark Future – Like Clockwork + High Speed Chase
  • GF: Firefight – Decompression + Console Overload
  • Age of Fantasy – Blazing City + Hammer & Anvil
  • AoF: Skirmish – Vermin Trap + Beast Hunters

Make sure to download the missions before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

Only-Games - New Models Available

We've just uploaded the Ratmen, Lust Daemons and Saurian Starhost models from the October release on our Only-Games store, so if you don't have a 3D printer you can get them too. :)

Grab the models here: https://only-games.co/collections/onepagerules

2D Print - New Mummies + Jackals Minis & Terrain

This month we've released some new paper miniature packs for you to enjoy, with the Mummified Undead Set #5 and the Jackals Set #1, as well as the brand new Jackals paper terrain pack.

These sets feature a ton of minis with front and back views in two different color schemes, as well as black & white. They also include black border versions of the minis, plus VTT tokens to play online.

Make sure to download the PSDs before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

3D Print - Delay Updates, New Previews, Expanded Release

Unfortunately we're slightly behind with our production for December, so the release of some of this month's models will be delayed, sorry for this. We'll keep you informed via our weekly posts, and will update this post as the models are released. The delayed models are: Starhost Triceratops, Blessed Sisters Warriors, Superior, Fanatics, Flagellants, Fanatic Superior, Bases, Game Aids

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in January, with the Ratmen Veterans, as well as the Blessed Sisters models that will be released in December, with the Warriors, Superior, Fanatics, and Fanatics Superior. Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Now, let's talk about our expanded release.

Currently we are releasing 3 armies per month, which is not normal, and is only because we have a backlog to complete. This is an exception, and December is the last month during which we're releasing 3 armies. Now that the backlog has been completed, we will be going back to releasing only 2 sets per month in January.

To give you a better idea of why we're doing this for those that are new, you need to understand that for the past 2 years we used to release ~8 units per month. During the last 6 months however, we've doubled that number to ~16 units per month, which has been extremely taxing for the team, and we can't keep doing that without completely burning out.

That being said, whilst we are going back down to 2 armies per month starting in January, we're still going to increase our output by 25%, releasing ~10 units per month, which is much more realistic for us to do, and it's still a ton of content for just $10, especially with all the other stuff you get (legendary units, terrain, bases, game aids, welcome packs, loyalty rewards, etc.).

Running a Patreon with monthly release deadlines is not easy, and we don't want to make the mistake of overcommitting to how much stuff we release anymore. So in the future, instead of going crazy trying to deliver 3 armies per month, if we have the capacity to produce more than the 2 monthly armies, we will release them via alternative means such as crowdfunding.

We hope that you enjoyed the 3 armies per month special, and we're happy to keep providing you awesome models at a more reasonable pace in the future. :)

OPR Instagram - Follow Us

Make sure to follow OPR on Instagram to see tons of pictures and videos of our painted miniatures: https://www.instagram.com/onepagerules/

OPR News - Community Survey, Comp Updates, Army Generator and More!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/12/02/weekly-news-community-survey-comp-updates-army-generator-and-more/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



David Störmer

Will there be no helmets for the rat veterans?

Boss Salvage

Chainsaw gals looking real good, dig the face masks and the lighter armor and definitely the mondo chainswords!

Byakko The Fox

I've only been a Patron for maybe 4-5 months now but it is an absolute pleasure to receive the massive quantity of models the team works on. I'd rather have delays with great results than a rushed product any day. Thank you guys for all the work put in and I'm so excited to see the future. That being said, do we have a roadmap for what will come after Rats and Sisters are finished? Positively cannot wait!


Generally our Ratmen don't have helmets (except for the headgear on monks and engineers), and we currently have no plans for veteran helmets. That being said, let me talk to the team and see if we can come up with something cool (last time we made ratmen helmets, they looked bad).


More and more in love with da Sistah!

Santi DeRosa

I've only been here a couple of months but this is quickly becoming one of my favorite subscriptions. I'm very much looking forward to AOF: Quests. While I enjoy the larger battles my kids prefer smaller skirmish games with the ability to improve their characters. This looks like it'll be a great system to add to our library


To be honest, 3 armies per month was a bit overwhelming! My hard drive space can’t keep up with output of that magnitude! Gladly sticking around when it goes down to two armies per month, and glad you’re taking care of your mental health!


Sisters of Battle look awesome - love the decorative/badass aesthetic 👌


Those warrior nuns are fantastic, but I am not happy with their guns. Those bulky floral muzzles are "too girly" for hardened battle zealots, in my honest opinion.


Those halberds look awkward. I'd rather not have had the greatswords at all than have the rats holding the halberd in a greatsword high guard.

Miggy Sawdust

Don’t mind waiting. Those Sisters sculpts are top notch!!

Erik Waring

Basic rifle and pistol on Battle Sisters are fine. The rest of the weapons look ridiculous and ruin the over all aesthetic. This issue was raises numerous times by many patreon members. The lack of taking feedback on this (or anything) is massively disappointing. Im in for the ratmen but I think Ill need to rest this subscription after. The most eagerly anticipated release of the year is a useless disappointment. I wont be printing those weapons unless I decide I want to play out the Butter Battle book by Dr. Seuss. The heavy weapons are just comical and ruin the otherwise badass model. So disappointing.

Erik Waring

Numerous people have brought this up but OPR just ignores them all.


We have already replied to feedback multiple times, so we are not ignoring anyone, we simply disagree with how some supporters think they should look like, and are going to go for the aesthetic that follows our vision. Sometimes we have to just agree to disagree. :)


We have already replied to feedback multiple times, so we are not ignoring anyone, we simply disagree with how some supporters think they should look like, and are going to go for the aesthetic that follows our vision. Sometimes we have to just agree to disagree. :)

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

There is no accounting for taste. Personally I find the Sister weapon designs kind of interesting while I don't care much for the cleaned up ratmen. Guess you win some, lose some.


Love the ratmen and am dying to see your Interpretation of Ratogres. I hope for something along the lines of the very old 3rd (?) Edition ones. The ones without amputations and bandages.


I know that the post way back when the redesigns were announced said that you were going for more of a medieval aesthetic, but I'm getting more of a steampunk or ambiguous-alternate-timeline feel, rather than something futuristic. The bolters and storm bolters look great, even though the barrel size of the storm bolters suggests a much smaller caliber round; okay, whatever. I can recognize the flamers and heavy flamers for what they are. The heavy bolter though is missing something. Was it supposed to look like a minigun? If so, the ought to be some indication that they rotate. If not, then that's an incredibly silly design. The meltas... IDK what is going on there. From the multimelta, I was able to deduce which one was supposed to be the meltagun. But what I assume is the inferno pistol (or is it a plasma pistol?) does not follow the same design. And then there's another longarm in there that I'm guess is supposed to be plasma, but sister don't get plasma, except as pistols. So from a WYSIWYG standpoint only, this is really confusing on a visual level.


I really like the design of the sisters! It's definitely something new, but I like it! Just one question though: For the chainswords, would it. E possible to have an alternative version where the teeth of the weapons all have the same size? This small/big change looks not really natural for a weapon this type. Keep it up guys!


They have 2 types of chainsaws, so maybe we can modify one of them to have all teeth of the same size. Something we'll need to experiment, so no promises here.


Oh, thanks a lot! That would be looking just this extra bit cooler imho.


I kinda like the idea that the heavy bolter type gun is actually a volley gun rather than a machinegun (Like a dirty great version of a napoleonic war concept).

Quinton R.



Ive been waiting for these, they look awesome, cant wait to print and paint them. Even the rats.. I wasnt too keen on them till I printed and painted a Ratman Warrior! Great work!


I'm loving the chainsaw sisters! Their overall design is great, though I have to say their arms looks a little off in the renders somehow (a little stretched and emaciated, maybe?). I'm not the biggest fan of the gun designs, but I don't hate them. They're definitely distinct, and I have some ideas how I might paint them up. Looking forward to when these release!

Sam Neuman

I absolutely love the look of the battle sisters and the ratmen! The former’s aesthetic feels inspired by art nouveau and makes me very excited to hopefully test them in some small home games!

Brett Lee

Thanks for the update - love the sculpts and progress! But... if I'm allowed to provide one small feedback note: the rat veterans holding the halberds with two hands look a bit awkward (and probably have terrible leverage on that weapon). Any chance their hands can be more spaced out? 😬

Matt Tordo

super awesome!!!


then dont use them as wizzywig? Personal limitation mate


OPR releasin kino again mates. Beaut

Tim Raven

These look really interesting! As a newer member of your patreon is there a poll or suggestion box for things we'd like to see in the future?


I agree with these sentiments. I find the overall visual language of these reworked sisters confusing.


My daughter salutes your Battle Sister. Ladies she can play, rather than Playboy. Thank you!


I'm so happy y'all came back to the sisters! I can't wait for the new bikers!

Darren Malin

yes ! Sisters of Battle thank you ! , please tell me there is a 'not a rhino' APC we really need one.

Matthew Riley

The Sister weapons are an over-the-top delight. They're going to really stand out on the table and I look forward to seeing what people do with the paint jobs. Keep up the great work! <3

Adrian Milik

The first of the ratmen seems to have a cloak cutting through his leg, other than that I really like the way the rat army looks


I really like where this is going but is there a way to get some sisters heads with just the plain hood without the gold flourish spikes? I think it would look really nice on models like the medic.


Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models. :)


There are no plans for that, but you could always cut the spikes off to get a different look. :)


Yes, there's the community survey (link in post), as well as concept polls every now and then. :)


Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models. :)


Go back and count and you'll find more folks likin them than not, what makes your opinion more valid?


I really like the weapons. It's nice to see something besides your standard flat bolter looking gun. The entire design direction on these is great. I especially appreciate the loopy loop barrels on the one gun. Looks fun.

Bryon Smith

Please add Power Sword versions of the chainsword sisters. These are starting to look impressive.


I cannot help me. The Heavy weapons and Backpacks from the Sisters looking to weird. Rainworm launcher, Milking blaster and Flower thrower. Don’t like this so much in a grimdark Future Setting.

Kyle Bentley

The Sisters are looking a lot better now that they're posed and wielding weapons. I still wish they looked a little more armoured, but they certainly look better than I was afraid they might.

Christopher Bishop

I LOVE the aesthetic of both the Ratmen and the Battle Sisters. To me they look unique and anatomy wise perfect for warrior women. Their facial expressions especially capture their devout and stoic personas. Grim determination is apparent on every face. I have worked beside many women in very tense situations in the military. The sculptor obviously studied women just like that for modeling as its dead on. I have never considered painting a battle sisters army. That all changed.

Shadow fund

The weapons design has been pretty split in the comments. Maybe with some color and seeing the full model they will true out fine. I'm less on the fence then I was a month ago but still not sold on them just yet. Rat man are turning out great so I'm hopeful for the sisters

Nathan Gerardy

I think what I like the most about the Sisters designs is the details, and the fact that OPR Sisters don't look like other same themed designs. Well done.

Patrik Olterman

Is it just me, but in the early access download it's still the same sellswords as last month, how do I get the Quest preview?


Are you sure you got the correct ZIP file? Should be "Temporary - Early Access (07.12.22).zip" and inside of that you grab "AoFQ - Core Rules + Hero Creation v0.25". :)


Hmm... I can't access the survey from that link, I get a message that it's no longer accepting answers. I don't think I filled it in yet, but my memory is pretty shit currently. Just wanted to let you know in case something went wrong with the survey timers.

Alejandro Martínez

Good morning, when will the models for this month be available?


I'm beyond excited for the AoF: Quest game! I love them and I'm very happy to see you design one and have minis for them!


Probably already answered, but when are the fanatics Models Bring releases?


The recent Trapped Under Plastic podcast by Ninjon and Miniac "Where is 3D Printing NOW?? | S3E30" has some great discussion of the follies of 3D printed minis: too many details, sharp edges, difficult areas, focusing on volume of minis rather paintability. I hope OPR keeps paintability front of mind as you ramp up on volume, and that you have plans to revisit and improve prior designs! Examples: On Alien Hives I've found chest recesses on hunched over aliens to be difficult to paint and the spines to be pretty sharp. Eternal Dynasty has underarm details that don't pull their weight. Calling out good stuff, Robot Legions has been extremely fun to paint!


The survey is closed already. don't know if this is on purpose or not.


OPR minis are very nicely paintable mate..


Cool personal opinion you have there, I and many other like the designs so remember your opinion isn't worth more than that of the rest of us :)


I see some of the Battle Sisters are starting to show up on myminifactory! yay! downloading them now!!