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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

December New Releases

Next month we're starting with the release of a new sci-fi faction, with the Blessed Sisters. This is quite a large army, and will probably take 5-6 months to release fully, so you can look forward to lots of sisters! Then we've also got the last release of the Saurian Starhost, as well as lots of new Ratmen models. Finally we've got the legendary Epic Avatar of Plague, some new Change Daemons terrain, and finally the re-released FTL Progenitors fleet.

For 2D print we'll have the Mummified Undead Set #5 for you, as well as the start of a new army with the Jackals Set #1, plus the re-released FTL Progenitors Fleet. On the gaming side we're going to be releasing 8 missions for all games, as well as 2 new factions for Grimdark Future: FTL, and we'll keep working on our skirmish adventure game AoF: Quest (re-named from "AoF: Sellswords").

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 74 models + 4 terrain + 132 bases + 27 game aids):

  • Legendary - Plague Epic Avatar x1
  • Ratmen - Priest x1
  • Ratmen - Engineer x3
  • Ratmen - Grenadiers x6
  • Ratmen - Monks x13
  • Ratmen - Themed Bases x44
  • Ratmen - Game Aids x9
  • Sisters - Superior x3
  • Sisters - Fanatics Superior x2
  • Sisters - Warriors x17
  • Sisters - Fanatics x10
  • Sisters - Flagellants x10
  • Sisters - Themed Bases x44
  • Sisters - Game Aids x9
  • Starhost - Starseer x1
  • Starhost - Gator Veteran x1
  • Starhost - Swarms x3
  • Starhost - Spinosaurus x1
  • Starhost - Triceratops x3
  • Starhost - Themed Bases x44
  • Starhost - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Progenitors Fleet x4
  • Change Daemons - Area Terrain x3
  • Change Daemons - Scatter Terrain x1

2D Print Rewards:

  • Mummified Undead - Set #5
  • Jackals - Set #1
  • Mummified Undead Terrain
  • Jackals Terrain
  • FTL Progenitors Fleet
  • FTL Space Terrain

Games Rewards:

  • 8 Game Missions
  • GF: FTL (beta)
  • AoF: Quest (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 50% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

With the final wave of Saurian Starhost released in December, we're going to finally come to an end of the 3 monthly army releases. This has been a fun ride, but we're happy to go back to our regularly scheduled releases. :)

To give you a better idea of why we're doing this for those that are new, you need to understand that for the past 2 years we used to release ~8 units per month. During the last 6 months however, we've doubled that number to ~16 units per month, which has been extremely taxing for the team, and we can't keep doing that without completely burning out.

That being said, whilst we are going back down to 2 armies per month starting in January, we're still going to increase our output by 25%, releasing ~10 units per month, which is much more realistic for us to do, and it's still a ton of content for just $10, especially with all the other stuff you get (legendary units, terrain, bases, game aids, welcome packs, loyalty rewards, etc.).

Running a Patreon with monthly release deadlines is not easy, and we don't want to make the mistake of overcommitting to how much stuff we release anymore. So in the future, instead of going crazy trying to deliver 3 armies per month, if we have the capacity to produce more than the 2 monthly armies, we will release them via alternative means such as crowdfunding.

We're hoping that in 2023 we can actually start leaning on crowdfunding more to release additional content outside of Patreon, such as small-scale models, additional armies, re-working old armies, or whatever else we dream up. Nothing is set in stone yet of course, but we'll make sure to keep you informed!

Here's a roadmap for the next few months:

  • January - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters
  • February - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters, New Welcome Pack
  • March - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Tom Drew

um...this looks amazing...keep up the good work!


excited to see more Ratmen, I like the look of the range a lot!