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  • Games - New Starter Lists Available
  • 2D Print - New Previews
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates, New Video
  • OPR News - Mission Packs now available on WGV!

Games - New Starter Lists Available

Here at OPR we always try to provide more and more value for all of our Patrons, and so in order to help newcomers get into the games, we are now providing pre-made starter lists for all of our games, featuring the 2D and 3D models from this month's release.

With these lists you will be able to print-and-play, without having to worry about searching for stats and building lists. Not only that, but if you follow along and build these lists each month, you'll end up with some nice big armies at the end! :)

Get the lists here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60631647

2D Print - New Previews

Below you can see previews of some of the paper minis that will be released in December, with the Mummified Undead Set #5 and the new Jackals Set #1.

3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in December, with the Ratmen Engineer, the Starhost Spinosaurus, plus some new Blessed Sisters. Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models, and not the final versions of the models.

Just a quick update on the November delays, this week we've uploaded the Lust Furies on MMF, so you can grab them now. With this, everything is available now! :)

Also, we've got a new video for you: https://youtu.be/Az0VfdueipU

OPR News - Mission Packs now available on WGV!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/11/11/mission-packs-now-available-on-wgv/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Jeremy Bernhardt

Getting some Assassins' Creed vibes from that multi-angle render for the battle sister. Nice!!!! Ratty is serious business, too.

Levi Irvin

Not sure if I like the frilled robe/cloak on the torso of the sisters. Everything else looks good though

James Kew

The shoulder pads on the sisters look too big


Loving the heads on the sisters! Hoping for a version with a gas mask in the future. I kinda agree with Levi, not feeling the frills on shirt and sleeves but model looks great overall!

Jason Watson

Y'all killing it on those new sisters. So happy you are redoing them!!


I like the heads of the sisters, but not a fan of the gear, shoulder pads in particular


Sisters better ever time ya post. Ain't getting the folks all sayin they look like a fantasy army on the old posts. This is sheer space spanish catholic ostentaciousness

Aaron Hannah

The Battle Sisters with the masks remind me of Dune's Fremen. Not at all a bad thing IMO.

Michael Galindo

Stater lists! Been hoping something like this would be put out.

Joe Kundlak

I have just one plea for 2D - could the models in the PDFs be named?

Thomas C.

I am not a big fan of the battle sisters design. I think the ratmen are great!

Andrew Marvosh

Love the sisters! Disagree with the comments about the shoulder size; it’s power armor, I think the proportions here make sense. Not sure about the frills though.

Nathan Gerardy

I like the sister designs! Only minor issue I see is the protruding backpack parts. Most of the similar design elements on the armor are beveled but this protruding part is soft rounded so it doesn't seem to fit the design language of the rest of the armor. I'm not sure of the function of this part of the backpack so maybe there is a reason. I think that is the only part that feels out of place for me. Kinda seems like a stylized cloud.

Shawn G.

The more rats you show, the more cheese I crave...

Mathis Castel

hi the sisters are now wonderfull ! can't wait to grab them . But there is just one things that i fell kinda strange. The little wings on the top of the backpack i dont feel like the disign fit with the rest(. And over all you may just think to resize it or maybe rotate it . Because when you look at the model without the crown on the helmet and the shoulderpath made our eyes focsu on the face witch is great (because they are amazing). But with the wings going up our attention are more on the chest of the sista . Another idea will be toadd an circle behind the head of the top of the backpack . This will refocus on the face and had an "holly" effect , like à vertical angel's halo .

Ted Robertson

Personally, I'm not really feeling the sisters. They seem a little too fantasy to me. I've always liked a little of the medieval in my sci fi, but they kinda look like modern D&D models.

Nathan Gerardy

Refining my thoughts. I went back and revisited the final sketched design concepts and they seem so different. I LOVE that final design, just not sure if that translated to the final model. I get that you can't do certain things like the larger hood being an issue with the modular heads. Obviously the tiny easily breakable details have to be thicker. I'd love to hear what challenges you had with the translation from design to model.

Ben Gash

How much is that caused by them not having guns yet though?


You hit the nail on the head: things have to be changed when going from the initial rough concept sketches, to actually functional 3D models that are modular. :)

Kyle Bentley

I feel similarly. Some of my earlier issues have been resolved, for example adding detail to and around the shoulder pads make them fit better. However, they do still look very medieval/fantasy. I understand they wanted to put fabric over the armour, but it makes them not look power armoured at all. I'll reserve final judgment until we know what unit this is, and what else they're equipped with. The rats and Starhost all look great.

Nathan Gerardy

Maybe they are forward thinking on these a little. The Rats are fantasy and getting a Future version like the Saurians. Maybe the Future Sisters are getting a Fantasy version later also. If not, seems like a missed opportunity.

Nathan Gerardy

So... OPR, is there going to be a Fantasy Sisters Army also? If so, that might explain why the look is a bit fantasy if they will have a similar aesthetic.


The battle sisters have lighter battle armor, which is covered in robes. They are based on spanish processions of semana santa, which feature a baroque aesthetic. The reason they look "fantasy" is because many fantasy designs use a baroque style, feature heavy robes, intricate ornaments, etc. There are no plans for fantasy battle sisters either.


Looks amazing! Any chance of a winged/holy battle sister?

Kevin Hall (@_smokebeard)

Mixed feeling with the Sisters. I like the overall design, just looks like they are in clothing more than power armor.

Felix The Toast

personally love the sisters as they are, looks super dope


The sword for the battle sisters just looks horrible. Please redesign it and consider a more realistic design and not the 80s tabletop miniature sword shaped club design.


The sisters are coming along nicely. The front torso is still a little bit plain and could use more armor and decoration. The ratmen are looking good.


They sound amazing! But maybe a champion or epic battle sister with "real" wings? I'll be honest i just like models with angelic wings.

Scott Hancock

Love the sword!!! Keep it up!

Ted Robertson

They look fantasy because there's an over abundance of curves and details that are generally pre industrial in feel. There's not enough 'tech' elements to mitigate the rest and tie it back to the genre. The inspiration is interesting, and could work really well, but you need something to pull it back to, to ground it in the sci fi esthetic. That other company included many medieval elements with their space marines, robes, cowls etc. But the clean lines of the armor, hoses, respirators, grills, etc make it very clear that the theme is sci fi. I think you've just over done it here, and not included enough sci fi elements to make it read well.


Alternative take: we have made them to include just as many sci-fi elements as we wanted them to have, to fit the aesthetic that we want them to have. :)

il Mozzo!

The sisters are almost ok, maybe the originals are a little more curvy (busty)? That said, corset-style armor is always very welcome…


Love it!


To be honest.. I´m not a big Fan of the helmet design from the Sisters. Also the Backpack is a weird looking thing.


When i look on the Sword i have instant need for breaking some Pots in a Strangers House and steel a Shovel from the local Store.. #TheLegendofBattleSisters

Mr. Honey

With so many varied options on how the battle sisters look it'll be impossible to please everyone.


I like it all, especially the sisters. I look forward to seeing those ladies guns.

Mr. Honey

If you are into that style I could recommend BiteTheBullet. They have WarSisters, but they are more on the fantasy side.

Anthony Nagel

I was talking to another member of this Patreon about the sister's shoulder pads and I found myself agreeing with his dislike of the design. The double sandwich design leaves much to be desired and reminds me of the GW High Elf shoulder pads. I would rather see a more modern tactical, look instead of the fantasy appeal you have going for it. A quick fix would be to remove the shoulder pad and offer multiple pad options as accessories.

Devon L

The sisters are looking good, can't wait to see the final product when the detail gets filled out. I think a lot of the concerns people have now will dissipate once all the detail is there, especially in the torso area. One thing I think would help is that they might be a little too "hero" scaled. I know part of this is due to limitations in the 3D modeling process, but I really think scaling a little back on the size of the head, arms, and feet proportionally would give them a better and less "cartoony" feel. I really like their layered design, it does make them feel more interesting than just straight up armor, but I think more realistic human-looking proportions wouldn't take away from that vision.

Anthony Nagel

The current fantasy design is more akin to early period armor, where you were trying to protect the shoulders from over head blows. Explosions, pressure waves and concussion waves would rip the current design from your gear or toss you around as they act as lift points.

Anthony Nagel

The helmet reminds me of a bad cosplay made by children who in desperation grabbed grandma's doily from a table and placed it on their heads.

Anthony Nagel

I just took a closer look, and it really reminds me of the single pose plastic GW High Elves, spearmen and bowmen from 4-7th edition.

Anthony Nagel

Just a really quick question, what is the look you are going for currently with the Sisters? What are your thoughts? Currently they are baggy and shapeless and look very generically elven. Stick some pointy ears on a couple and you can see what I am talking about.

Ted Robertson

Alternative take: you're running a business, not just doing this for your pleasure, so your customers opinions matter. The professional thing to do would be to be to take the input, say thanks, and move on. Or say nothing at all. Probably not start justifying your choices, or start arguing with your customer about why their reaction to your product is wrong. DEFINITELY not get smart assed about it. So you go right on ahead and doing what ever you want, creating whatever aesthetic you want. You can do it without me. Cheers!

Devon L

They've already posted concept art for the sisters, these are obviously still WIP but they've stuck pretty close to those designs so far. Look at the concept art and you'll have a better understanding.


Whilst we value our customer's opinions, the purpose of this subscription is to support us in the development of our vision, and not to make something that is tailored to the wishes of all of our patrons (which is impossible with 10k+ subscribers). We do take feedback into account, but only when we believe that it fits our vision, rather than changing things on a whim to just satisfy those few that comment on here. We understand that some people might not like our choices, and so we like to communicate with our audience and let them know why we are doing things our way, instead of staying quiet and giving them the impression that we're not paying attention at all. If you disagree with our vision and don't want to support us anymore, that is absolutely fine, but we're not going to be pressured into changing our vision because a vocal minority is posting comments on here. That being said, maybe you are right, and we should not engage so much with these comments, but admittedly it's hard to watch fans have a melt down in our comment section and not say anything, or just say "thank you for your input" and then be labelled as dismissive or patronizing. Unfortunately what we have learned with our growth is that no matter what we do, someone is going have an issue. Whatever the case, thank you for your support and comments so far. :)


Yeah. I think the issue is the slope and taper of the shoulders. It gives a weird silouette.

Gwen Read

for the sisters id love some different hairstyles and textures as well as like different people of colour.


It would interest me what the design considerations were for giving the sisters those double shoulder pads. Does it make the painting experience better or do they print more successful with less supports?


They double wings of the God-Queen are a core motif in the faction, which is reflected in the double shoulder pads. :)


Out of curiosity, would the Battle Sisters heads come separate from the bodies for cross-compatibility with the other widely available heads and helmets for similar models? Or would they be sculpted into the bodies?


The heads will be separate and modular, but we can't guarantee that heads from other manufacturers will fit onto our battle sisters bodies. :)


Okay, fair enough. As long as they're separate from the bodies I can get creative. Thanks for the quick reply :)