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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

November New Releases

Next month we're starting with the release of a new fantasy faction, with the Ratmen. This is quite a large army, and will probably take 5-6 months to release fully, so you can look forward to lots of rats! Then we've also got the last release of the Lust Daemons, as well as lots of new Saurian Starhost models. Finally we've got the legendary Epic Avatar of Change, new War Daemons and Change Daemons terrain, and finally the re-released FTL Nomads fleet.

For 2D print we'll have the Mummified Undead Set #4 for you, as well as the last Robot Legions Set #5, plus the re-released FTL Nomads Fleet. On the gaming side we're going to be releasing 8 missions for all games, as well as 2 new factions for Grimdark Future: FTL, and we'll keep working on our skirmish adventure game Sellswords.

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 88 models + 7 terrain + 132 bases + 27 game aids):

  • Legendary - Change Epic Avatar x1
  • Ratmen - Captain x5
  • Ratmen - War Throne x2
  • Ratmen - Warriors x18
  • Ratmen - Weapon Teams x5
  • Ratmen - Themed Bases x44
  • Ratmen - Game Aids x9
  • Lust Daemons - Furies x5
  • Lust Daemons - Beast Riders x7
  • Lust Daemons - Fiends x3
  • Lust Daemons - Chariot x1
  • Lust Daemons - Soul Daemon x5
  • Lust Daemons - Harbinger Champion x2
  • Lust Daemons - Ascended Harbinger x3
  • Lust Daemons - Themed Bases x44
  • Lust Daemons - Game Aids x9
  • Starhost - Gecko Chief x3
  • Starhost - Gecko Chief Rider x3
  • Starhost - Chameleon Chief x2
  • Starhost - Chameleons x5
  • Starhost - Pterodactyl Riders x9
  • Starhost - Ripjawdactyl Riders x9
  • Starhost - Themed Bases x44
  • Starhost - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Nomads Fleet x4
  • War Daemons - Area Terrain x3
  • War Daemons - Scatter Terrain x1
  • Change Daemons - Medium Terrain x3

2D Print Rewards:

  • Mummified Undead - Set #4
  • Robot Legions - Set #5
  • Mummified Undead Terrain
  • Robot Legions Terrain
  • FTL Nomads Fleet
  • FTL Space Terrain

Games Rewards:

  • 8 Game Missions
  • GF: FTL (beta)
  • AoF: Sellswords (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 50% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

With the Lust Daemons release in November, we're going to be finishing up our Daemons run, and we'll be coming to the end of 3 monthly army releases soon. This has been a fun ride, but we're happy to go back to our regularly scheduled releases. :)

The Daemons will be replaced by the Ratmen as our fantasy release, which will come with lots of units over the next 5-6 months. You can expect everything from brave storm veterans, to fanatic monks, as well as some big beasts and artillery as well.

In December we're then going to see the last release of the Saurian Starhost, with some of the bigger monsters finally seeing the light of day. The Starhost releases are not ending there however, as they'll still be getting both a legendary release, and a loyalty reward release in 2023, so you can expect some BIG dinos in the future.

We're also going to be releasing some new Loyalty Rewards soon, with the Avatar of Change and the Avatar of War. These are going to be some truly massive models as always, and will absolutely dominate the battlefield!

Finally, in December we're going to be introducing the Blessed Sisters, which will be replacing the Starhost as our sci-fi release for at least 5-6 months. This is a super exciting army for us to get into, and we can't wait to show you what we've been working on.

Back in 2020 we had actually already released a few sets of Blessed Sisters, but eventually removed them as their style and quality didn't fit what we've come to expect from OPR today. The new Blessed Sisters will be completely different, and whilst we know that some of you had grown attached to the old look, we hope that the new models will be awesome enough to win you over. :)

Here's a breakdown by month:

  • December - Ratmen, Blessed Sisters & Saurian Starhost, New Loyalty Rewards
  • January - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters
  • February - Ratmen & Blessed Sisters, New Welcome Pack

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Sad Venom

the fiends and riders look sick

Joel Dressler

Where is the mouse trumpeteer we saw in the artworks? Will there be one in one of the releases? Probably the best thing I have seen on this Patreon since I joined.