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  • OPR Hangout Stream - September 29th
  • Video Content - GMG Let's Play #2
  • 3D Print - New Concept Art, All Rulers Cut, New Video
  • OPR News - OPR Stream Soon + New Video Content

OPR Hangout Stream - September 29th

On the last week of every month, we're running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved.

This is a relaxed stream, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our creation process whilst chatting a bit and having some fun. The next stream is going to be on September 29th at 18:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 12:00 PST.

Subscribed to get notified: https://tinyurl.com/opr-youtube

Video Content - GMG Let's Play #2

If you've been interested in playing Grimdark Future, but wanted to check out how it plays first, Ash from GMG has posted yet another great playthrough video about it!

Check it out here: https://youtu.be/C6MJnwItcZI

3D Print - New Concept Art, All Rulers Cut, New Video

At the top of this post you can see concept art for some of the models that will be released in November for the Lust Daemons, the Saurian Starhost, the Ratmen, and the Epic Avatar of Change, plus some new terrain sets.

We're happy to announce that by popular request, we've gone back and cut all of our faction rulers in half, as well as provided a pre-supported version of them. This way you can now print them even on smaller printers, and nobody misses out on them! :D

Also, we've got a new video for you: https://youtu.be/aYEyWpLjcQk

OPR News - OPR Stream Soon + New Video Content

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/09/23/opr-stream-soon-new-video-content/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Robin Engel

Uh I love how the fiends for the lust demon beast riders look! Can we get them with and without saddle pls o.o

Will Harris

I really need the sci-fi chameleon soldiers. Those look great