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  • 2D Print - New Previews
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates, New Video
  • OPR News - Only-Games at Spiel + Special Discount

2D Print - New Previews

Below you can see previews of some of the paper minis that will be released in October, with the Mummified Undead Set #3 and the Robot Legions Set #4.

3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates, New Videos

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in October, with the Lust Warriors, the Plague Swarms + Harbinger, the Starhost Spiked Lizard, and the War Daemons Epic Avatar (still very early WIP).

Just a quick update on the September delays, this week we've uploaded the Plague Bases and Game Aids, as well as an optional version of the Chariot without attached hands. On top of that, we've finally uploaded the Small Change Terrain, which was supposed to come out in August. With this, all delayed models are now released! :)

Also, we've got two new videos for you:

OPR News - Only-Games at Spiel + Special Discount

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/09/16/only-games-at-spiel-special-discount/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Nagas need a topless option :)


https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=boobs here just click the link its a lot easier than being pathetic about 30mm tall resin folks. it'll change ur life

War Mammoth

Looks great, but in your final edits, please reconsider the scale of the heads v. the rest of the body. The heads, while feminine and serpentine, may need to be upscaled by 10-15% to match the athletic width of the chest, shoulders, and torso, or the latter three slimmed down slightly to match the head. Just a constructive idea based on what my eye sees. Keep up the great work.