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  • GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available
  • Mission Packs - New Missions
  • Only-Games - New Models Available
  • 2D Print - New Mummies + Robots Minis and Terrain
  • 3D Print - Delay Updates, New Previews, Expanded Release
  • OPR Instagram - Follow Us
  • OPR News - Writing Jam Results + OPR Hangout Recording

GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available

The new GF: FTL beta is currently available on Patreon, and this month the HDF and the Orc Marauders have joined the battle, bringing us up to a total of 6 out of 16 fleets available to play.

Check them out here and make sure to leave us your feedback!

Mission Packs - New Missions

Here's the 8 missions you're getting this month:

  • Grimdark Future – Aerial Theatre + Crimson Skies
  • GF: Firefight – Ash Storm + Weightless
  • Age of Fantasy – Plague Lands + Volcanic Activity
  • AoF: Skirmish – Brewer's Basement + The Ritual

Make sure to download the missions before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

Only-Games - New Models Available

We've just uploaded the War Daemons, Change Daemons and Saurian Starhost models from the August release on our Only-Games store, so if you don't have a 3D printer you can get them too. :)

Grab the models here: https://only-games.co/collections/onepagerules

2D Print - New Mummies + Robots Minis and Terrain

This month we've released some new paper miniature packs for you to enjoy, with the Mummified Undead Set #2 and the Robot Legions Set #3. We've also released the Mummified Undead Terrain and the Robot Legions Terrain, which will stay on Patreon for the next couple of months.

These sets feature a ton of minis with front and back views in two different color schemes, as well as black & white. They also include black border versions of the minis, plus VTT tokens to play online.

Make sure to download the PSDs before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

3D Print - Delay Updates, New Previews, Expanded Release

The Starhost Frog-Mage and Guardians have been uploaded to MMF, and should be available as part of the September group now. Apologies for the delay!

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in October, with the Plague Furies and Soul Daemon, the Starhost Raptor Veteran, plus some new War Daemons terrain.

Now, let's talk about our expanded release.

Currently we are releasing 3 armies per month, which is not normal, and is only because we have a backlog to complete. This is an exception, and will only last until the backlog has been completed. Once the backlog has been completed, we will be going back to releasing only 2 sets per month.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, we are going to repeat this information at the start of every month, just so that people don't get wrong ideas about our plans. :)

OPR Instagram - Follow Us

Make sure to follow OPR on Instagram to see tons of pictures and videos of our painted miniatures: https://www.instagram.com/onepagerules/

OPR News - Writing Jam Results + OPR Hangout Recording

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/09/02/writing-jam-results-opr-hangout-recording/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Robin Engel

They look great again. I just want to voice that I have a real dislike for the weapons that grow out of the arm directly without a hand, especially on the more humanoid-looking creatures. It just looks wrong and is a big reason for me to avoid these models. If there were options for arms with weapons in a hand that would be a great plus for me! P.S. I know there are people out there who love the protruding weapons, and thats alright of course ;-) Just wanted to have this opinion out there too.

Ché Stevenson

OMG I was just thinking exactly this! Love so much of what OPR is doing but all the the weapon-hands just look goofy to me!

Brett Anderson

I suppose I'm dense. The link for the FTL download of the two new fleets goes to the Tier 1 post on Patreon, and then you're told to go to DrivethruRPG or Wargame Vault. Neither of which have it listed. I did, however, go over to the OPR website and see that the Fleet Book has Orcs in there, but HDF is considered the Alliance or Empire? It should be made clearer which it is. The link for the mission packs goes, also, to the Tier 1 post, which sends you to DriveThruRPG or the Wargame Vault. I can't find them anywhere on DTRPG or WGV. So again, I must be dense, which seems likely but where to get the Mission packs?


WFTL current release is its own universe. Thats why its not "clear". its not intended to be. its currently being beta'd into GDF:FTL. The downloads you want are all the .zip links on the bottom of the post.