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Hi everyone,

For the first time in the history of this Patreon, we have reached 3 stretch goals in a single month, absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for your support!

By reaching 10.500 patrons, we've unlocked new discounts for November 2022:

Our next stretch goal and special discount codes will be provided once we hit 11.000 patrons, let's see how long it takes us to get there. :)

Happy wargaming!

- Gaetano

Note: It's normal that patron numbers fluctuate up and down during the month, but don't worry, even if we dip below 10.500 patrons at some point, the discount codes will stay!




The amount of minis/terrain and the quality of this Patreon is just great. I might skip a month if I really can't use it but I always keep an eye out for you and as for now I'm staying for a while, want all the demons, the starhost and of course anything from Jackals that will come.

Mark Stone

Where are the codes shared? I went to the Tier 2 rewards tab but it shows codes from January. Trying that on MMF throws an error.


The code in the T2 post is the current one, make sure not to leave any blank spaces before/after the code at checkout. If it's still broken, ask MMF support directly for help. :)

Mark Stone

I will ping them. There are legit only two posts showing up for me in the T2 rewards tab and they are both dated January 2.

Dave Morris

I dont suppose you know where i can view what models will be supplied with a sub this month?