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  • 3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates, Terrain Problems, New Video
  • OPR News - Sirius Business Finale + Writing Jam Coming

3D Print - New Previews, Delay Updates, Terrain Problems, New Video

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in September, with the Change Soul Daemon and Horrors, the Plague Flies, and the Starhost Ankylosaur.

Just a quick update on the August delays, this week we've uploaded the War Beast Champion, War Beast Riders Command and Change Harbinger on MMF, so you can grab them now. The only remaining thing is the Change Terrain, but for that we sadly have some bad news.

Unfortunately we've been suffering issues in our terrain production, to the point that we're having to fundamentally re-structure our work, to ensure that we can keep delivering high quality terrain in the future. We've hired additional help, and are currently going through a training and trial phase, which is going to cause some significant delays.

Here's our current expectations:

  • Change - Small terrain will be released ASAP
  • Change - Remaining terrain delayed by 1-2 months
  • War - Released without delays
  • Jackals - On hold until further notice

If everything goes well, we should be back in full terrain production within the next 1-2 months, and the releases will be smooth from then on. :)

Also, we've got a new video for you: https://youtu.be/XX6wasuhgYA

OPR News - Sirius Business Finale + Writing Jam Coming

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/08/12/sirius-business-finale-writing-jam-coming/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



john johnson

massive pair of binoculars for that ankylosaur....see into the future with them!

Gonzalo Zesati

The level of detail is amazing!


Love the horrors!!! Can't wait to get my hands on them. Not a fan of that dino, the balance with the armor seems off. A bit too much armor imo. Great work overall though, as always.


Thank you for continuing to be transparent about the difficulties and delays you have. That, and the high quality work you always deliver, have earned my loyalty despite the occasional delay.

Nathan Gerardy

Absolutely worth the wait. Thanks for the great communication!


Guys, you're doing amazing work. If you need to pull back a bit, I cant possibly see anyone faulting you. Your release is ridiculous right now. Make sure you're taking care of yourselves!

Christopher Talbot

Hmm...sixth month with OPR other an eight month spree... now I'm not sure I can ever leave again. The Change split-ers look so much more AoF time-lined than the proxy Games Workshop horrors I have to use


Nice Design for the Horrors. But please don´t make this little hole in the big eyes. It looks a bit like the one-eyed Pantsnake looking out of a Honeypot.

Mr. Honey

Honestly, with all the perks that come with being a Patreon a little delay here and there should Not be a big deal for anyone. You guys rock.


Nope. Everyone i showed this said the same. These guys look obviously like walking vaginas. Sorry.


Eventualy if there will be more teeth added and less lippy looking Skin. So it Looks like the eye Is Watching out of a mouth Full of teeth would save the estatic from the Change Demons and don‘t trigger the twitch ban for every battlereport where this Minis are used because of showing sexual things


Agree on this. They look like they should be the lust demon form of nurglings.

Joel Dressler

Ye, it's a Vagina. With a little PeePee poking out from the wrong side. I think it's intentional? I mean... How could that not be intentional. I don't think I would want to print genitalia-demons but I won't judge anyone. People like what they like.

oejlen .

Love the horrors. Great sculpts and poses, especially the magical gestures of the hands. Will they come in different sizes(/colours)? Singles and small swarms of horrorling