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  • GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available
  • Mission Packs - New Missions
  • 3D Print - Delay Updates, New Previews
  • OPR News -August Release + Writing Jam

GF:FTL - Two New Fleets Available

The new GF: FTL beta is currently available on Patreon, and this month the Robot Legions and TAO Coalition have joined the battle, bringing us up to a total of 4 out of 16 fleets available to play.

Check them out here and make sure to leave us your feedback!

Mission Packs - New Missions

Here's the 8 missions you're getting this month:

  • Grimdark Future – Tattered Legions + Blood & Snow
  • GF: Firefight – Road War + The Walking Dead
  • Age of Fantasy – The Cattle Rustlers + The Great Valley
  • AoF: Skirmish – Barge Battle + Falling Stars

Make sure to download the missions before the end of the month, as they aren’t sent out via WGV/DTRPG, and are not stored anywhere for future access.

3D Print - Delay Updates, New Previews

Just a quick update on the August delays, this week we've uploaded the Change Bases and the War Terrain on MMF, so you can grab them now. We're finalizing the remaining models this week, so they should hopefully be available sometime next week. We're sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you enjoy the models. :)

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in September, with the Change Daemons Ascended Harbinger, the Starhost Guardians, the Plague Daemons Champion, plus some new War Daemons terrain.

OPR News - August Release + Writing Jam

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/07/29/new-previews-new-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




I'm absolutely loving all the Starhost stuff you guys are pumping out. Looks at saurians and thinks "What if, but space?"


If you keep up this pace my printer is going to go on strike! Feel free to slow down ha ha. You guys/gals are awesome!


Well Done, worth every penny and more


will it be the default also in future, that you get the current mission-pdfs plus the missions from the same month but from a year ago? as continuous re-release?


Every day I feel more and more happy to be a patreon. Thank you for the good work.

Sean Goodwin

So I am a new patron t2 and made a MMF account, I know I have to wait 48 hours from today but where do the files go once sent to me? I don’t see a folder or anything in that app for my own 3D files… thanks!


Please make sure to check under "My Library > Objects shared with me" to find the models. :)

Sean Goodwin

Thanks! I’m so excited! Now I just need my Saturn 2 to come in the mail!


You will get a message and then it will lead you to a message that says claim rewards. After that it will be part of your library. Welcome to the club!


Been subbed since november, loving the sub and rooting for your continued success! I just noticed these mission packs and havent downloaded any. Anyone able to help me catch up? Also is there a way they could be sent to Drive thru RPG with all the other things, Im really bad at remembering to download things monthly, im so glad most of these creators send to MMF


There is no way to send these through DTRPG, or else we would already be doing that. :)

Nigel Swan

Yes.I have missed out on a few missions -any chance of a mission pack we can buy via DTRPG?


Yes, we're planning on releasing the mission packs on WGV/DTRPG in the coming months. :)