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  • Only-Games - New Models Available
  • 3D Print - New Previews, February Preview, Terrain Releases
  • OPR Instagram - Follow Us
  • OPR News - Writing Jam Soon + New Videos

Only-Games - New Models Available

We've just uploaded the Beastmen and Eternal Dynasty models from the January release on our Only-Games store, so if you don't have a 3D printer you can get them too. :)

Grab the models here: https://only-games.co/collections/onepagerules

3D Print - New Previews, February Preview, Terrain Releases

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in March, with the Eternal Dynasty Sage, the Beastmen Elites and Slimey Beast, plus some new Beastmen terrain.

We'd like to remind everyone that the release starts on the 4th of February, and you can check out the preview here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61423825

Now, let's talk about terrain releases.

Currently we are releasing 3 terrain sets per month, which is not normal, and is only because we have a backlog of faction terrain to complete. This is an exception, and will only last until the backlog has been completed. Once the backlog has been completed, we will be releasing only 2 sets per month.

Because we're releasing new armies every few months, and we have this backlog to complete, this means that the terrain releases won't be exactly in sync with the monthly factions, and if some take longer than others, then the schedule will slide a little.

We previously posted a roadmap for terrain releases, which is not valid anymore, since we are currently re-working our terrain release schedule. From now on, we will be updating our terrain release plans in the monthly roadmap, just like everything else.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, we are going to repeat this information at the start of every month, just so that people don't get wrong ideas about our plans. :)

OPR Instagram - Follow Us

Make sure to follow OPR on Instagram to see tons of pictures and videos of our painted miniatures: https://www.instagram.com/onepagerules/

OPR News - Writing Jam Soon + New Videos

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2022/01/28/writing-jam-soon-new-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Very nice! The beastmen remind me oh Char in GW! I cant wait for it to heat up here so I can print them :)


the sage looks really awesome

Joshua Ates

While I am not a big fan of the fantasy setting, I will have to print some of these beastmen minis they look like a lot of fun to paint.

Aaron Brown

LOVE the slimy beast! I honestly really like all the OPR 3d armies (even the og sculpts!) but the Beastmen have been the first ones that have really gotten me super fanboi excited. Such great sculpts with so much character!


Everything looks really good especially the shown Beastmen models and their terrain! ED are great as well, it's really hard which to focus on with all those impressive releases! 🤩

Thomas Surey-Gent

Isnt it!? absolutlely amazing releases every single month, in a way itys kinda a good thing my printer is up the creek atm, lets me focus on what ive got printed already lol


Sage and slimey are 🔥🔥🔥

Woe Riegler

The beast models look great, very cool poses! But are there no plans for Elites with Great weapons? Also 2x Hand weapons and Halberds for the normal warriors would be fantastic. I would really love to have more weapon options, at least those provieded in your rules would be great.

Christopher Talbot

Hmm... it looks to me like you are trying to say "OPR is doing it's best to cover our backlog, AND create the new minis each month. (which includes terrain, two armies, and a war fleet) But OPR is just made of people, so we can not guarantee every thing will be ready on the 4th of each month." Well bugger me...sounds fair :)


Yeah, the time frame can change as long as we keep getting all this awesome stuff every month :D


There will be Great Weapon options for the Elites, but not the other options you mentioned (and the rules for those are changing anyways).


I just started on my lizardmen. I heard rumors jungle bases and new units will be release early this year? EDIT: Saw earlier post saying April. Still feel this is a likely timeframe for release?

Jared Rutledge

You guys are now established as one of my go to patreons. I love your work.


Same I am so glad I got on them. Not only their models but their game systems are bloody brilliant! Lots of fun. Updating and correcting balancing issues pretty often with feedback etc... Amazing bunch of People. Even if it was half of what they give now it would.still be more than worth it.

John Stempowski

Does anyone have any tips to strengthen the smaller parts like the antennae over the ears? Mine snap so easily. Im using an elegoo water washable resin.

Barokai Rein

Nah it all comes down to the resin you use,you can't really make the material stronger.

Ryeloaf Breadmen

So, all those photos are next month's previews, correct?


At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in March, yes.