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  • Merry Christmas - Beastmas Chariot
  • Eternal Dynasty - Army Book Preview
  • Mission Packs - Poll Results
  • 2D Print - Alien Hives Set #2 Released
  • 3D Print - New Previews
  • OPR News - Community Survey Results

Merry Christmas - Beastmas Chariot

The OPR team wishes you all a Merry Christmas, and we hope that you get to enjoy the holidays with your friends & family. We'd also like to remind you to download the special model we released for the holidays before it is gone!

Grab this special model by clicking here.

Eternal Dynasty - Army Book Preview

Today we uploaded the first draft of the Eternal Dynasty army book for Grimdark Future, which will give you a taste for their lore, units and releases.

This is still a WIP version with no point costs, and a full version will be released in January, including a v2.50 version for the OPR WebApp.

Make sure to download it here. 

Mission Packs - Poll Results

Last week we made a poll asking how you'd like us to handle mission releases once we put the packs up on WGV, and it seems that the majority of you would like to receive the missions via Patreon, even if they can be found on WGV.

Pretty simple result, so you can expect to get those missions here!

2D Print - Alien Hives Set #2 Released

After many delays, the 2nd paper minis pack for this month has finally been released. Due to these delays, next month's sets will also be released a bit late. We're really sorry for this whole situation, and are working on getting things back on track ASAP.

You can grab this new set by clicking here. 

3D Print - New Previews

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in January, with the Dynasty Dragon Bike, the Beastmen Hounds and Sabertooth Titan, plus the Mummified Undead Small Terrain.

OPR News - Community Survey Results

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/12/18/community-survey-results-2/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Come kitty, sweet little kitty (or whatever)

Asteroids Fred

I like the extra range for the Hero in "Direct Fire" for the Eternal Dynasty

Nicholas McCurdy

Is there going to be an update to the beastmen to add the saber tooth is is it just interchangeable with the centaur?


Shenlong Titan.. I wish he get some Ball‘ish looking Parts. Maybe some sort of a Ring on His back where the Balls are attached to. I think Seven is a good number. 😉


... That beast of iron and flame... I can already picture it in my mind painted. There's strong potential for OSL painted effects. I like it quite a bit!


Literally thought the same thing. Green flames for some flavor. Might be a good time to try my first steps at OSL.

Skylar H.

Quick question, maybe I missed somewhere, what does the lock-on rule do? Looking at missile fists, for one


Lock-On is the new name for Anti-Air, which will come along with some other small rule changes in January.

Lorenzo Calvi

Hi, new subscriber here :D I'm excited to discover the Beastmen army, just a things... I have mixed feeling about this half rat half cat thing... I prefer much the "feline" version, but the tail is a disturbing part... could you try with a more feline tails?