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  • Mission Packs - WGV Packs Poll
  • 2D Print - Alien Hives Set #2 Update
  • 3D Print - New Previews, New Video
  • OPR News - Community Survey, FTL Quickstart, New Videos

Mission Packs - WGV Packs Poll

Over the last 8 months we have been releasing monthly mission packs on Patreon, which have been very well received. They have been so well received in fact, that a lot of new players are asking if they can buy packs of older missions on WGV, as well as non-Patrons asking if they can buy the missions without being subscribers.

The plan with our missions has always been to wait until we have released 18 missions per game on Patreon, and then release them as packs on WGV for people to buy. Since there is enough demand, and we've already released 8 missions, we've decided to wait until 12 missions have been released on Patreon, and then package them with the remaining 6 missions for sale on WGV.

Doing this however means that there will be 6 missions that were not available on Patreon before they were released on WGV, and so we want to hear your feedback on how to handle those last 6 missions, via a simple poll (link below).

Before answering the poll, let's clarify exactly what the options are:

A) Provide the 6 unreleased missions on WGV, and keep releasing them every month on Patreon over 6 months (even though you could buy them on WGV).

B) Provide the 6 unreleased missions on WGV, and start releasing new missions every month on Patreon (which are not available as part of the mission Pack).

Take the poll here: https://forms.gle/P6Ukoj8LJyAT5teo9

In other news, once more missions have been released (one way or the other), we are planning to start providing fresh new missions, as well as backlog missions every month, doubling how many missions you get!

2D Print - Alien Hives Set #2 Update

Unfortunately the Alien Hives Set #2 is still delayed, after we ran into some issues with the soul-snatcher heads, but they are currently being re-worked. Here's a preview.

3D Print - New Previews, New Video

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in January, with the Dynasty Drones + Turret, the Beastmen Brute Boss and Brutes, plus the Robot Legions Medium Terrain.

Also, we've got a new painting video for you: https://youtu.be/JSv6CG6c3Zk

OPR News - Community Survey, FTL Quickstart, New Videos

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/12/11/community-survey-ftl-quickstart-new-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Thanks for all your hard work, this all looks great!


the big terrain piece looks great. i'm pretty sure it will pretty well fit into a robot-army, dynasty or mummified-undead-themed battlefield.


The kitty looks awesome.


That guy swinging the 2-handed sword looks great. Great pose.


Really enjoying the spread of animal inspiration for the beastmen!


Those beastmen are looking awesome. Never realized how boring the standard goats could get


I'm very excited to get these guys on the printer


I'm getting a homicidal Thundercat vibe from these brutes, love it!


I love the detail, and Darth Crab-Tank

Sean Malone

These beast men have really stepped up the quality of the sculpts you guys out out. Next level stuff and I love them!

Artedil Nothlirien

Great sculpts, but the beastmen have all the same facial expression. Maybe someone with his mouth closed.


Didn't notice until you mentioned it, now I can't unsee it.. Some variation would really raise the bar here.