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  • Point Calculator - v2.50 (beta) Available
  • 2D Print - Alien Hives Set #2 Delayed
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Walking Fortress, New Video
  • OPR News - New Releases + Videos

Point Calculator - v2.50 (beta) Available

The v2.50 (beta) has been live for a while now, and we thought it's about time we start sharing the new point calculation PDF, so that you can take a peek at what's going on under the hood. Note that this is very much a beta still, so everything is subject to change.

The biggest difference that you'll find is that the multiplier for weapon ranges has been doubled, which is why weapons are more expensive now. Also, a lot of weapon special rules costs have been changed, to make them scale better with other values.

A lot of common special rules have also seen their price changed, and you'll notice that many of them now multiply by tough. Apart from that, we've re-worked the costs of most army special rules (gangs of hive city is still WIP).

Whist having this PDF is a neat thing, the future of the point calculator is that you'll be able to access the backend of our webapp, where you will be able to create entire armies, with all units, upgrades, etc. all calculated automatically. :)

Check out the beta point costs by clicking here.

2D Print - Alien Hives Set #2 Delayed

Unfortunately the Alien Hives Set #2 is going to be a bit delayed this month, but don't worry, it's still in the works, and here's a sneak preview.

3D Print - New Previews, Walking Fortress, New Video

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in January, with the Beastmen Hunt Masters and the Eternal Dynasty Infantry.

We saw these pictures of the Walking Fortress shared on our Discord, and couldn't help but share them with you. Check out this massive beast!

Also, we've got a new painting video for you: https://youtu.be/F0Xm-eO3iOI

OPR News - New Releases + Videos

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/12/03/new-releases-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Can not wait for space samurai!


I can't wait for the eternal dynasty!! It's right up my alley, love them already!


Thanks for the exciting update and the Eternal Dynasty sculpts look so amazing already! You're knocking it out of the park with these! All those details and the different poses, head + weapon options, are awesome! Can't wait to get to see more of them in the future! ... the new Beastmen will be my first army for AoF! 🤩


Absolutely, Eternal Dynasty is exactly the Army I NEED right now! Come on January!

Ben Gash

Oh they are nice


Them Eternal Dynasty bois are looking sweet! Idk what it will look like in person but does the non-hat helmet look a little tall? Also, ftl please?

Kyle Bentley

I really like the direction the Space Shogunate are going in, and the new huntmasters have some really cool details to them.

Brews GamesRides

These look great, so many cool uses, 5 Parsecs and beyond. Awesome!

Kevin E Henry

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I am still fairly new here. Is Eternal Dynasty going to be a whole new army for Grimdark Future or is it intended for one of the current armies? If a new one then will there be a rule set released for it?


It looks like it will represent "Tau" from 40k but with better sculps I really like these ones and makes them look less robotic as a infantry unit

Nicholas McCurdy

I honestly can’t get enough of these beastmen. Is that just the hunt master or the hunters too?


The space shogunate are awesome… just be one little gripe, I think they would benefit from being hooved. Just a random thought, totally don’t know why that aesthetic would possibly be popping into my mind 😗🎶🎶


We have no intention of making the Eternal Dynasty hooved, as these are our own original designs. We are not looking to make models that fit some other company's aesthetic, sorry. :)

Thomas Surey-Gent

I am so stoked for the Dynasties, and these are by for the best beastfolk sculpts i have seen anywhere! Bloody hells that fortress is big, recently picked it up for myself during the BF sales, and can only just fit some parts on my dinky little Elegoo Mars! Gonna be a major project for the new year :)


i really like the design of the heads on the eternal dynasty troops, the helmeted ones look amazing, and the unhelmeted ones don't just look like humans with a very minor and insignificant difference.


I just got the loyalty rewards and was amazed at the size, I have to scale the hive titan to 90% just to get the pieces to fit on the build plate of my mars 2 pro.


Is there any news or estimate of when you may start to release the stl's for the figures in 10mm/15mm scale?


i love this i cannot wait for this release!!! will there be more helmeted variations?!

Corentin de Radiguès

Hi, just curious if the Space Shogunate is replacing/representing theToa or if this is a seperate faction? Thanks for all the great work you do, always nice to cruise through these update posts!


i saw those aliens before https://i.imgur.com/tBEREae.jpg