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  • 3D Print - New Concept Art, Alien Big Monsters Poll Results
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3D Print - New Concept Art, Alien Big Monsters Poll Results

At the top of this post you can see concept art for some of the models that will be released soon for the Eternal Dynasty (official new name for the Space Shogunate) and the Beastmen, plus the new Beastmen Legendary Creature, and the new terrain for the Beastmen, Mummified Undead and Robot Legions.

The Alien Hives poll results are in, here's a quick overview of what you voted:

  • Would you like us to re-work the big monsters? - 83% Yes
  • Re-work the Artillery Beast? - 54% Yes
  • Re-work the Devourer Beast? - 63% Yes
  • Re-work the Invasion Artillery? - 74% Yes
  • Re-work the Invasion Carrier? - 48% Yes
  • Re-work the Spawning Beast? - 47% Yes
  • Re-work the Tyrant Beast? - 74% Yes

Reading the overall feedback, the main things to improve is how mechanical the weapons look, how blurry the details look, how similar the poses are, and how different they look from the rest of the alien hives army.

Thank you for your feedback, we'll go back to the drawing board with these, and if we decide to pull the trigger on the re-work, we will provide you with an update. :)

OPR News - v2.50 PDFs + Tons of Videos

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/11/19/v2-50-pdfs-tons-of-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Brilliant! I love the concept art you guys do, I think the Eternal Dynasty might top your Robot Legions! (I totally love them)


Cannot wait for the Eternal Dynasty prints. They look amazing. I love the look and sound of flintlock black powder rifles so the Scifi version of them is right up my alley


Hell yeah!


I love it.

Erik Waring

Super psyched! Also digging the Gnolls! One of my favorite DnD minions.

Kyle Bentley

The concept art looks awesome. I wasn't 100% sold on the beastmen, but they're growing on me. I especially like the beastmen helmets in photo 11.



Obscurities in Miniature

Well damn. You guys consistently get me hyped for not only the current month's release, but for the next one as well! Absolutely can't wait for Eternal Dynasty and what sorts of big toys they'll bring to the battlefield!


Question: I saw on MyMiniFactory it was mentioned that the Mummified Undead would be getting new army bundles, when exactly do you think those might be released? Also, I'm loving the concept art for the two factions, especially the Eternal Dynasty!


I agree with the above - Eternal Dynasty is a much better name and that jetbike is amazing.

Andrew Beymer

Okay now, we gotta talk: I was only supposed to pop in and subscribe for the Dutchies, but you’ve managed to “it’s-just-one-more-month” me all the way through whenever these space samurai inevitably finish. How do you do that? XD Excellent work!


Eternal Dynasty is looking sweet!

Thomas Surey-Gent

9oh sweet gods, these guys are looking like the *other company space commies" that i always wanted and dreamed of! So unbeleivably stoked for them!


I love that basically all your variations are cooler than the originals


I have a samurai Ork army.. A samurai Space Marine army.. and now you are going to give me a Samurai Tau army? GASSED

Joe Knight

Wow... these make me want to print Samurai Tau.


I realy like these drones 🥰

Christopher Lee

Would love all those weapons modeled as separate bits for kitbashing


100% agree they are amazing! cant wait to print them off and see what you think in your own videos bud :-)


Hi ! I was wondering if you were planning on releasing new Saurian models and/or bundles. I'm a new subscriber and I'm SO excited about this army. Thanks!!


So are you reworking all the big monsters for Alien Hives? Is it just small changes or complete do overs?


Unclear at this stage, right now we just wanted to get a feel for what the community thought, and it seems people agree that they could be better. I think that in order to fill our design goals, a major re-working of all of them would be required. Nothing is set in stone yet, but IF we decide to do it, then it would probably only be mid-2022 anyway.


Are the Space Weaboos...erm I mean Space Sho- Eternal Dynasty going to get their own GF army list or are they just a reskin of another army list for legal reasons?


The Eternal Dynasty are going to get their own army list and lore, and none of this is for legal reasons, or otherwise. They are simply their own faction. :)