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  • Mission Packs - New Missions Released
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Beastmen Info
  • OPR Instagram - Follow Us
  • OPR News - Army Forge Beta is Live!

Mission Packs - New Missions Released

This week we've released 4 new missions for our mainline games: Excavation Site, Escort, Dark Realm and Sacrifice.

Give the missions a shot and download them here.

3D Print - New Previews, Beastmen Info

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in December, with the Beastmen Warriors + Bases + Terrain, as well as the Robot Legion Tri-Scorpions.

Starting in December, you'll be getting a brand new line of fantasy models with the Beastmen, which will be released over the course of 4 months. Each month you can expect ~20 high quality miniatures, plus faction terrain, as well as themed bases, game aids, and of course the recently announced loyalty reward. On top of that you'll also be getting a special legendary monster, that will really blow your mind!

The Beastmen we have created are inspired by animals from the African savannah, and so you can expect units based off anything from hyenas to boars, as well as some completely original monsters that the have been tamed to fight with them. Every unit from the Beastmen roster will be represented, however some of them will be re-named to be a little more generic (ex.: Minotaurs will be re-named to Brutes).

We are not going to be releasing any Goatmen or Goatmen-like creatures (although we do have horned Warriors as an homage), so if you're looking for an army of Goatmen, then the OPR Beastmen line won't be for you, sorry.

This army has been a ton of fun to create, and we hope that you'll enjoy printing it as much as we enjoyed making it. :)

OPR Instagram - Follow Us

Make sure to follow OPR on Instagram to see tons of pictures and videos of our painted miniatures: https://www.instagram.com/onepagerules/

OPR News - Army Forge Beta is Live!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/10/29/army-forge-beta-is-live/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Hi I haven't received my files for November? Have they not been released yet? Thanks in advance


Thanks. I thought I did something wrong! 😂


I really Like The bases


Army forge is inoperable on my iPhone 12.

James Howard

Looks like a new version for beastmen will be coming soon to update to new miniature names... maybe some large weapon platforms also hopefully.

Quinn Shaw

I like the approach to beastmen you're taking. I don't mind the lack of goatmen personally, there are already plenty of sculptors going in that direction. I think OPR has really matured by taking a more original direction.

Obscurities in Miniature

I actually like the fact that we aren't getting a bunch of goats! I'm old enough to remember when beastmen were just that- beasts, not just farmland garbage disposals!

David Störmer

Love the Robot Dude, his face is perfect!


Love how the beast men look like Charr.


Unfortunately there are issues with iOS, which have been causing it not to work properly.

Tarnoc Doino

I’m going a little print mad. I’ve been at it for about 3 months now. My wife is starting to frown. But the models… So many models… and now beast men! Hmmm hmmmm


I had a quick look at the Army Forge. its great and simple to use. I'm cant wait till you get firefight up and running. Thanks its so handy

Alastair Smith

LoL I know what you mean. I have been running my little printer almost continuously since I got it two months ago. So addictive

Stephan Schany

They look great! I will probably play them as GF Marauders

Stephan Schany

So cheerful! I am tempted to use if for every Robot Legion unit with big claws!

Joseph Colborn

super excited for this months release, and also didnt get my loyalty rewards at the end of october


Since you joined in September, the loyalty rewards will be sent to you at the end of November.


I love the look of these Beastmen. I particularly like that they don't just look like "goat people".


Any plans to provide an Web/REST API to get the "current" points values and loadouts for units? The Beta client is interesting but I'd also like to build my own and would love to use a public API to make sure I have updated data.

Daniel Hanson

Hoping that Army Forge will have the ability to add custom units with the points calculator. I like to build custom units for my center piece models, like the GW Ghazghkul model in my Orc Marauders army or the Artisan Guild Baalzrodan in Warp Demons.


Not a big fan of the feline look of the beastmen, it seems that most people like them like that but i personnaly am a fan of the goat style they usually have


If it's any consolation, we do have plans for a dedicated goatmen faction inside of our universe, but right now we wanted to focus on a more original faction. :)

Christen Sowards

I love the feline cast to the beastmen! So cool!


On the one hand I like the feline look of the beastmen, I just think they don't need those horns, to me it's kinda odd. No Feline animal has horns.


a lot of them stand on 2 legs, have thumbs and wear clothing tho.


Your beastmen remind me of the charr from guildwars

John Peacock

As much as I like the look of the beastmen will we ever see a halfling army?


We run polls every few months where we ask people to pick the next armies we make, so if you vote for them, we will make them. :)