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Hi everyone,

Another month has passed, and we've hit yet another stretch goal, with an astounding 5000 subscribers... absolutely incredible, thanks everyone!

We never thought that we'd reach such a large audience, and after much deliberation, we think that having such a large following deserves an equally large bonus. :D

As such, we have decided that our Legendary Creatures + Faction Terrain will be part of Tier 2, starting in December! On top of that, all of our Tier 2 subscribers will be getting a special 30-Day Discount Code of 70% during the month of December.

The discount code will be shared here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47701084

Our next stretch goal and special discount code will be provided once we hit 5500 patrons, let's see how far we can get before the end of 2021!



Note: It's normal that patron numbers fluctuate up and down during the month, but don't worry, even if we dip below 5000 patrons at some point the 70% discount will stay!






Woo hoo! Love you guys and keep up the good work! This Patreon is what is keeping me in wargaming and not moving on to a different hobby!



Kris Grant

Gratz, good to see you doing do well


More storage space required!


Congratulations! Can't wait for new awesome stuff and rules. To the infinity and beyond ;)


Very nice, would be very excited if that maxi-mini could go either way between a Lord of undeath and a master machine depending on paint and accessories. Multi-faction useful that way. Very close to being ambiguous between bone and strut. Maybe modular masks and appendages for the crowning halo could go either way, then finish would complete the characterization.

Andrew Enns

Oh man, this is gonna be awesome. Not only do you have some of the best fantasy stuff and rules, now your gonna do big showcase pieces and small scale stuff at some point. Definitely staying a supporter


Darn your 70% discount! How am i supposed to resist finishing the robot legion collection with such a tempting offer?! Lol


Congrats!! What an incredible milestone!


Tell me about it..I have to hold myself back from grabbing the rest of the Alien Hive files until I get my personal budget back in line XD. Luckily the Patrons have done well and kept it going for at least 2 more months XD.


Damn! That news about Legendary Creatures being available to Tier 2 is great!

Tarnoc Doino

That might have been my new account. Lol. I joined up and got this within 5 min. YAY!

Jared Rutledge

Honestly, you guys have a fantastic business model. Your minis are strong, your dedication to the games is stronger, and you are all around great people. You deserve it. I recommend you guys whereever I go.


i was planning on unsubscribing, but i guess i'll be staying subscribed lol


Great work guys. Love your work.

Kyle Bentley

Congratulations! Wow! You had the chance to add a new tier at a higher price point, and instead you're giving all of us existing patrons (and everyone who joins later) even more value for the same price. You guys deserve the 5000 patrons and more!

Ryan Paul Michel

Do the 2 large models come out this month for 2 month subscribers as well? The big Vinci tank and Alien Hives monster.


Congratulations! You guys are the best.

Liam Milross

Soooo much love!!!! Congrats, you deserve it!


Thank you, that is very generous.


Damn it seems you guys have nearly doubled your Paterons over the last 3 months or so. The good word is spreading 😁 seeing more battle reports over time as well hehe


70% discount again?!? at this rate I could buy all minis that I don't have in the MMF store


The loyalty rewards are sent out at the end of the month once you've been subbed for 3+ months.


That's my eventual plan. Just doing a little more every month.

Davide Lorenzoni

oh nice so i'll give "santa" the good news :D

Duncan Garcia

I wait for these updates with anticipation as it is always something good! Thanks for being a great way to game.