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  • Full Rulebooks - New Update
  • Sellswords - Progress Update
  • Mission Packs - New Missions Released
  • 2D Print - Huge Release
  • Etsy - New Models Uploaded
  • 3D Print - New Previews
  • OPR Instagram - Follow Us
  • OPR News - Lots of Videos!

Full Rulebooks - New Update

Today we've made the first update to our full rulebooks in a long time, fixing some typos and modifying how deployment works when playing with 3-4 players.

The download is available by clicking here.

Sellswords - Progress Update

This week we're testing out a modified version of the core rules, which uses an action system which is closer to what you can find in AoFS. The idea is to simplify activations, and to bring the system more in line with what is already familiar to our players. Still need to be tested, and only the core rules have been completed, but give them a read anyways.

The latest rules can be downloaded by going here.

If you're interested in joining our sellswords playtest group, DM me on Discord.

Mission Packs - New Missions Released

This week we've released 4 new missions for our mainline games: Industrial City, Cargo Bay, The Danse Macabre, Gladiators.

Give the missions a shot and download them here.

2D Print - Huge Release

We've uploaded 8 paper miniature packs for you to enjoy, which feature the Battle Sisters, Machine Cult, Infected Colonies, Orcs, Saurians, Kingdom of Angels and the Progenitors Fleet. On top of that, we have a brand new set with the Cult Gang.

As a bonus, we're now also including the FTL Space Terrain pack. :)

Make sure to download them here.

Etsy - New Models Uploaded

We've just uploaded the DV, MU and AH models from the August release on our Etsy store, so if you don't have a 3D printer you can buy them too. :)

Grab the models here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/onepagerules

3D Print - New Previews

At the top of this post you can see previews of some of the models that will be released in November, with the MU Guard Cavalry and the RL Support/Overseer Platform.

OPR Instagram - Follow Us

Make sure to follow OPR on Instagram to see tons of pictures and videos of our painted miniatures: https://www.instagram.com/onepagerules/

OPR News - Lots of Videos!

If you missed last week's OPR News post, you can check it out here: https://onepagerules.com/2021/10/01/lots-of-videos/

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Luis G Rodriguez

A question here. Do all non-3D digital content goes to DriveThruRPG? Or should I still keep track of it? What about the updated files? Are they auto-updated in DT?


Mission packs you have to keep track of and download yourself each month. I know because I was lazy and missed a few 😵


Brilliant stuff yet again. I love the paper stuff as well big time! It is a great way to test things out or show off a quick couple of games to someone without having to but together Fireteams or full plastic or resin armies of playing Grimdark Future 😁


I'm so keen to get the robot legion models I have printed and I'm super hyped for the support platform

Justin Wold

just when i thought i was done with my robot legion army lol

Tom Voigt

Hello, what more robot legion units can we expect in the following months? i thought i saw an overview some time ago, but cant find it anymore


Over the next 2 months you can expect us to complete the majority of models from the army list, except for the monoliths and flyers.

Cody Fincher

how do I get these 3d prints cant find the link?

Cody Fincher

is that robot legion 3d stl for november as well?

Cody Fincher

okay okay Come oooooon November lol


Love the Robot Legions, but I need more Battle Brothers to fight them...will there be more BB models soon?