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Hi everyone,

Patreon is full of awesome creators, but sometimes it's a bit hard to find them amongst the clutter. In order to bring more visibility to small creators, we're doing a monthly spotlight of three Patreons that we think deserve more attention.

This is not an advertisement, and we want to let the creator's work speak for itself, so make sure to check out their pages for more info. We haven't planned this with them either, and we're hoping that the increase in subscribers will be a pleasant surprise for them. :)

With that out of the way, here are the creators for this month:

That's it for this month, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



David Dickson

I think it's awesome and very classy that you do this.

Gwy Liam

Ilhadiel is really worth a look. He does armies especially designed for Kings of War, so if you play that system or want to, in his armies you find a printfile for all units of the army. He has elf armies in the style of the old warhammer elves, a foxman themed army for the "Herd" and is working on Dark Elves right now. But the number one fact worth mentioning: He does a "support once, get everything" policy. If you join his patreon you get access to a server where ALL his current and past work is downloadable, so in theory you could join for one month at around 9$ and get several complete armies at once. I still support him for longer than just a month because I think this deserves support, but you could just pay once and get everything. That guy is definitely worth a look and worth supporting!


Hey, thanks so much for the shout out, a lot of new folks have already signed up as a result!

Juhász Gergely István

Thank you so much for the shout out! I celebrated it with a good Age of Fantasy Regiment game, that I lost by a mile, but it was fun anyway :) You are awesome for doing this, thank you again :)

Aaron Brown

I signed up for DorkFactory recently. Really good sculpts!