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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

October New Releases

In October we're going to have the final release for the Duchies of Vinci, as well as the last release of the "traditional" Mummified Undead models (new original models will be released in November). We're also going to be releasing more Robot Legions models, as well as a brand new FTL fleet for the Progenitors.

For 2D printing, as we're still organizing our new production of minis, we're going to be re-releasing 7 old sets (including FTL ships), plus 1 new gang.

3D Print Rewards (49 models + 132 bases + 27 game aids):

  • Duchies of Vinci - Snipers x3
  • Duchies of Vinci - Ribauldequin x4
  • Duchies of Vinci - Mortar x4
  • Duchies of Vinci - Captain on Automa Bird x3
  • Duchies of Vinci - Vita Aerea x2
  • Duchies of Vinci - Themed Bases x44
  • Duchies of Vinci - Game Aids x9
  • Robot Legions - Snipers x5
  • Robot Legions - Destroyer Snakes x5
  • Robot Legions - Bikes x3
  • Robot Legions - Tripod Walker x3
  • Robot Legions - Themed Bases x44
  • Robot Legions - Game Aids x9
  • Mummified Undead - Horse Archers x3
  • Mummified Undead - Vultures x3
  • Mummified Undead - Skull Catapult x4
  • Mummified Undead - War Sphinx x3
  • Mummified Undead - Sphinx Champion x4
  • Mummified Undead - Themed Bases x44
  • Mummified Undead - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Progenitors Fleet x4

2D Print Rewards:

  • Cult Gang (2 Colors + PSD)
  • Battle Sisters (2 Colors)
  • Machine Cult (2 Colors)
  • Infected Colonies (2 Colors)
  • Orcs (2 Colors)
  • Saurians (2 Colors)
  • Kingdom of Angels (2 Colors)
  • FTL Progenitors Fleet (2 Colors)
  • FTL Space Terrain (2 Colors)
  • Fantasy Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)
  • Hive City Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)

Games Rewards:

  • 4 New Missions
  • Sellswords (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 70% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

With the final release of the Duchies of Vinci in October, we're going to go back to doing only 2 army releases per month starting in November. Whilst it was fun to work on 3 armies for a while, it has also been very stressful for the team, so we're looking forward to going back to our classic release schedule (especially as lots of new things are coming).

In November we're going to be releasing 2 new massive loyalty reward models, and in December we're going to be releasing a new welcome pack as well. More importantly though, we're currently working on a series of exciting new projects, and we think it's time to start revealing our plans to the public.

We don't have a fixed release date yet, but at some point in the near future, we're going to be launching a new Tier 3 for $15, which will include Legendary Creatures, Faction Terrain, as well as everything from Tier 1+2. This will be our "Bonus 3D Print" tier, and we're hoping to be able to throw in some extra stuff every now and then.

Every month we're going to be releasing one new Legendary Creature, which are giant epic models the size of our loyalty rewards. These will be stunning models like you've never seen from us before, and are designed both as gaming minis and display pieces.

Every month we're also going to be releasing new sets of faction terrain for both fantasy and sci-fi, which can be used both for gaming and dioramas. These sets are being designed to be as modular as possible, giving you more bang for your buck!

Did this get you excited? Well, there's more...

We're also currently working on small-scale versions of our fantasy and sci-fi miniatures, which will be available in 6mm, 10mm and 15mm scale. This is still very early WIP, and it probably won't be ready before 2022, but with so many people constantly asking us if we're going to do small-scale models, we thought it was about time to reveal it.

Right now we're calling this new project TinyOPR, but are not sure how it's going to be released. Since the small-scale audience is different from our core audience, we're probably going to start a separate Patreon or MMF Tribes, in order not to clutter up our main Patreon with it. Nothing is set in stone yet, but we will let you know more ASAP.

Finally, for those of you that have been with us for a while, we had announced some time ago that we'd be working on TAO Coalition models in the future. Well, the plan has slightly changed, and we think we owe you a full explanation.

When we set out to make concept art for the TAO Coalition, we started off with some fairly traditional designs that sort of match the expectations for the faction, however we soon veered off into a new direction that we found to be a lot more interesting. This new direction however doesn't really match the TAO Coalition's lore (high tech coalition of various alien races), but it is so incredibly awesome that we couldn't let it go.

So, instead we're going to be releasing it as a new faction, the Space Shogunate.

The Space Shogunate is going to have its own army book, which will have some overlap with the TAO Coalition, for those that want to use these models as proxies. By making it into its own faction however, this opens us up to do a lot more interesting designs, as well as create new and unique models without having to worry about being restricted.

That being said, we're still going to be working on concepts for a TAO Coalition army as well, so at some point in the future you can expect us to release models for it. :)

That's it for this huge update, we're super excited about all of these new things that we've been working on for months, and can't wait to give them to you soon!

Here's a breakdown by month:

  • October - Duchies of Vinci, Mummified Undead & Robot Legions
  • November - Mummified Undead & Robot Legions + New Loyalty Rewards
  • December - Beastmen & Robot Legions + New Welcome Pack
  • January - Beastmen & Space Shogunate

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Cornelius Perkins

I know I'm late to the party here, but did anything ever come of "tinyopr"? I know y'all are busy making amazing things - but I'd sure like to be able to get some OPR minis in small scale.


Best value in 3D printing. You guys make incredible work and I have no idea why you charge so little. It’s truly spectacular. Thanks for it all.


Love that tiny armies will be here!

Eamonn Ferguson

Outstanding and the amount of minis is incredible, thank you.


OOOOOOO IM SO STOKED I was excited for the models at first, but as I kept reading I got more and more excited. I fully support the two armies a month, don't stress yourselves out! And that space shogunate looks so cool 😱 They're definitely going to be on the printer ASAP And that Robot Legion terrian looks AMAZING


My Hype about the Space shogunate is very very high. Sounds amazing

Lennart Missun

The next month are going to be 😎


I quite enjoy this will stay as long as I can still buy the old stuff because I love all there stuff


Lots to look forward to!

Ryan Paul Michel

Wow, loving the look of the Space Shogunate concepts and can't wait to start printing them. Hopefully a nice quick print and paint in January to jam some Firefight at least.


Awesome news. I trully admire your work guys


Im new here as of this month, just got the Elegoo Saturn recently and since I've joined my printer has been going Brrrrrr nonstop. Quality AND Quantity! And there are numerous GAMES you can play with these. Space Shogunate looks pretty amazing.


You guys are insane ha love it, you guys pump out so much top notch stuff. If you guys put out half as much of the stuff you do now it would still be more than worth it :-) Any delays with anything is more than understandable. Also wow I love how you guys do your concept art it looks brilliant each time. Super excited :-) the Space Shogunate is some of the most unique designs ive seen.

Vlad G

Your releases are the highlight of my month. Keep up the great work guys

Kyle Bentley

Another awesome release! I can't wait to see the variants of the sphinx, and the fleet is a welcome surprise. The plan for moving forwards sounds great to me, and I'll certainly be switching to tier 3 when it releases. I have a question about future FTL releases. Will we be seeing fleets for any of the races released for Dark Future? I'm intrigued to see what ships the team could make for the Alien Hives and Robot Legions.


man all good news, i cant wait!

Asteroids Fred

I was hoping for some terrain to go with these awesome armies!

Mike Davis

The Duchies of Vinci - Captain on Automa Birds remind me of a certain game from the 80s ;)

Kyle Bentley

I'm also eager to see what else the team comes up with for the Mummified Undead.


You guys are so insane to send out 3 army a months for a while.


While it all reads wonderfully exciting and I will be updating my pledge to the newer tier I’m totally stoked about the small scale models. I do hope we see those sooner rather than later – 15 mm sci-fi is where the true scale really is! That said 15 mm fantasy skirmish and 10 mil/6 mil fantasy army will be absolutely sweet

Ian Bennett-Whetzel

I've said this in the discord but if you guys need any 10mm test printers let me know! Cant wait to sign up for that bundle! And I'll probably have to upgrade to that tier 3 you guys are killin it!


TinyOPR! Really looking forward to this

House Hendoe

Amazing as always, though I'd like to see some fleets that have a Organic and one with Elegant as a descriptor? I'm using Andromeda's High Guard and SW Legend's Yuuzahn Vong as my references.


Great news on the Shogunate and small scale minis. The Tao are great but will always be somewhat limited to the expected aesthetic from fans of a Greater Good. The Shogunate looks to be liberating your own style and creativity very much like the Duchies does. It’s fantastic to see you break out of the safer guardrails of widely established army tropes and instead add something new and exciting. Very much looking forward to the new concepts and models.


Great, looks like the mummified undead range is complete now.


Call it the "TAO shogunate"

Scott Woods

Love everything about this - can't wait for the new Tier and the Shogunate look fantastic :)

Allan Rodda

Everything looks awesome. In all honesty you guys should dump the proxy model angle and just produce your own stuff.

Guy Grundell

So happy to see the small scale stuff with 5 per base, thos makes it so much easier to make minihammer units, please keep that style 😁🥰


The people asking for 6,10, and 15mm models are gonna ruin this patreon, I’m not sorry but that’s just extra work for a team that’s already doing plenty. I’ve also been with OPR since beginning of this year and I don’t want to start paying an extra 5 for more models when plenty of us have been supporting for so long. I just feel like asking for the extra investment is unnecessary when this patreon is already gaining like 200+ patrons every month, I’m not supporting this and neither should any of you people that are praising these future changes. Edit: I love this patreon, don’t ruin it with this baby crap.

Francesco Rinaldi

If you search perfection on Wikipedia the result will show this patreon. I'm so happy with both terrain and baby opr. Now my friends won't have an excuse to not try 6mm wargames.


I dont agree youre line of sight. I'm patreon also and i'm only for the fantasy stuff here. I have no use for the other lines that are offered but stay. When the have time to make the 10 mm Fantasy stuff I'm very happy with this.


As long as you all can keep up with the quality and not spread out to thin I will support all you have to offer! That said when can we expect the Tribes announcement that I am sure is incoming, unless I missed it.


Maybe Upsilon Shogunate? Or one of the other greek alphabet characters.

Stephan Schany

AWESOME! The Space Shogunate looks really good (expecially the Rocket Launcher), the Terrain looks great as well and the Monster is really epic! Another thing that could be interesting would be a Kitbash Contest every 1-2 months, with the winners being added to the next Patreon release. How many make the cut depends on the quality. TinyOPR should be its own Patreon.


We have no plans to switch to Tribes as of right now, so there is no announcement to be expected.


Yesss tiny OPR. Are we looking at two factions a month in similar vein to normal opr? Fantasy themed only or SciFi also? Or changing it up periodically?


Are the sphinx walkers hollow? Look like big prints for solid


I sold my Indomitus Necrons a while ago, then found your Robot Legions. I couldn't be happier with my new NOTCron army! Can't wait to print n paint the new units!


Usually all of our big models come with a hollow version, but we're still working on these and I don't have a definitive answer for you, sorry.


Just wanted to say how hyped I am for all of this! Thanks for the hard work and I cant wait!!


Ya'll are the best!

Julian Josefus

Space Shogunate... Okay I really love this!


Such cool models! Will you go back to the Saurians at some point?


Will the new tier be unavailable to the ones of us who have pledged a year already or will we be able to upgrade it somehow?

Jared Rutledge

I have a quick question about the new tier. I backed for this entire year (this is my first month). If I wanted to upgrade from 2 to 3 how would I do that when the new tier is launched given I already paid for the full year of tier 2?


You will have an option to upgrade the tier: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042152671-Annual-membership-details


Do you plan to release weapon variations for the Robot Legions to cover all weapon options? I've just printed the awesome Heavy Annihilator and would very much like the Exterminator Cannon option.


There are currently no plans of adding more weapon options, maybe at some point in the future.