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Hi everyone,

The August Painting Contest is over, and the winners are:

  • 1st Place - Gwyliam
  • 2nd Place - Sebafim
  • 3rd Place - That Gobbo
  • Bonus - Techno Print

Congratulations to the winners, who are getting 1KG of Vulcan Resin by Atlas3DSS, plus a special 75% store discount (send us a PM to collect your rewards).

We'd like to thank everyone who participated, and we're hoping to see your entries again in next month's painting contest. :)






Well done to the winners 😁

Chad Unruh

Love the glow effects! Great painting.

Gwy Liam

Yeah! Thanks guys! first time I ever won something. ;)

William Hogue

That green glow on the shield looks SICK. It was a real toss up for me between Gwy Liam and That Gobbo. Lots of great entries, every one of them is better than I could do!

Dwayne Negron

It was crazy fun competing! Congrats to all of you!!! I learned a ton :D


Great work, guys!

Quoc Dat Nguyen

Y’all crazy, great wins! 🤩🥳

Nicolas Connault

How do I enter the next competition?

steve smith

what model did sebafim paint? it looks awesome!