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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

September New Releases

In August we're continuing with the release of the Duchies of Vinci and Mummified Undead, and we're starting to release new models for the Robot Legions. On top of that we're also going to start releasing FTL fleets again, alternating between old and new ones.

For 2D print we're going to be taking some time to re-organize ourselves, so we won't be releasing any new models in September. Instead we will provide you with 8 sets from our early releases. This will include FTL fleets again, which we will keep re-releasing over the next months in order to help raise awareness for the game.

3D Print Rewards (55 models + 132 bases + 27 game aids):

  • Duchies of Vinci - Harlequins x5
  • Duchies of Vinci - Heavy Automa Cavalry x3
  • Duchies of Vinci - Captain on Automa Boar x1
  • Duchies of Vinci - Spingarde x4
  • Duchies of Vinci - Themed Bases x44
  • Duchies of Vinci - Game Aids x9
  • Robot Legions - Eternals x10
  • Robot Legions - Heavy Annihilator x1
  • Robot Legions - Tanks x2
  • Robot Legions - Themed Bases x44
  • Robot Legions - Game Aids x9
  • Mummified Undead - Skeleton Warriors x13
  • Mummified Undead - Snakemen x3
  • Mummified Undead - Snake Riders x6
  • Mummified Undead - Skeleton Giant x3
  • Mummified Undead - Themed Bases x44
  • Mummified Undead - Game Aids x9
  • FTL - Empire Fleet x4

2D Print Rewards:

  • Battle Brothers Army (2 Colors)
  • Orc Marauders Army (2 Colors)
  • Alien Hives Army (2 Colors)
  • Humans Army (2 Colors)
  • Vampiric Undead Army (2 Colors)
  • Mummified Undead Army (2 Colors)
  • FTL Alliance Fleet (2 Colors)
  • OPR Mixed Terrain (4 Colors)
  • Fantasy Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)
  • Hive City Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)

Games Rewards:

  • 4 New Missions
  • Sellswords (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 50% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

As discussed in our last roadmap post, we've been in contact with the original artists that created the Saurians in order to expand the army. Whilst they are available to work on the models again, they won't be able to make as many models per month as we thought. This means that the release of the new Saurians has been postponed to April 2022.

That being said, there is also a lot of good news! We already started working on some new models, and we have locked down the production of the Starhost as well, which should be released once the Saurians are done (around July 2022).

This two month delay has also given us the opportunity to re-visit some of our faction concepts, and we're going to be extending the releases of the Mummified Undead and the Beastmen by one month each, providing you with even more models than planned.

As always, we are going to be as transparent as possible and provide you updates if anything changes along the road. :)

Here's a breakdown by month:

  • October - Duchies of Vinci, Mummified Undead & Robot Legions
  • November - Mummified Undead & Robot Legions
  • December - Beastmen & Robot Legions

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Aaron Brown

Best deal in wargaming, IMO!

Kyle Bentley

Another awesome release! What are the differences between these skeleton warriors and the ones released previously? I see a hornblower, standard bearer, and I think a new swordsman, is that right?

Kyle Bentley

Would it be possible to get the giant snakes without harnesses in a later release? They would be really useful in a lot of other games.


You can remove the riders already, but to remove the rest... not sure, let me talk to my sculptors and see what we can do. :)


Amazing! wow you guys are insane, I know I keep saying it but wow, I can not thank you all enough. In the middle of sorting out some Hives and Robot legions for my print bed :_P making me having to add more ;-) Thanks again and I love your games I am going over things more, doing some lore stuff my armies and getting ready to print and paint :)


Are you going to be getting around to finishing up the Saurians? I know at one point you said you were trying to get the original content creator back and were hoping to have work done on them within the next several months. Can you give us an update on that? Thanks!

Nicholas McCurdy

Super awesome! So stoked to get printing in September! Quick bit, it says “Mummified Undead - Skeleton Giant x4” but I only see three in the picture. Also love the new variety for skeleton warriors! Coincidentally, my second run of the warriors failed so I’ll have some great variations now!


Hahaha I am so blind. Thanks! I normally am good about reading stuff before asking questions but I guess I was just so sad not to see it on the monthly breakdown. I'll just have to satisfy my dinosaur hunger with some bones from the desert sands.

Jon Carter (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-30 22:54:30 These are wild. :) I really appreciate how the developing aesthetic of Robot Legions feels like it's plucked from Fifth Element production design & concept art. Very cool.
2021-08-25 18:00:37 These are wild. :) I really appreciate how the developing aesthetic of Robot Legions feels like it's plucked from Fifth Element production design & concept art. Very cool.

These are wild. :) I really appreciate how the developing aesthetic of Robot Legions feels like it's plucked from Fifth Element production design & concept art. Very cool.

Clayton Hamp

Super excited for the Robot Legion, I was thinking about getting the bundle on MMF, now I definitely will next month too add to these guys.

David Bennett

Any chance we can get some monster riders for those boars?

Lawrence Alexander Reed

First off wanted to say I'm super happy with all the stuff you are putting out. You guys are probably one of the best and most consistent wargaming patreons out there. But I am curious if you guys plan on going back to finish the dwarf army? There are a few units like crossbowmen, hammerers, gyrocopters, and the artillery that's missing from your dwarf selection. I understand if you have other stuff you are focusing on I was just curious

Kyle Bentley

Cool, thanks! I think the snakes have a lot of potential. Sculpting a few with open mouths would also be really useful, and they would make excellent Saurian mounts with a change of harness.

Kyle Bentley

Thanks for releasing those, as they will be very useful. Should we expect other old kits to have them added in the future? In a similar vein, releasing packs of new poses for old units would be a hit for people like me who don't like having duplicate figures in the same unit. Could that be a possibility once armies are completed?

House Hendoe

Awesome line up, I'd like to see a few more Fleets pull into port by New Years/Valentines.



Michael Abraham

figures all look great, only critique I have is I feel the snakes are too small to support the weight of their riders I would say I could just scale them up but then the riders wouldn't fit


Awesome !!! when can we have a Duchies of Vinci Army Pack to buy ? i'm a new T2 Sub and i've already bought almost all the army packs but i don't know what's best to catch up with this army : buy the separates troops or wait for the army pack ? i'm a big fan of your work.


The best way to catch up right now is to buy the various release packs found here: https://www.myminifactory.com/users/onepagerules/collection/patreon-monthly-releases