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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

May New Releases

In May we're continuing with the release of the Duchies of Vinci plus the Alien Hives models, with lots of new and exciting models. On top of that we're also going to be releasing the Dwarf Golem as well as the Battle Sisters Jetpack Troopers.

Since we've hit out 2000 subscribers goal (yay!), everyone is also going to have a special 70% discount for the entirety of May, so make sure to check out our MMF Store. :)

For 2D print we're going to be releasing the Dark Elf Raiders army and the Bodyguards Gang, and on the gaming side we're going to keep working on our skirmish adventure game Sellswords (as well as releasing rules for the Duchies of Vinci army).

3D Print Rewards (33 models):

  • Duchies of Vinci - Inventor x1
  • Duchies of Vinci - Inventor's Helper x1
  • Duchies of Vinci - Inventor on Horse x1
  • Duchies of Vinci - Automa Guard x5
  • Duchies of Vinci - Carro Armato x1
  • Duchives of Vinci - Themed Bases x44
  • Duchies of Vinci - Game Aids x9
  • Alien Hives - Hive Lord x1
  • Alien Hives - Hive Guard x8
  • Alien Hives - Hive Swarm x3
  • Alien Hives - Shadow Hunter x1
  • Alien Hives - Themed Bases x44
  • Alien Hives - Game Aids x9
  • Dwarves - Golem x1
  • Battle Sisters - Jetpack Troopers x10

2D Print Rewards:

  • Dark Elf Raiders Army (2 Colors + PSD)
  • Hive City Mercenaries (2 Colors + PSD)
  • Fantasy Terrain (4 Colors + PSD)

Games Rewards:

  • 4 New Missions
  • Sellswords (beta)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 70% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

The next few months are going to see the continued release of the Duchies of Vinci plus Alien Hives models, as well as a small set of new Dwarves and Battle Sisters models every month (these are brand new models, not re-releases).

Then in August we're going to start doing triple-release in order to finish up our existing armies, so you can expect to get 3 armies instead of just 2 for a few months. The third army is a continuation of our Mummified Undead models, which will also included themed bases and game aids, plus a big loyalty reward in October.

Here's a breakdown by month:

  • June - Duchies of Vinci & Alien Hives
  • July - Duchies of Vinci, Alien Hives & Mummified Undead, New Loyalty Rewards
  • August - Duchies of Vinci, Alien Hives & Mummified Undead

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




Those new aliens look so good! I love the Inventor as well


I really don't know if any creator gives as much content as this. Wow.

Anton MacArthur

OMG!!! Amazing month AND 70% voucher! Wow


Looking great!!


"Epic Miniatures" is the only one I know that is doing more per month, as example Mai will be 86 Miniatures, a normal amount for them. OPR is definetly the second place though. Good thing is they do different themes. Epic miniatures does pen and paper like dnd and Pathfinder fitting miniatures


I wish I would like the alien style more, but I guess they don´t want to come close to the original


that settles it, the duchies are dope!


where do we find the discount code?

Andrew Bradfield

I’m loving the aesthetic of the duchies! I’m hoping for some human troops with a sword in each hand (making a mordheim warband) anything like that on the to-do list?

Concrete Vagabond

where are the army creation rules for AoF and such