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  • Sellswords - Updated Rules
  • 2D Print - Artisans Gang
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Anniversary Sale

Sellswords - Updated Rules

After far too long, a new version of Sellswords is available. In this version you're not forced to take 4 characters, and instead the number of enemies and game length changes based on how many characters are in play. We've also re-worked the core combat mechanics a little to make melee more viable compared to ranged attacks.

I think that this current version is ok, but the game still has a long way to go before I will be fully satisfied with. Currently the areas that I think need most work are the way equipment and items are handled, as well as fleshing out skills and enemy special rules.

The rules can be downloaded by clicking here.

2D Print - Artisans Gang

This week we've released a new set of gang minis, which you can download here.

3D Print - New Previews, Loyalty Updates, Anniversary Sale

Over the past week we've been working on lots of new stuff, and you can see previews for the Automa Guard, the updated Carro Armato, the Hive Guards and the Hive Swarms. 

May of you have also been wondering what happened to the Loyalty Rewards, and I think I owe you an explanation. The big dinosaur was delivered to me a few weeks ago, but I don't think that it met the quality standards that I expect from our artists, so I sent it back to get some fixes done. This took longer than expected, but now the model is ready and is currently with the supports team to get fully tested and printed. As this is an absolutely massive model (~50cm / ~20in long) this is going to take at least a few more days, but we'll make sure to send the files over as soon as they are ready!

Finally we're running a special anniversary sale until the 15th of April, where you can get 70% off by using code TAKEITALL on our MMF Store. :D

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




The Automata Guard are looking cool

Hellshark Games

Oh sweet biscuits! The Automata are an instant fave! Whooo!


The dinosaur... will it be in (many) parts? I am sure it doesn't fit in my printer... anyway, great models, as said above, the automata rule!


Thanks for the honest update and I am looking forward to try out the updated version of Sellswords, it sounds really good so far! Wow these new Hive models are absolutely amazing, like the Automata Guard and that Vinci tank is incredible, really nice details especially on the Drive wheels - Love all of it and what you are doing! The Loyalty rewards are over the moon tbh! :)

David Holt

Quick question - ive just joined so will the loyalty dino be available to me 3 months down the line or is it only available for people who've been with you since Feb?

Matt Ewig

These new models are so dope. And really original. I don’t even know what to call them. It’s like Renaissance Punk ... Ren-Punk?