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Hi everyone, here's a preview of all the new stuff you'll be getting next month, plus a roadmap of what you can expect in the near future!

March New Releases

In March we're going to change the way we deliver models, starting with model delivery on the 4th day of the month (instead of the last day of the month)!

We've got 3 big releases for you, with some massive Havoc Daemons, a big Dwarf army, as well as a big Battle Sisters army. On top of that we're also going to be releasing not one, but two full sets of themed bases, rulers, objective markers and dice.

For 2D print we're going to be releasing the TAO Coalition army and the Miners Gang, as well as a set of 2.5D Hive City Terrain. Finally we'll be releasing chapter 5 of Darkness Within, and we're going to keep working on our skirmish adventure game Sellswords.

That's $275+ worth of content for just $10!

3D Print Rewards (47 models):

  • Havoc Daemons - Daemon of War x1
  • Havoc Daemons - Daemon of Change x1
  • Havoc Daemons - Daemon of Plague x1
  • Havoc Daemons - Daemon of Lust x1
  • Dwarves - Lords x2
  • Dwarves - Warriors x10
  • Dwarves - Riflemen x5
  • Dwarves - Assault Suits x3
  • Dwarves - Ranged Suits x3
  • Battle Sisters - Champion x1
  • Battle Sisters - Troops x8
  • Battle Sisters - Fanatics x5
  • Battle Sisters - Biker Sisters x3
  • Battle Sisters - Biker Fanatics x3
  • Dwarves - Themed Bases x44
  • Dwarves - Game Aids x9
  • Battle Sisters - Themed Bases x44
  • Battle Sisters - Game Aids x9

2D Print Rewards:

  • TAO Coalition Army (2 Colors + PSD)
  • The Artisans Gang (2 Colors + PSD)
  • Hive City Terrain (2 Colors + PSD)

Games Rewards:

  • Sellswords (beta)
  • Darkness Within (Chapter 1-5)

The above is only the new stuff that's being added next month, so you're also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, 50% discount code, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

*Update (11th of March): Due to some unforeseen delays, the Saurian Starhost release has been pushed back to July, and we will be releasing waves 4-6 of the Alien Hives in its place instead (TAO Coalition is also pushed back to October).

The coming months are going to see more changes coming to our project, aimed at delivering more content to you than ever before. :D

In April we'll be starting with the release of the new Loyalty Rewards, which we'll be showing off throughout March. We'll also be going to work on the Saurian Starhost and DaVinci armies, and we'll be showing you progress on those as they come along as well.

Starting in April we'll also be gradually releasing more Dwarf and Battle Sister models, which are going to be added alongside the regular releases. These armies will continue to get small releases every month for the rest of the year, so that we'll hopefully have the entire army lines covered by the end of 2021.

There's also a lot more stuff that we're planning on doing, but that still isn't set in stone. This includes completing our line of 3D spaceships, adding cute army mascots, making RPG characters, expanding previous releases, and much more!

Here's a breakdown by month:

  • April - Starhost & DaVinci (Wave 1), New Loyalty Rewards
  • May - Starhost & DaVinci (Wave 2)
  • June - Starhost & DaVinci (Wave 3)
  • July - TAO Coalition & Beastmen (Wave 1), New Loyalty Rewards
  • August - TAO Coalition & Beastmen (Wave 2)

That's it for now, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




What are Saurian Starhosts and DaVinci? Are the Starhosts different from the AoF army?


I was just going to ask the same thing. Actually I just read it as Starhost & Davinci

Lilette Lacaden

Holy shit. Battle sisters? Welp. Im a patron now.

Uncle Buck

Thanks for helping me to break free from GW


The Saurian Starhost is a sci-fi version of our fantasy Saurian models, with ornate armor, powerful guns, and other techy gear. The DaVinci army is a human fantasy army that combines rapid-fire crossbows, powerful combat robots, and more ingenious machinery. We'll be posting concept art and development progress throughout March, so keep your eyes peeled for our first fully original armies! :D

Aaron Brown

For expanding previous releases, would it be possible to get some thing like "upgrade packs"? Things like extra/alternate heads/arms/weapons; etc that you can use with existing OPR kits?


Yes, the idea is that we would not only expand with new models, but also complete existing units that are missing options. :) P.S.: Those would be free of charge of course, just like we added weapon options before!

Agustin Medina

This is an awesome release in all fronts! Can't wait for your rules updates!

Scott B

I am so excited for the coming months! Everything is sounding fantastic. Loyalty rewards, you say? Bring 'em on!

Thomas Ryan

DaVinci army? Do you have more info?


The DaVinci army is a human fantasy army that combines rapid-fire crossbows, powerful combat robots, and more ingenious machinery. We'll be posting concept art and development progress throughout March, so keep your eyes peeled for our first fully original armies! :D

Brian Cantwell

Do the expansions to dwarves, etc. mean you'll be adding some new units or is this just giving Patreons the missing parts of the bundles? Having bought the bundle in the Christmas sale the first option there obviously is more exciting to me.


SUPER hyped for the star host. I hope they aren’t overly done, and maintain their Aztec theme. They’re going to be awesome.


Will the beastmen be in the same style as the ones in the starter pack? I would prefer the more classic bovine themed, but interested to see what your increased sculpting skills are capable of now either way


It's going to be both, and more actually. You'll be getting the 2 remaining old units, you'll be getting upgrades for the existing units, and you'll be getting new units as well. We've got 26 releases planned for the Dwarves in 2021. :)


No, the ones in the starter pack are actually Foxmen made by the talented Ilhadiel: https://www.patreon.com/ilhadiel


I'm excited, but I have to say the Battle Sisters are rather plain. I recognize that because you have existing models in the line, you want the new models to fit aesthetically, but to me they're lacking the sort of ornamentation, small details, etc. to give them that punch and "premium feel" that most of your models have these days. To me, they lack the sort of distinct visual flair that their inspiration has (though thank you for not doing the boobie plate). I realize it's all a matter of taste, but they stick out somewhat from your other models, and they don't quite inspire me to want to paint them like most of your models do. Dunno, figured I'd just voice my criticism as someone who's currently building a Battle Sisters army but won't be using the models from OPR for the above reasons.



Aaron Brown

If they do upgrades for existing army sets, maybe down the line they might do purely cosmetic updates like legs or heads or something. A great example is the folks over at The Makers' Cult. They've released updates now and again that are purely cosmetic that change up the look of their kits. I'm thinking of the leg packs for their Dark Mechanicum troops in case you don't want squid legs and the variations on the Feudal Guard uniforms.


These looked hurried. There is not a lot of detail on many of these figs. I am not impressed.


Thank you for including some of the back catalogue. I'm new to the hobby and probably wouldn't justify buying some of the old waves otherwise. Love your work

Luis G Rodriguez

WoW!!! That's awesomely crazy, thanks a lot!!!


Can't wait for the DaVinci stuff to drop


Nice, these look great. I'd like to have seen more effort put into the Sisters though. They're pretty plain. The wheels on the bikes are especially poor.