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  • Writing Jam - Sign Up Now
  • Arena S03 - New Test Version
  • 3D Print - Simple Bases, March Daemons

Writing Jam - Sign Up Now

It's almost time for the next writing jam, which is a 48hr story writing marathon, focused on writing stories in the OPR universe. Everyone is welcome to join, and it's completely free, so if you like writing stories, this one is for you!

The writing jam takes place from February 19th to February 21st, and you can sign up here.

Arena S03 - New Test Version

As we mentioned last week, arena is going through a bit of a makeover right now, shedding its old print & play origins into a more approachable format. We've just uploaded a new test version, which you can download here.

This new version of arena requires no cutting at all, and the only thing you need to do is print out the hex boards (unless you have some around). We're currently also working on a version that doesn't require a hex board at all, so stay tuned.

3D Print - March Daemons, Simple Bases

In order to improve our production process, we're going to be taking a "break" from the usual 3 waves army releases in March, to bring you something special. We've been teasing this for a while now, but today is finally the day we are ready to reveal our plans.

The release is going to consist of two main things: 4 Huge Daemons and 2 Big Armies!

First you're going to get 4 massive daemon models, one for each of the havoc gods: war, plague, lust and change. Each week we're going to be revealing a new daemon, and this week we're starting with the daemon of war. This is a huge 87mm tall monstrosity that carries a massive sword and a rune inscribed shield, ready to stomp his foes.

Then you're also going to get 2 big armies with 35+ models, the Battle Sisters and the Dwarves. Not only that, but in the months following their release you'll also be getting additional units for both armies as well, so that you'll end up with two complete armies on top of the next 2 armies that are coming out.

Note that we're currently re-working our rendering technique, and will provide you with updated renders of all models as soon as they're available.

Finally as the last bit of info for today, we've added a set of 18 fully pre-supported simple bases to the welcome pack, so make sure to check your MMF library for them. :)

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano



Uncle Buck

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Your the best value on patreon. Fantastic games, full support of the community, 2d, 3d... Thanks for all you do.


These are huge news literally! I am looking forward to all of it and might consider taking part in the writing jam! :)


Dang. I subscribed again because I couldn’t see the text on this post. I want to support you guys but I have no use for the stuff that’s not the lizard army. So I’m a little disappointed spending $10 now that I might not be able to spend later. Just curious about when and what models are getting done with the lizards. What to look forward to.

Luca Rio

@Yensin, I think February is still Lizards, so this is a teaser for next month (march). We always get the models at the end of the month. Altough I am confused, do we get the 4 Demons and the 2 Armies in one month?


There is a public post that's linked at the top of our patreon front page which shows you everything new that you're getting in February without the need to subscribe first: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46638097 We have 3 new saurian units that will be released this month, and we'll be posting renders of them as soon as we have them. Also you have access to the 70% discount code to pick up any of our older releases that you might have missed. :)


That's right, in March you're getting the 4 huge daemons, and the 2 armies. That's going to be 40+ models in just one month, and we're trying to see if we can add even more awesome stuff to the release! Also don't forget that there will be loyalty rewards starting in April, so if you stick around through march you're going to get 2 massive models for the saurians and the robot legions as well. :)


Dang, rip to my printer ink as I just got done with Season 1 & 2 of Arena. Not sure if I like the added complexity but we'll have to do a few test games and see. So are you ditching the gear upgrade cards? Could you add the icon in the rules to explain their corresponding stat, I'm still unsure what the clock one is (Fatigue limit?).


We're only going to fully switch to this new version if we are sure it fits our vision for the game more than the current one, so nothing is fully set in stone yet. The new version will be fully playable without printing anything but the hex boards, so you can play it without needing to print anything else. :) The clock icon is indeed the fatigue limit, and once we've settled on the core mechanics more, then we'll make a version of the rulebook that contains explanations for all the new systems. If you do play please feel free to provide your feedback, it's much appreciated!

C.W. Elliotte

This new war demon is gorgeous! I am truly blown away.


Hi! Are next months Battle Sisters models going to be replacements for the ones already in the store or more of an expansion? It's just personal taste but I like some of the older models but not so much the troops choices so would be excited if they were being updated :)


The Battle Sisters models for March will be the same as the ones we already have, with a few more poses for the bikers. We're currently working on having 3 new heroes made, and after that would like to actually complete the army. We've been wanting to upgrade the basic troops a bit, however this has not been possible so far due to time constraints, but we might do it in the future. :)

Scott B

Nuts! I just became a patron today and immediately went and bought the dwarf bundle (and the saurians and robots i missed) using the 70% discount. Guess I should have read all the posts first. But that war demon looks awesome!