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  • Painting Contest - Vote Now
  • Darkness Within - Chapter 2 Released
  • Arena S03 - Game Re-Working
  • 2D Print - Poll Results
  • 3D Print - New Previews, Poll Results, Roadmap

Painting Contest - Vote Now

The submissions are in, so it's time to vote: https://forms.gle/z8xk4G8UkW4zcpAZ6

May the best paint jobs win!

Darkness Within - Chapter 2 Released

Chapter 2 of Darkness Within is now available for download by clicking here.

The campaign book has now been updated with the cover art in full color, as well as lots of interior illustrations, so make sure to check it out. :D

Arena S03 - Game Re-Working

Over the past couple of days we've been working on a re-vamped version of arena, because we think that the game in its current state whilst good, is quite hard for players to get into due to the sheer amount of printing/cutting that needs to be done.

Whilst we think that the current arena format is definitely a very enjoyable game, we don't see a lot of people actually playing it, and so we want to lower the barrier to entry in order to get more people to enjoy the game. This means making a version of the game that requires as little printing/cutting as possible, and maybe even a non-hex game mode.

Right now we're still experimenting with a lot of things, and if you want to take part in the development of the game make sure to follow along on discord.

2D Print - Poll Results

The poll results are in, and the Havoc Dwarves won!

Next month you can expect those plus another 3 sets, with Darkness Within heroes, the Brutes gang and the Alliance Fleet.

3D Print - New Previews, Poll Results, Roadmap

At the top of this post you can see the first completed renders for the Technomancer, the Guardians and the Gators. Today we also gave the approval for the scaling of the models, so this month's release time is looking good!

Last week we made a poll asking for what type of loyalty rewards supporters want to see, and Gaming Models won with 80% of the votes. With that in mind, we're going to start working on creating two loyalty reward models based on the current factions, and we can't wait to show you what we have planned for you. :D

Finally, make sure to check out this post, where we give you a preview of what is coming in February, as well as a detailed roadmap of what we have planned for the next 6 months.

That's it for this week, happy wargaming!

- Gaetano




paint contest ?


We run a painting contest every month, here's the rules from this month's contest: https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-painting-45756958 Next contest will start on the 1st of February! :D


Will they be posted on MMF? I don't see any of the January minis on there yet?


Hello, please make sure to read this post where we clarify everything about the 3D models, and let me know if you have any further questions. :) patreon.com/posts/43388557 Note that this system is going to change in March, and we'll start delivering files on the 4th of the month instead. :)


Those loyalty rewards sound cool, how will they work? I could only find out that they will probably start in April.


We'll be posting more info as we get closer to it, but we want to keep it simple: Stay with us for 3 consecutive months, receive 2 special big models! :D