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Last week we made a poll giving everyone 5 new fantasy armies to vote from, and the response has been really great, with people generally being excited about the designs.

Whilst that was really cool, it also means that the final result was very close, and so we're going to do a revote amongst the top 3 to hopefully get a more clear winner.

There also seems to have been some confusion about what exactly these armies would entail, especially the DaVinci army, so we wanted to clarify things a little better.


1. Tengu

The Tengu are a faction of bird-like beastmen, with heavy asian influence.

This is a more traditional fantasy army, so you can expect things them to have some light and heavy infantry, some skirmishing units, some ranged units, maybe some sort of cavalry, and finally either a big monster or artillery unit.

Out of all of the armies, this is probably the most straight-forward one, and could be used as a proxy for most traditional human fantasy armies out there.

2. Beetles

In the last poll we described this faction as a fantasy version of the tyranids, and whilst we definitely meant that in terms of gameplay, we are not doing our own thing visually.

From a gameplay standpoint, you can expect a horde army with lots of small melee bugs, and some larger melee support bugs with maybe some ranged weapons, and then some really big monster to round out the army.

It's important to note that this is not a 1:1 translation of the tyranids, so whilst we'll definitely try to make it so that you can easily use them as proxies, there will be some differences.

3. DaVinci

In the last poll we only used the Tau reference to say that it was a shooting/vehicle focused army, and NOT that it would be a 1:1 recreation of the Tau. We want to make it very clear that this would be an army of HUMANS, and not a multi-species army with blue creatures lead by ethereals or with anime-style mechs.

What you can expect is light infantry with repeating crossbows, supported by some clunky robots, as well as heavy artillery or chariots, all in the style of DaVinci's machines (so lots of wood, steel and cloth). Whilst we might have some sort of drones or battle suits in the army, that's still not 100% decided.

The final result would be a "sort-of" traditional human fantasy army that's focused on shooting, so you could definitely use their units as proxies for other armies.


In order to get a more decisive result, we're only allowing everyone to vote for a single army, so think it through and make sure you choose the one you want to see the most.

This time the voting period will only be 4 days, so be quick! :D


Micah Nations

Still think the da Vinci army would make a great cities of sigmar army so they have my vote

Aaron Brown

With a better description I am now 100% behind DaVinci!


Team Tengu! Let's go!


There's still 4 days left, and we still have 200 less votes than the last poll, so there's lots of room for this to swing back! ;)


Let's go Covids!


The helmet on the third DaVinci soldier has my vote


Sallets ARE some of the best looking historical helmets.

Tori Roz

less humans, more creatures!

Rowdy Beaman

I'm completely behind the DaVinci models!