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Hi everyone,

Since it's new years day, I'm going to try and keep this as brief as possible.

Saurians Delayed, Robots on Time

Unfortunately due to holidays and unexpected last-moment illness, the production of the Saurians has been delayed, and as such we might not be able to get you all of the models fully pre-supported by the end of the day. We're hoping that this will only be a delay of 2-3 days, but as it's new years, it could be longer.

The Robot models are not impacted by this delay, and will be released on schedule.

This is the first time that this has happened, and I'm really really sorry for this delay. Just as every month, rest assured that we're going to be delivering the models to you ASAP, so you're going to get them, no matter what!

Poll - Release unsupported Saurians in the meantime?

That being said, we do have some of the Saurian models unsupported on hand, and as such we could deliver those in the meantime, and then update the files with the supported versions afterwards. The files that are currently available unsupported are the Saurian Veteran and the Saurian Warriors, the Raptor Riders are not ready yet.

It's really up to you all, so please answer the poll to let us know what you prefer:

  • Do you want us to deliver the unsupported models anyway?
  • Or do you want us to only deliver once all supports are done?

Fixing the Production Pipeline

I've been doing my best to streamline our 3D minis production so that these sort of delays don't happen in the first place, but with the current pipeline of producing the models on the same month in which they are released, I'm worried that delays like this could happen in the future.

In order to fix this, I've got a simple plan in mind.

Once the production of the Robots and Saurians wraps up in February, we're going to be using the month of March to do a one-time special release, whilst already working on the April models at the same time. This should give us 30 days of breathing room in case of any delays, which means all future releases will be more reliable for you, and less stressful for us.

For the one-time March release I've already been contacting multiple independent 3D artists, and we'll be providing a couple of extra especial models for you. No matter what, I'll make sure that the March release will be something big and cool to compensate!

Final Thoughts

Once again, really sorry for the delay, and I'll make sure to keep you up to date with things as they develop. If we notice that there are going to be production delays with the January release, then maybe we can try and move the one-time special release month up from March to February, but let's see how things go. :)



Honestly, either way I know all the models will be released and that you'll take care of your backers, as always! Keep it up and don't stress. Cheers!


Whatever is best for you tbh. I'm in no rush. Still printing the old stuff like madd anyways.


Quality respects time; rushing a product out to fulfill a deadline is never thanked in the long term!

Jesse White

No worries, these things happen. Good plan going forward. Having a month of filler/random releases is exciting.

Renier Banninga

I do my own supports... so I am fine with getting them now already :)


Fine with getting them without support since I do supports myself

Jim O'Keane

I often prefer to do my own supports, so unsupported files work for me.


You fellas are doing a great job. No worries about the delay, I’m a month behind on printing anyhow... lol keep up the good work.