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Let's start this post by talking about 2D models, and first off I'd like to ask you all to vote for what you want to see in January: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45596445

On the 2D printing side, you're going to get a new army, as well as a new Xenos fleet for FTL, but also we're going to start releasing a new series of miniatures which is still to be revealed. This new series is going to be released in 6-7 parts, and we're pumped for it!


There's a new and updated version of FTL D6 available for download, which aims at re-balancing to-hit values and ramming damage.

When switching from 2D6 to D6, we removed the evasion values and added a static to-hit value for all ships. Whilst this streamlined the game a bit, we felt that it tilted the balance too much in favor of heavy ships, by removing the evasive advantage light ships had.

In this latest version the static to-hit values are gone, and instead all ships have an evasion value again, which is basically the new to-hit value. The difference is not huge, but it is noticeable, making lumbering heavy ships very easy to hit, and nimble light ships a bit harder to pin down. Squadrons are also harder to hit now, and they get a bonus +1 to hit against other squadrons to make dog-fighting more decisive.

The other thing that has changed are the ramming damage and overlap damage, which have all been raised by 1, making them feel dangerous again. Speaking of which, dangerous terrain has also been tweaked, lowering the damage by 1 in order not to discourage moving through it by too much.

There are some other things that we'd like to tweak, especially when it comes to some upgrades like weapon batteries, but those still need more playtesting.

Get the new version here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43388556

Darkness Within

With Jakob's Path finally done, we're now working on a brand new Age of Fantasy narrative campaign called Darkness Within.

Darkness Within follows the story of Misha, a young princess who must rise to the challenge and reclaim her throne after a vampire uprising brings darkness to the realm.

This is going to be in a similar format to Jakob's Path, so you can expect some light progression rules, 5 full chapters, and 10 new mission. The campaign is designed with Humans vs Vampiric Undead in mind, but as always can be adapted for other armies.

Read the prologue teaser here! 

Codename: Slav28

Every now and then we've been hinting at the development of a new game system that tries to merge skirmish gaming with RPG's, and finally the time has come to actually develop it.

Slav28 (not the final name) is going to be a skirmish adventure game set in a dark fantasy world, inspired by games like the witcher and rangers of shadow deep. The game will be playable in both solo and coop modes, with bands of heroes fighting AI goons in a series of interconnected missions.

To make sure that the focus is on the dungeon crawling aspects of the game, the game will be played on small 1'x1' to 2'x2' surfaces, and will contains lots of narrative events, weird enemies and shiny loot. This is a story-driven game, so don't expect a competitive game, but instead it's a game about tales of epic heroes and monsters.

Right now this game is in very very early production, basically still scribbles here and there, but things are starting to come together. Honestly we're not even sure exactly how this will be released, what it will contain, and which bits of it are going to be free/paid, so we'll only get into more details on that at a later point.

We're very excited for Slav28, and hope that you will enjoy the journey with us!

New Models

Finally, let's talk about the new 3D models that are coming in January.

At the top of this post you can find some concept art for the new Robot Legions models, courtesy of WolfDawg, who is going to be working with us on these models and some other upcoming factions.

Unfortunately for the Saurians we don't have any concept art to show off, but hopefully you can imagine what the new models will look like based on common lizardmen tropes and how the December models look.

Here's everything you'll get (17 models):

  • Robots - Technomancer x1
  • Robots - Guardians x5
  • Robots - Spider Walker x1
  • Saurians - Saurian Veteran on Tyrannosaur x1
  • Saurians - Gecko Priest x1
  • Saurians - Geckos x5
  • Saurians - Gators x3

Additionally we'll also have a new free collaboration model, courtesy of Punga Miniatures, who are the same peeps that make all of our 3D models for us. A lot of patrons have asked us for fantasy football miniatures, and that's exactly what they love to make. They have teams for ratmen, orcs, vampires, mummies... check them out!



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