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Alright everyone, we've been talking about this for a while, and finally we've got a first test version of FTL using D6's available for you. As discussed before, this change is being done as a test to see if we can get the game to feel less like a math exam and more like a fun spaceship battle with lots of "pew pew".

Here's the gist of the changes:

  • Weapons now have an attack value instead of an accuracy value, so you roll as many dice as attacks, and for each hit the target takes 1 damage.
  • Ships now hit based on the target's size. Bigger targets are hit on 2+, same sized target son 3+, and smaller targets on 4+.
  • Weapons now have multiple attacks, with most weapons having 2, whilst some like blast weapons only have 1 attack, and others like relentless weapons have 3 attacks.
  • What a target is hit it now tries to score its defense value to block hits, and a weapon's strength gives a negative modifier (much like AP from the other games).
  • Ship upgrades now take 3 damage to be disabled, and squadrons are now destroyed with 3 damage as well. Armor plating takes 4 damage to be disabled.
  • All ships, upgrades, weapons and special rules have been modified to reflect these changes, however only the ones from the core rules for now.

That's it, pretty simple actually. We're going to have to extensively test this system now, and see if it feels good as it is, or if it requires more tweaking. If you want to get a game in with us on Roll20 or TTS that would be great, then we can test together!

Get the D6 version here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43388556

Note that we still haven't made a final decision on switching to D6 yet, so things are open for changes. In any case, if we do decide to switch to D6, then we're going to take the current 2D6 system and apply it to a modified version of Orion's Gate, so it will still remain available for you to play. But again, no final decisions have been made yet.

Jakob's Path Survey

Last month we released the last chapter of Jakob's Path, and now that the full campaign is available, we'd like to hear your feedback on it!

We're going to leave this survey open indefinitely, so please take your time and read a couple of chapter and play a couple of missions before answering, thanks!

Survey is here: https://forms.gle/bsRiLaZnrdncSfQT9

Skeleton Spear Warriors

Rejoice skeleton fans, because you now have spears for them!

Check your Skeleton Warrior files on MMF, where you should find spear arms for all of your Skeleton Warrior models, which are of course completely free.

Post Quantity Poll

Over the past few months we've had a lot of new supporters join our Patreon, and some of them have complained that we make too many posts, which unfortunately means that they get a lot of automated Patreon e-mails in their inbox.

So, we'd like to hear your opinion, do you like the amount of posting we do? Do you think it's too much? Do you think it's too little? Let us know!



"Ships now hit based on the target's size. Bigger targets are hit on 2+, same sized target son 3+, and smaller targets on 4+." Relative difficulty is a little weird, as that makes smaller ships more accurate on the whole than larger ships, which in-fiction should have more dedicated firing crew and better computer-assisted targeting . Perhaps just fixed target numbers based on the size of the target?


I'd like to see a bit fewer posts (only being here for the rules), but 1 a week is too few if you have something to say. There is a lot of room between your two options. Thanks for asking. I wouldn't mind having an option (not necessarily a tier) that only gave rules-related posts.


The way I see it is not that the smaller ships are more accurate per-se, but that bigger ships offer a much larger and slow moving target, thus making them easier to hit compared to the tinier and faster moving targets. It's definitely an abstraction.

Justin McCormick

I don't mind frequent updates at all and I actually enjoy hearing about your progress and what not. It's the culture (cult?) so-to-speak that has made OnePageRules one of my favorite Patreons. I just don't want you to feel obligated to churn out a bunch of posts. Thanks, you have been a very welcome distraction from the chaos of 2020.

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

I am not seeing the unsupported version of the spear arms in the updated skeleton warrior archive.